I don't know much about Californa, but, us Rhode Island Patients have the following on our side:Just because we legalize marijuana here in California does not mean it is going to exempt you (well not you because you're not from here) from a drug test at any company. They still have the right to not employ anyone who fails a drug test. Until it's decriminalized federally, companies still have the right to hire or fire you for marijuana.
BTW, if you've done any research, legalizing will not hurt anyone who sells marijuana for a living just because it is legalized...if that's true I would like to see your resources.
§ 21-28.6-4 Protections for the medical use of marijuana. (a) A qualifying patient who has in his or her possession a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use of marijuana; provided, that the qualifying patient possesses an amount of marijuana that does not exceed twelve (12) mature marijuana plants and two and one-half (2.5) ounces of usable marijuana. Said plants shall be stored in an indoor facility.
Do you Californians have any type of protection like that?