I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong..


Active Member
Okay, I'll try to be as detailed as possible so I apologize ahead of time for what may for some be a long read.

On exactly September 20th, I went to a local medical marijuana shop with a friend in Toronto. He got some 100% Female clones of Hawaiian Punch (although I think it's Hawaiian Skunk). The clones were taken care of for maybe 1 or 2 weeks roughly, until the seedlings were sprouted and the plants were 2 and 3 inches in height respectively.

It's my first grow, so I didn't expect spectacular results, but I have been having significant problems. For a while, I was over at Grasscity.com looking around and posting repeatedly in a frantic panic to figure out what was up with my plants.

Because this was my first grow I obviously didn't have every single material that I needed and had to buy them as people recommended them to me when problems came up. Also my budget was and still remains really tight so I had to purchase those recommended items as the money came in.

The plants started out in their own pots (the first attached picture which is only an hour after I got them home from the shop) which had a potting mix that I am not sure of what the contents were, however I was told the plants were not fed.

When I first got the plants, I used only pH balanced water, at exactly 6.5. For a few days the plants were ok, but I noticed they were not growing that much. This worried me so I panicked and went on forums asking for help everywhere. Eventually I was told to get a bunch of stuff and over a period of time I got the items.

I was feeding the plants initially with nothing but pure water, no nutes or anything added, for their first week and a half or so. After that, I mixed 1/4 strength Miracle Gro (I KNOW People say its bad but all my budget could afford, and all the stores had) all-purpose nutrients, @ 24-8-16. I also bought some schultz @ 30-10-10 but I have yet to use it.

Up until last week I had not added any Epsom salts to the water, but have since done so 2 waterings ago, but not since (I was told to do it slowly). I also was told my plants could have a phosphorous deficiency and to supplement just a VERY SMALL ammount, maybe even 1/8th strength, of my Schultz blooming food @ 10-54-10 to get the phosphorous back up to normal levels. I did so on the plants last watering, which was Friday.

Also, last week I noticed some bugs on my plants and was told they could be spider mites and the plants displayed symptoms on the leaves (whitening spots) of spider mite damage. I quickly went out and bought some "SAFERS INSECTICIDAL SOAP" and sprayed the shit out of my plants with it. The soap killed every single bug on the plants and I No longer have a problem with bugs, and I check repeatedly to be sure.

I have been foliar misting the plant leaves with pH balanced water and a tad of Epsom salts mixed into it, just to wash off the excess insecticidal soap.

I was not planning on having a HUGE harvest, and I was planning on vegging for exactly 4 weeks, which would give me until October 20th exactly. The plants are now 9.5 and 9 inches from the soil, and are relatively short and stalky. I have moved the lights to a higher point to help stretch the plants out just a tad and get rid of the bushiness.

One more side note... After I sprayed the plants with the soap I did not let the leaves dry off (Idiot I know) and put them back under the light. It caused what I really really hope (that you guys can verify by the pictures too) is leaf burning from the lights + plant not being properly dried off.

My setup is as follows:
-pH exactly 6.5, soil runoff is @ 6
-8 CFL lights @ 20w each, all placed (until I moved them a few days ago) approximately 2 inches above the plants.
- Watering when soil is dry, approx every 3-4 days
- Feeding @ 1/4 strength nutrients @ 24-8-16 every 7 or 8 days, they have only been fed these nutes twice so far
- light schedule is 24/0

Anything else you guys need to know let me know.. I hope the plants aren't THAT bad. I know they definately could be better. I attached a bunch of pictures, ranging from the first day I got them, the second week I got them and literally 2 minutes ago when I just took pictures for this message to you guys. The 6th picture in is a picture of one of the leaves that got badly burnt after I put the plants back under the lights subsequently to the insecticidal soap spraying.


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Looks like nute problems. Maybe Iron, magnesium, or even potassium? Not sure but I would flush good and then cut back on the feeding so they recover. Your new growth doesn't seem as bad. Foiler spray your plants with that epsom salt and water mixed at about 2% if its stronger than that then that could be your problem. You could also put them in bigger pots. I'm not saying thats your problem but it wouldn't hurt either. The rule of thumb should be, "when in doubt, flush it out".

Hope this helps, Good Luck!

P.S. Use neem oil for insect control. If you spray once a month or so, you should take care of and prevent any insect problems. Not to mention that its natural and full of trace elements, the plants will love you for it!
I have only foliar fed the plants exactly 4 times. First was when I got them I was not aware of anything so I mixed 1/4 strength nutrients and foliar fed them, after finding out that was not wise I stopped. The final 3 times were 1 time before the insecdicidal soap was put on them (cannot remember the increment in days), and then 2 times after someone told me to use Epsom salts with the mist.

