I F##ked up, had the light on all night... 36 hours of light halfway through flower?


Well-Known Member
I forgot to turn off one light (long story short, I have one light that is not on a timer :clap:)

I left it on last night, this morning walked in the room and saw what I had done :-(

Well I really want this room to run in the day time now so I dont want to cut the light , they will have 36 hours of light straight ... is it over? are they all going to be stunt or sometimes you get lucky and nothing happens!!?

first time ... dont send bad vibes!! I was just reading that I should be ok ... not much I can do other than turning the light off now and they will get 24 hours instead of 36 but then the room won't be on the right cycle for me so at this point I think I ll just leave everything as is ... and buy an extra timer tonight ...
It ain't good, but what are you gonna do? Trashing them isn't an option, so just sit tight and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck :) Sending positive vibes out...
True ,.. I guess I want somebody to say . I did the exact same thing and all went well. hopefully nobody will say. I did the exact same thing and they all died
Dude you'll be fine and I'll admit I had the same thing happen to me. I flower with 4000 watts the last lights timer blew so I was manually shutting it off. My plants slowed growth for about a week it seemed and then were ok. Definitely get a new timer they sell five dollar ones at lowes.
I am so embarrassed, I just knew it was going to happen from the day I started to turn the light on and off manually ... and it's only a 90watts light in a 1200watts room... :evil:
I am so embarrassed, I just knew it was going to happen from the day I started to turn the light on and off manually ... and it's only a 90watts light in a 1200watts room... :evil:

Get a timer ASAP. lol. They are under $10 online. No reason not to have one when it could potentially fuck up your whole grow, or at bare minimum add stress to you and your plants.
Enduro!!! You'll be ok! I have come across this before as well. What happened was I leaned up against timer prongs when I was in a tight space. Caused my lights to come on randomly through the night. Well, I caught it after a few days. The plants started to re-veg again.

After it got used to the 12/12 again, it had a few extra leaves, but nothing to worry about.

If you did it one time, you should be ok. I understand your pains with the non-timer lights. I have 3 that aren't on timers so that I don't overheat my setup while I'm not keeping an eye on it. I went to bed and saw light and was like.. wtf? Well, I too had forgotten to unplug one. Even after I saw it and thought to myself I needed to turn it off earlier, I spaced it within 30 seconds I guess.

You should be ok though. Go back to your 12/12.

90W left on in a 1200w room. well, I left my 400 on in a 2800. stuff happens. if you catch it fast enough, you'll be ok.

I don't think you have anything to worry about if it was only one night :D
Have u left it before? or is this the first time? will prolly hermie :D

hey enduro, the led guy!...dont listen to people like this, one time with the light slip should be fine...i cant stand people who give shit advice like that, its NOT going to hermie, nothing bad will happen, just dont make a habit of it, good luck friend
Get a timer ASAP. lol. They are under $10 online. No reason not to have one when it could potentially fuck up your whole grow, or at bare minimum add stress to you and your plants.

I have 4 lights. Only 1 of them is on a timer. The reason I don't have timers on the 3 is simple. It's a setup preference. and I ran out of timers hahaha
The only hermie issue I've ever had was due to pinholes in the tent. If you have a pinhole while its dark, usually the plant closest to the pinhole will go herm. Simple fix for that is black nail polish.
You'll be fine, bro. People do this ALL the time to regenerate their plants. Many people, instead of harvesting the plant, will just trim most of the buds off and switch back to 18/6 or 24/0 to regenerate the plant. If it's something that's consistent, you will herm your plants, but I think you'll be alright. How far into flowering were you?
I've done this a couple of times. I have an overhead light with a pull string that I turn on sometimes (not much anymore) that I left on overnight one time about 3-4 weeks into flower. Absolutely nothing bad happened as a result.
I've done this a couple of times. I have an overhead light with a pull string that I turn on sometimes (not much anymore) that I left on overnight one time about 3-4 weeks into flower. Absolutely nothing bad happened as a result.

Yeah, many growers seem to think that if you look at a plant cross-eyed it will hermie. Chances are if your plant hermies you either really fucked something up, or it already had hermie tendencies.
no problem..get a timer and put them on your selected schedule...no worries.
It ain't going to fag out on you as long as you stop messing with the schedule.
If it does, it is what it is.;-)