Well, last night got interesting and awesome.
We went out to dinner with a bunch of my wife's friends like we normally do and the Taiwan chick was there. Usually when we go out it starts out with dinner and lots of beer followed by a club or karoake and lots of beer followed by a late night spot or two for food and even more beer. Stuff closes around 3am here but there's no law as when you have to close. We got in about 4am.
The night started out interesting at dinner with everybody including myself getting kinda drunk pretty early. The conversation quickly turned to the girls asking my wife to ask me to bring them all American vibrators next time we come because the Chinese stuff just ain't cutting it. We all left for the same club where the indiscretion occured a couple days earlier. I still don't think Taiwan chick told my wife but last night she told my wife in front of everybody that she wanted to kiss me. So for the rest of the night my wife gave me carte blanche to make out with the Taiwan chick. It may not sound like much but for a guy that hasn't so much as thought about another woman in the 6 years since I met my wife it was pretty awesome. I think my wife thought I deserved some fun as I've been a good sport just going with the flow the whole trip. I also think my wife was getting off on the fact that all the woman in the city wanted me and she's the one that has me.
The conversation at the club quickly turned dirty again with all the chicks asking my wife how big my dick was. They busted out a big hookah and were all pretending the long mouth piece was my cock. It was pretty entertaining. I'm pretty sure they all want me to fuck them and give them beautiful half American babies. Anywho for the rest of the night I pretty much hung out with Taiwan chick and made out with her in various settings. On the way to the late night food spot in the taxi we had some mutual light groping but nothing my wife would've frowned upon I think. We stopped at acouple more places to eat and drink and by the end of the night nobody could walk straight. Taiwan chick fell asleep with her head in my lap rubbing my thighs. Got 10 days left to see what else happens. The cats out of the bag, so to speak, so I'm going for broke and seeing what I can make happen. What happens in China, stays in China.

Sorry if this sounds like a weak ass pathetic soft core porno but it's been pretty exciting for this dedicated husband and father. I got better pics.
My wife and sexy Taiwan chick my wife let me make out with all night