I encourage you to stand, free Bree


Well-Known Member
He's still an asshole, and his buddy schuette

QUOTE: Any assertion that a person’s behavior associated with the medical use of marihuana presents an unreasonable danger to a child must be clearly expressed and supported by evidence."

So they have to prove it's an unreasonable danger. Association alone is not an unreasonable danger.


Well-Known Member
This is complete crap. Children are allowed to be in this program with 2 recommending physicians. That alone implies there is no danger to children IMO.

Its time to pass a better law.


Well-Known Member
This is fast become a high profile case. This will decide for me weather I stay in Michigan or carry on elsewhere. I believe its fight or flight time for the ol wood. If Michigan is willing to defend the Act, nows the time and it will show. If Michigan remains in the current corrupted political control of those pulling the act apart, I can no longer support the state and encourage the states people to flee and grow an economicly powerful community elsewhere. Take care and do good work.



Well-Known Member
Sadly my position is this: The state intends on fighting. Blow for blow, dollar for dollar, our community is easily bullied down by the corruption and held back by their tax funded attacks. Fighting as though they are an enemy of war, means they win your tax dollars that fund the fight, and the fight by beating you down before you ever make it to battle (may win the case, won't win the ride). They expect some fight, and are well equiped to handle it. That's the thing though, they expect a fight, and to win it. What happens when we leave, take the fight, our money, their funding, and let them stew in their own problems for a while until the drug war ends? In the mean time strenghtening our army fighting in other states. I believe a mass exit would be the most damaging to the state and the newly elected would face how to bring people back...


Well-Known Member
I also suspect If there were a campain made to encourage patients to leave the state for their own safty and the safty of their children, as a result of a corrupt state government, it would send a chilling message to not only the powers to be, but to the world. "Michigan residents flee as drug war refugees to find safty in cannabis friendly states"


Well-Known Member
I always give my honest opinion, and try to shoot strait.

I am faced with a hard spot. I cannot encourage others to call Michigan home. I must encourage parents to find safety outside of Michigan at this time. I have witnessed something most shocking by seeing the courts attack Maria, and Steeve Green by keeping their child. State custody should obviously be an avenue of safty for children in danger, however it is being used as punishment. It is apperant that there is underlying cause for the states attack and it exposes truths about a corrupt system that are impossible for me to accept. As some of you know, I work with patients and caregivers, businesses, expos, various events etc. My efforts however have shifted from encouraging others to maintain a legal profile and clean nose, to running for cover. I feel ashamed.


Well-Known Member
Constant battle makes us all weary my friend. I for one refuse to be driven from the mission I and my clan hav chosen. More battle plans are being formed an more warriors are being created every day. You have been an inspiration to many. Thank you


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^ Shitsake coffee spit on the monitor is awful!!!


Well-Known Member
This will be appealed if they win in circuit court. Get ready to pry a few more bucks outa yer ass.


Well-Known Member
Dear Michigan,
If your sick enough to have a medical marijuana card, your too sick to have: 2nd amendment rights, possession or use of your medication in a vehicle, section 8 housing or hearing (or anything), and most importantly children...no one should have children AND marijuana, that's just ludacris.

Plus, your not sick anyways so $*@# you.

A common Michigan theme, Judge.


Active Member
havent been able to get on and update.. but at the same time.. i'm mentally exhausted about this. and financially broke. been running up and down this state too much.

i want to write an amicus brief and submit it in The Green's case regarding 4i

need a lawyer to do the filing but the writing we can do. maybe get some organizations to sign on as well..