i dont get as high off joints


Well-Known Member
i only smoke spliffs,wrap the weed up in a kingsize blue rizla,and blaze that,it fucks me up everytime,,i dont like smoking weed through pipes and bongs anymore,,i did back in the day,used to make bongs all the time,put spirits in it sometimes,like vodka,rum etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,but im cool with a fat spliff now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


New Member
1.5 gram blunts? wtf? The blunts I get fit like 3 grams...but yeah I'm joints or blunts ALL THE WAY! Untill I get my crop growing then I'll get a bong.
you aint got your shit started yet brotha? I mean come on you should be on down the road nowadays. You been here a while and been decently active....you waiting to learn some more shit or waiting for the oppritunity?