I grow Cannabis but dont smoke it...

This may sound crazy but I remember I was able to get blazed off a bud the size of a tic tac. I could smoke way more but it was always the same result. I have bad anxiety because of my depression. I used to drink and that made my anxiety melt away. I was an alcoholic for about two years. I prefer drinking over smoking. I like that liquid courage. Anyway I decided to quit everything and have been clean and sober for over close to 3 years now (including smoking cigarrettes, coffee, energy drinks, processed foods/junk foods, pornography). Ive never felt so better in my life. My depression mainly stems from physical injuries I sustained at my job and I cant even stand for about 2 hours, which almost every job around here requires, I also have a back problem. I will tell you this though, I made rso about a year ago for someone who needed it. I had a syringe in a cookie jar and over the summer I think it built up pressure and when I checked on it the rsohad leaked out into the cookie jar. I took the syringe out and added hot water and scraped the corners with my fingers. I could see rso caked all over my nails and even deep inside the cracks. I then added alcohol to the jar and my fingers and cleaned it off. About thirty minutes later, I felt the pain from my feet and back going away. I started feeling warm all over. The closest thing I can relate to that is when I used to pop morphine pills. The green ones with the m on it. I had NO paranoia whatsoever. I dont want to try smoking the rso because maybe I think it was a fluke. I will say, Nothing I have tried like nsaids or muscle relaxers the doc has prescribed have helped like this experience with the rso this year I had. I am a firm believer in the medicinal benefits of cannabis. I have my personal opinion on cannabis in which it should only be used as a medicinal herb but thats just me. I see people who live off of social security who live with their parents and use their money to supply their habit with cannabis and dont have a job and thats what I think is wrong use of the herb. People smoking at concerts to enhance their experience or creative minds is wrong use of the herb. Again this is my opinion but Im getting off topic.
Dude if you're sober, go the sober way. Cannabis is a pain killer of sorts and has been used medically, religiously and recreationally in my culture for millennia; but, the most effective natural pain killer I know is opium. I do not recommend the use of opium for many reasons but there are effective ways in which it can be used with minimal side effects and to better effect than even rso. As we speak, opium is available with prescription at certain govt farmacies in Iran and is working well with patients.
Anyway, I applaud you for conquering all the obstacles in your life and I wish you find a permanent remedy for your pain.
Dude if you're sober, go the sober way. Cannabis is a pain killer of sorts and has been used medically, religiously and recreationally in my culture for millennia; but, the most effective natural pain killer I know is opium. I do not recommend the use of opium for many reasons but there are effective ways in which it can be used with minimal side effects and to better effect than even rso. As we speak, opium is available with prescription at certain govt farmacies in Iran and is working well with patients.
Anyway, I applaud you for conquering all the obstacles in your life and I wish you find a permanent remedy for your pain.
Over here in the us we have a heroine (opium) epidemic and I doubt a doctor will prescribe me morphine or anything like that. I wouldnt take it either way. Been there done that.
I get paranoid when i smoke too, even when i do it legally. I only smoke a very small amount at a time to avoid paranoia, like .1g. My paranoia is more likely to kick in if i havent smoked in a while (>7 days). I still get paranoid from time to time even with only taking a few hits, but i have scattered thoughts so it wont last long or be overwhelming
I was like you when I started, and the halfwit that I am, decided to though it our and push through the barrier of discomfort straight to the good part. needless to say I almost went crazy. I am a grower without many options other than the seeds I can get and grow, quite like yourself. what I did was this, roll small joints and take one hit at the time (~ 1 toke/hr). the first hit of the night is the most dangerous one so be careful. gradually work your way up to more hits and bigger joints, same is applicable to pipes and bongs, but don't fill the bowl and try to burn bits of it only, put in as much as you intend to smoke in one toke. don't do it in social settings if you have the tendency to feel insecure. and the golden rule, never ever ever mix with tobacco, I'd rather mix mine with paper than tobacco
Why not mix it with tobacco? I smoke .1g mixed with some tobacco and i find thats the best way to smoke such a small amount without wasting it
Tobacco gives a weird buzz, may add to anxiety
Tabacco for me helped with anxiety (its different for everybody) but that shits way more dangerous for your health (lungs etc) than cannabis is. I used to take caffeine for focus during workouts and after awhile I noticed I started feeling very anxious and after awhile I started getting paranoia so I stopped using caffeine. I drink pop every now and then but its not enought to trigger anxiety or paranoia for me.
I am very similar in my reactions to pot. The right strain and I feel pure joy and relaxation. The wrong strain and I'm in an anxiety fueled nightmare. I was down to my last seed of Orkle (in house genetics purple urkle x tahoe og) and don't currently have room to clone so I had to self a branch with colloidal silver just so I could keep the strain going. They don't sell this one anymore as far as I can tell, and the thought of being without it was depressing as it is the only strain I feel totally comfortable with. Got about 50 viable seeds off of one small branch so I should be good. The advice above is in the right ballpark in my opinion. 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 CBD/TCH seems to be a safer way to consume. Less chance of the fear creeping up on you in my experience. Good luck
Paranoia is one of the most frequent things that occur with a person when smoking weed.
If you have such a depressive state every time you smoke weed, you need to get rid of it once and for all. And I'm glad you don't smoke it anymore because it only worsens your condition. Yes, if weed helps some people, good for them, but in no case should you start smoking cannabis again stanchions in canada . As for me, I recently bought purple haze in the Calgary dispensary near Macleod Trail, and I'm trying it out. I don't like the rest of the varieties.
Paranoia is one of the most frequent things that occur with a person when smoking weed.
Paranoia is one of the most frequent things that occur with a person when smoking weed. If you have such a depressive state every time you smoke weed, you need to get rid of it once and for all. And I'm glad you don't smoke it anymore because it only worsens you. Yes, if people are helped by weed, and vice versa, in no case do not start smoking cannabis again. My advice to you. For example, I recently bought purple haze in the Legal Cannabis In Toronto shop, and this is the best weed I had. I don't like the rest of the varieties.
Your long rant is anything but readable. You need to break that up into paragraphs. Although I grow and don't smoke as well..
Seems like I'm not alone. I don't smoke. I did but have COPD. All I have to do to not smoke is look inside my pipe. That same crud in there is going into your lungs. You can clean it out of your pipe.

I do like edibles and that's what I recommend. You don't even have to make things like cookies or whatever. But do use an uplifting strain like Amnesia Haze. You can put a couple of finely ground buds in your morning juice.

I like cinnamon toast. Toast a slice of raisin bread and spread infused oil and cinnamon. I spread butter, RSO, and sprinkle a lot of cinnamon. I wouldn't use RSO if I were you. It's pretty strong and you would probably green out.

There are all kinds of ways to use it without smoking. Capsules are a very good way, especially if you don't smoke. I would use infused coconut oil. A good guide for dosing and getting used to it would be use the RSO dosing schedule for cancer EXCEPT with your coconut oil instead of RSO. The dose will light if you start with one drop

If I remember right I think it was @Lucky Luke about a year or 2 ago recommend caps to me. I don't like to use capsules because I have a choking problem, but I would if I could.