I got busted!


Well-Known Member
Thats sick shit mate, what class is mary in the US? Over here its a class B drug so if you get cought with a small grow/personal smoke you get a nice hefty fine and a spankin.
Depends, some states have decriminalized it so it is a slap on the wrist for the most part.....other states (primarily ones along the smuggling routes, Florida, Tx. etc) have very strict laws.....a pinner joint will put you behind bars.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Depends, some states have decriminalized it so it is a slap on the wrist for the most part.....other states (primarily ones along the smuggling routes, Florida, Tx. etc) have very strict laws.....a pinner joint will put you behind bars.
no search warrant?? of course if this dumb bitch let them in and they seen it out in the open, don't know if they need one? I'd say it was her weed.. serves her right. sorry for ya man!


Well-Known Member
Depends, some states have decriminalized it so it is a slap on the wrist for the most part.....other states (primarily ones along the smuggling routes, Florida, Tx. etc) have very strict laws.....a pinner joint will put you behind bars.
yea in ny its as bad as a parking ticket. i had a fifty dollar fine once. and a friend of mine had a 75 dollar fine


Well-Known Member
Hind sight is always 20/20. I got busted last November being stupid I harvested a plant and rather than taking straight to my curing shed at the other property I stopped to do some prep at a new site I planned for this season. Long story short someone called the law about my truck it didn't take long for them to smell what was in my tool box then I'm in handcuffs.
Bright side I had a good Lawyer got it knocked down to a class B misdemeanor. The cops think they are so bad-ass busting a pot smoker. (what a joke)


Active Member
yeah i live in texas and got pulled over by a state trooper... long story short went to jail for a oz of the fineist shit this side of the mississippi (afgahn kush) but anyways i felt like shit in there because i really thought he was just going to take it and let me go but when i get to jail i find out he brought someone else to jail for single joint


Active Member
It's just sad, the world is at war with a plant. A plant that could do so much good in the world. Create so many jobs, and enrich so many lives.

One day they will see the error of their ways.


Well-Known Member
dude it'll work out for ya. i live up in wisconsin n got busted growin cuz a friend got busted. if i enter a guilty plea i could get off with like 18 months probation.
How did your friend getting busted lead them to you?

Not sure what the laws are in Florida...
http://www.norml.com/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4530. They aren't as bad as South Carolina or one of those other liberty vacuums, but like somebody else said, it has a lot of trafficking to deal with, so the laws are harsh.
Mandatory 85% of all sentences served behind bars.
Ah, Florida: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/pub/timeserv/doing/index.html

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Hind sight is always 20/20. I got busted last November being stupid I harvested a plant and rather than taking straight to my curing shed at the other property I stopped to do some prep at a new site I planned for this season. Long story short someone called the law about my truck it didn't take long for them to smell what was in my tool box then I'm in handcuffs.
Bright side I had a good Lawyer got it knocked down to a class B misdemeanor. The cops think they are so bad-ass busting a pot smoker. (what a joke)
yeah, they think they're macho! go out and catch real criminals and quit pussyyfooting around with pot heads. I'm a cop hater!!!!!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Depends, some states have decriminalized it so it is a slap on the wrist for the most part.....other states (primarily ones along the smuggling routes, Florida, Tx. etc) have very strict laws.....a pinner joint will put you behind bars.

The laws in the us are a bit strange, like you have different laws in different states and then federal law on top of the other laws...madness on a sick i tell ya


Well-Known Member
Crazy shit..... Canada babe its the only way... or just dont get caught its easy enough.... How much did you have???


Well-Known Member
The laws in the us are a bit strange, like you have different laws in different states and then federal law on top of the other laws...madness on a sick i tell ya
yea man, its fuckin crazy. but honestly i really dont kno if i want weed to be Legalized anymore. for one dealers will be out of jobs, weed would be so much higher. if they were giving out jobs they would be getting paid alot less than if they were to grow it. it and also then everyone would be smoking and that would kill part of the reason why i love our culture. but yea the US is fucked up when it comes to law, but at the same time its a good thing because say if u didnt like a law u could always move

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
yea man, its fuckin crazy. but honestly i really dont kno if i want weed to be Legalized anymore. for one dealers will be out of jobs, weed would be so much higher. if they were giving out jobs they would be getting paid alot less than if they were to grow it. it and also then everyone would be smoking and that would kill part of the reason why i love our culture. but yea the US is fucked up when it comes to law, but at the same time its a good thing because say if u didnt like a law u could always move
yeah, I know what you mean, I wonder sometimes, that if was legal, it would really hit me in the pocketbook as every tom, dick, and harry would be growing it! LOL


Well-Known Member
yeah, they think they're macho! go out and catch real criminals and quit pussyyfooting around with pot heads. I'm a cop hater!!!!!
yea I had my son home and they were talking about child neglect and all that shit so i did not make them wait for a warrant. If it wasent for my son I would have not been so cool. I havent been hustleing in a year so it had to be someone from back in the day. I have a great lawyer that my brother is an investigator for who also smokes and is representing me for free! Thank God! he said the state is going to drop my cultivation to possesion since they were only 10 1 to 2 inch dwarf sprouts so we will see how it goes. Thanks for yals support and i will keep you posted

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
watch out for child protective services, they might say that you are a endangerment to your childs wellbeing...I know, got medical card and all and they still took my children away!! all for testing positive for marijuana...U.S. laws are bullshit anyway cause the federal laws always trump state laws... good luck and I hope it works out for you.. :)