I got scammed?


Active Member
How about some pics while your growing it next time as well, congrats on the 600w its more economical than the 1000w I wish I would have gotten 2 600 instead of the 1000 and 600 I got but whatever overkill is always cool when you have the air exhausting into attic heat is not an issue. You will see a major difference in the HPS cant wait to see your next attempt, did you take any clones from the widow? My last widow grow I had two different kind of buds like two of same breed came out different and these were clones as well, some I chucked right into the hash as it was not as frosty and had different smell and buzz to them. This grow they are all frosty as hell so I am unsure if I did something with the bloom nutes last time just have seen widow come out different for sure in same grow. Great smoke when frosty and sweet as hell smelling in the jars. Good luck

I'm only gonna buy one 600 watt hps probably.. I only do 3 plants at a time just incase of the event of anything ever happening

I'm not gonna do any clones yet as I want to try out a variety of strains, my next grow is going to be one seed of one thing and a different seed of something else and i'm gonna see which is the best out of these

@ COgrow

I wasn't sure if white widow always has white cobweb kind of stuff around it, now I have found my answer