Had a pretty busy and awesome last couple days.
We went to my wife's ancestor's graves and paid our respects a couple days ago. Involved alittle bit of hiking on some mountains which was fun and got some good pictures and got to see some cool stuff.

Then yesterday we went to the capital city and went to a park that was said to have some wild monkeys just roaming about. The park is big and beautiful and I enjoyed the hike around the park itself but was very interested to see these monkeys. As we ascended up the mountain I saw 2 walking down the road and thought that was cool. Never seen monkeys that close.
Then all of a sudden hundreds descended down the mountain like something straight out of Planets of the Apes. It was absolutely surreal and at first I was alittle terrified to be quite honest but the monkeys are best described as cheeky. They will let you feed them right from your hand, but then they will steal your whole bag of popcorn and your damn purse if you're not careful! It was a pretty fucking awesome experience. Apparently last time they counted there was 500 monkeys. From all the babies and child monkeys I saw I'd say that number is no longer correct. There are a bunch of fucking monkeys.

After we left the park we met up with my wife's friend in the city and drank til the wee hours of the morning. I'm nursing a terrible hangover and will end my telling of this leg of the journey with that. Hope you all are well!