They were also transferred already from their original 4'' pots to 8'' pots.
Well man, I hate to tell you but that is a nute problem.

First, what ppm is 1/4 strength. You need to know what that is. It needs to be around 400. What kind of water are you using, tap, well?
The epsom salt is to treat for deficiency problems, its not an everyday or even a regular spray that you should use if you don't have problems. Maybe its toxicity? Thats why you flush. To erase everything and start over.

Second, how deep is a 8" pot? How many gallons of grow medium does it hold? You need a gallon of medium for every foot of growth.

I'm just trying to help man. I've had plants like that before and its not hard to fix. I just think you think there's a quick fix remedy out there but the truth is cut back on everything. LESS IS MORE!:bigjoint:
I have absolutely no clue what the ppm is @ 1/4 strength and until you mentioned it I have never heard of it. I wouldn't have a clue. I am using Toronto tap water, left to sit overnight or 48 hrs.

The pots are 3.65 litres (3.84 Gallons, or somewhere near that), filled with organic potting mix with just 2 cups perlite mixed into each potting mix and a bit of humus also. The pot is measured to be approximately 7 inches deep from the very top to the very bottom.

My plan, according to their schedule was to veg for 4 weeks exactly and then set them into flowering, just to see what the 1st grow could turn out like (as I said I am not going for anything huge for my 1st grow try, I just want to experiment). Which would mean I would change everything over on October 20th exactly 4 weeks to the day that I got them (which would make them a total of maybe 5 or 6 weeks old).

The vegging nutes the plants have been fed @1/4 strength has only been applied twice so far. :(
You gotta get a ppm meter to tell what strength you're feeding at. Pots sound good. Maybe its the organic soil? What was in it? I don't know for sure, I'm just giving you a starting point to solve your problem. If its just an experiment, then f^&* it. Just flip em and see what happens. Just; at least flush before you switch to your flower nutes.
Ahh, I don't got the budget for a ppm meter at the moment, but I will definitely take your advice and get one for the future.

The plants have been in the organic soil for approximately 3.5 weeks now, only for roughly 3 days were they in their original pots with the unknown mixture. The organic soil I put them in contains Humus, Perlite, and Peat Moss. The only thing I added to it were 2 cups of Perlite as per someone's recommendation.

When I said it's just an experiment, I didn't totally mean that sorry. I meant that I don't care if I get 1 or 2 pounds or 1 ounce. What I am going for is to just test the technique and have a fast grow for the 1st time to work the kinks out. But I most definately still don't want to have the time and money I have put into these two plants to go to waste and have them be dead or the absolute shittiest quality weed.

Yeah it's really a perplexing problem for me lol. I'm not sure what it is. I'm not certain what I should do come the 20th if I do decide to flower on that date either, but there are faq's and I can read.
Trust me man, its not that perplexing. Just flush em and start over. You've listened to so many people, try this man! In 2 weeks you can pm me and tell me how right I was. I've been doing this toooooooooooooo loooonnnnnnnnngggggg. I got a huge garden so I've seen majority of it all. I've definately seen your problem to many times. Flush and get that ppm meter.
You know I'm not talking about literally flushing them right? I'm talking about rinsing out the soil. Thats flushing. I not trying to treat you my man, it just seems like were not on the same page for some reason. Flushing gets rid of all the buildup in the soil.
by no means am I arguing with you. I am totally 1000000% listening to you and everything you say, I'm just giving you feedback of information that may change or help you come to a conclusion as to what the issue may be :)

As for flushing, I believe I know what you mean.. Isn't it on your next watering cycle you just use 2x the amount of water per soil that you have (i.e 3 liters of soil = 6 liters of water) and water as normally with that amount with no nutes or anything supplemented into it. Correct?

Also, would you recommend that I flush them now and once that's done their next feeding start the flowering? Or should I flush them and give them a bit more time in the veg stage to get some recovery and perhaps one more veg feeding before flowering?
I flush when ever I see I have a problem or right before I flip to flowering, or after week 4 of flowering. I flush until the run off looks like white tea, if its dark brown, I keep going. But basicly you got it.

