So you spent 25k+ on equipment but never sold a gram's worth. Got it.

You lost your "brand new" home, your "brand new" BMW, your "brand new" HD truck. Sounds more like you were a basic grower/dealer and you got your ass popped. Being your "only my second grow" happened in March of 2012 and you were busted a month or two later, you sure didn't last that long. What this tells me is there WAS DEFINITELY A CI. There is no way they would be on you so quickly any other way.
How else did you make money that you could afford a new home and two autos worth 40k+ each? This is what confuses me. You are a newbie basically, your own threads and words prove this on here, yet you came into all this cash I'm assuming suddenly to buy not only the home and cars but this 25K+ setup. Could that have been a partial factor in the police getting interested in you?
You also talk about working on a 1983 lawsuit. To me this means you are in the business of suing for a living, another possible factor into why you may have been busted or had been on surveillance in the first place.
Your story to me seems interesting but strange, I imagine there is much more to the story and your post for me just creates all kinds of questions rather than creating the responses you had probably hoped to get on here.
Is there an actual point to your thread other than trying to find someone to buy your equipment? Seems to me buying any grow related items from you would be asking for trouble. Maybe drop that price in half. Good Luck.