Well-Known Member
Hmmm, you cite statistics when convenient and doubt them when its not. But I'm not replying to point out your obvious hypocrisy.Until the nuclear family structure is restored, things are only going to get worse. For all of us. The Democratic party scorns this notion, and most of the glib racists on RIU do as well. Look where that scorn has gotten us.
"In 1960, the year before Obama was born, 22 percent of black children lived with single parents. In 1968, the number rose to 31.4 percent. By 2006, the 1960 percentage had more than doubled to 56 percent.
In 2006, 91.4 percent of single parents of black children were mothers. That figure hasn't changed over the years. In 1960, it was a shade lower at 91 percent.
The figures for single-parent families show a rosier picture among other races. About 28 percent of children of all races lived with a single parent in 2006. In 1960, only about 9 percent of American children lived with a single parent.
And the single parents are overwhelmingly women. "
Statistics are best used to bolster a point. You just cite these stats as if they make a point. They don't. They only show the trends which I think you and I can agree are awful.
Do we also agree that the justice system through it's biased application of sentencing laws to make it 6 times more likely to incarcerate black men than white men arrested for similar crimes is a major factor in this trend? Also racial profiling of young black men to selectively stop, search, perform background checks, beat them and arrest them is another factor? If so, then I'd like to know what happened to the real Desert Dude.
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