I F##ked up, had the light on all night... 36 hours of light halfway through flower?

The only hermie issue I've ever had was due to pinholes in the tent. If you have a pinhole while its dark, usually the plant closest to the pinhole will go herm. Simple fix for that is black nail polish.
I've turned the light on in the room where my tent is during dark hours. I have the bottom flap on my tent open, never have I had an issue.
so my question is? why were u not checking ur girls dude? if they are nearby check in the a.m. for lights on and then in the p.m. for lights out. we r stoners. repetitive checking keeps us from getting too high and fucking shit up like u did. lol.
It is what it is bro they definitely freaked out and will revert back to veg and more then likely hermie bro it happen 2 me twice and sure enough it shot out bananas there used to a twelve twelve and once there schedule fucks up once thats all it takes for them to freak out just start over bro good luck.