Your problem is nute related. Good Luck!
Miracle Grow is fine. I use the kind that dissolves in water and then you water your plants. If you have a nutrient problem, Miracle Grow takes care of everything, vitamins, minerals, whatever. I don't know what epsom salts are, but if you are using the Miracle Grow that mixes into the water, then you should have no use for epsom salts. As long as the new growth is unaffected by those brown spots, I wouldn't worry. It sounds like you aren't even adding full nutrients yet, so it definitely can't be nutrient burn. Those babies should be getting nutrients full on now. I use Miracle Grow and the box tells me how to mix it. I'v never had any problems. Nutrient recipes are like chili recipes, everybody has one, and they all think theirs is the best. Some add badger balls to the soil, others pee in the soil, still others use leprechaun nipples, snake blood, and bat toenails. You get my drift? Miracle Grow is fool proof.
Ok.. So which is it.. I have been mixing the one that you are talking about, dissolves in water and turns it blue. Epsom salts supplement Magnesium. Also, I don't know if it means anything but my runoff is relatively clear.
My MG looks like this picture. It doesn't have magnesium. I figure it isn't needed that badly. I've already grown with MG once and got about 1 oz. per plant. Run off doesn't mean a thing, mine is always clear. My grow journal using Miracle Grow(Gasp!):shock:. I grow and live by a couple of sayings: Less is more and Keep it simple stupid


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Yep those are the EXACT same two plant foods I have. So what do you think I should do then? SHould I flush or add 1/2 strength nutes rather than 1/4?

I noticed in your grow journal that you said you were growing until the clones were 8-10'' tall which falls within the range that my plants are within right now. If that helps.
I add nutrients when they are about 2 1/2-3 weeks old. I find that if I add nutrients before that, the leaves turn brown and crusty. Don't get me wrong, brown and crusty leaves are bad but they aren't that bad, especially when those are the first leaves to fall off during flowering anyway. They will keep growing. If your plants are over 4 inches and have a developed root system, which I imagine they do since they've grown quite a lot compared to your 1st picture, then I would give them full strength nutrients with watering every 5-7 days(or when your plants start to droop).
Ok thanks a lot for the recommendations guys :) I appreciate the help a lot.

If by chance I end up fucking the plants up and feeding them too much, is there a timeframe I should wait until the next watering before I flush them? Or should I flush them right away as soon as I see indications (even if it's only minutes after feeding them)?
Okay, I'll try to be as detailed as possible so I apologize ahead of time for what may for some be a long read.

On exactly September 20th, I went to a local medical marijuana shop with a friend in Toronto. He got some 100% Female clones of Hawaiian Punch (although I think it's Hawaiian Skunk). The clones were taken care of for maybe 1 or 2 weeks roughly, until the seedlings were sprouted and the plants were 2 and 3 inches in height respectively.

It's my first grow, so I didn't expect spectacular results, but I have been having significant problems. For a while, I was over at Grasscity.com looking around and posting repeatedly in a frantic panic to figure out what was up with my plants.

Because this was my first grow I obviously didn't have every single material that I needed and had to buy them as people recommended them to me when problems came up. Also my budget was and still remains really tight so I had to purchase those recommended items as the money came in.

The plants started out in their own pots (the first attached picture which is only an hour after I got them home from the shop) which had a potting mix that I am not sure of what the contents were, however I was told the plants were not fed.

When I first got the plants, I used only pH balanced water, at exactly 6.5. For a few days the plants were ok, but I noticed they were not growing that much. This worried me so I panicked and went on forums asking for help everywhere. Eventually I was told to get a bunch of stuff and over a period of time I got the items.

I was feeding the plants initially with nothing but pure water, no nutes or anything added, for their first week and a half or so. After that, I mixed 1/4 strength Miracle Gro (I KNOW People say its bad but all my budget could afford, and all the stores had) all-purpose nutrients, @ 24-8-16. I also bought some schultz @ 30-10-10 but I have yet to use it.

Up until last week I had not added any Epsom salts to the water, but have since done so 2 waterings ago, but not since (I was told to do it slowly). I also was told my plants could have a phosphorous deficiency and to supplement just a VERY SMALL ammount, maybe even 1/8th strength, of my Schultz blooming food @ 10-54-10 to get the phosphorous back up to normal levels. I did so on the plants last watering, which was Friday.

Also, last week I noticed some bugs on my plants and was told they could be spider mites and the plants displayed symptoms on the leaves (whitening spots) of spider mite damage. I quickly went out and bought some "SAFERS INSECTICIDAL SOAP" and sprayed the shit out of my plants with it. The soap killed every single bug on the plants and I No longer have a problem with bugs, and I check repeatedly to be sure.

I have been foliar misting the plant leaves with pH balanced water and a tad of Epsom salts mixed into it, just to wash off the excess insecticidal soap.

I was not planning on having a HUGE harvest, and I was planning on vegging for exactly 4 weeks, which would give me until October 20th exactly. The plants are now 9.5 and 9 inches from the soil, and are relatively short and stalky. I have moved the lights to a higher point to help stretch the plants out just a tad and get rid of the bushiness.

One more side note... After I sprayed the plants with the soap I did not let the leaves dry off (Idiot I know) and put them back under the light. It caused what I really really hope (that you guys can verify by the pictures too) is leaf burning from the lights + plant not being properly dried off.

My setup is as follows:
-pH exactly 6.5, soil runoff is @ 6
-8 CFL lights @ 20w each, all placed (until I moved them a few days ago) approximately 2 inches above the plants.
- Watering when soil is dry, approx every 3-4 days
- Feeding @ 1/4 strength nutrients @ 24-8-16 every 7 or 8 days, they have only been fed these nutes twice so far
- light schedule is 24/0

Anything else you guys need to know let me know.. I hope the plants aren't THAT bad. I know they definately could be better. I attached a bunch of pictures, ranging from the first day I got them, the second week I got them and literally 2 minutes ago when I just took pictures for this message to you guys. The 6th picture in is a picture of one of the leaves that got badly burnt after I put the plants back under the lights subsequently to the insecticidal soap spraying.

just stop feeding.
if your plants are like this in vegg, they wont be happy when in 12/12.
just repott into there final pots and give a good water to help flush all the crap out of the soil.
and dont feed for a coulpe of weeks, before 12/12.
and i would stop all the folar feeding.

i dont feed till 2 weeks before 12/12.
Ok. I've given them a full watering with absolutely nothing added into the water, not even Epsom salts.

On October 20th, or around that date (perhaps a few days after) I will set them into their flowering stage. What would you suggest then? Should I just flush with regular water until then or the next time they need watering should I add 1/2 strength nutes? Or should I just add the blooming food and set them into flowering right away on the planned date(s)?
Okay, I'll try to be as detailed as possible so I apologize ahead of time for what may for some be a long read.

On exactly September 20th, I went to a local medical marijuana shop with a friend in Toronto. He got some 100% Female clones of Hawaiian Punch (although I think it's Hawaiian Skunk). The clones were taken care of for maybe 1 or 2 weeks roughly, until the seedlings were sprouted and the plants were 2 and 3 inches in height respectively.

It's my first grow, so I didn't expect spectacular results, but I have been having significant problems. For a while, I was over at Grasscity.com looking around and posting repeatedly in a frantic panic to figure out what was up with my plants.

Because this was my first grow I obviously didn't have every single material that I needed and had to buy them as people recommended them to me when problems came up. Also my budget was and still remains really tight so I had to purchase those recommended items as the money came in.

The plants started out in their own pots (the first attached picture which is only an hour after I got them home from the shop) which had a potting mix that I am not sure of what the contents were, however I was told the plants were not fed.

When I first got the plants, I used only pH balanced water, at exactly 6.5. For a few days the plants were ok, but I noticed they were not growing that much. This worried me so I panicked and went on forums asking for help everywhere. Eventually I was told to get a bunch of stuff and over a period of time I got the items.

I was feeding the plants initially with nothing but pure water, no nutes or anything added, for their first week and a half or so. After that, I mixed 1/4 strength Miracle Gro (I KNOW People say its bad but all my budget could afford, and all the stores had) all-purpose nutrients, @ 24-8-16. I also bought some schultz @ 30-10-10 but I have yet to use it.

Up until last week I had not added any Epsom salts to the water, but have since done so 2 waterings ago, but not since (I was told to do it slowly). I also was told my plants could have a phosphorous deficiency and to supplement just a VERY SMALL ammount, maybe even 1/8th strength, of my Schultz blooming food @ 10-54-10 to get the phosphorous back up to normal levels. I did so on the plants last watering, which was Friday.

Also, last week I noticed some bugs on my plants and was told they could be spider mites and the plants displayed symptoms on the leaves (whitening spots) of spider mite damage. I quickly went out and bought some "SAFERS INSECTICIDAL SOAP" and sprayed the shit out of my plants with it. The soap killed every single bug on the plants and I No longer have a problem with bugs, and I check repeatedly to be sure.

I have been foliar misting the plant leaves with pH balanced water and a tad of Epsom salts mixed into it, just to wash off the excess insecticidal soap.

I was not planning on having a HUGE harvest, and I was planning on vegging for exactly 4 weeks, which would give me until October 20th exactly. The plants are now 9.5 and 9 inches from the soil, and are relatively short and stalky. I have moved the lights to a higher point to help stretch the plants out just a tad and get rid of the bushiness.

One more side note... After I sprayed the plants with the soap I did not let the leaves dry off (Idiot I know) and put them back under the light. It caused what I really really hope (that you guys can verify by the pictures too) is leaf burning from the lights + plant not being properly dried off.

My setup is as follows:
-pH exactly 6.5, soil runoff is @ 6
-8 CFL lights @ 20w each, all placed (until I moved them a few days ago) approximately 2 inches above the plants.
- Watering when soil is dry, approx every 3-4 days
- Feeding @ 1/4 strength nutrients @ 24-8-16 every 7 or 8 days, they have only been fed these nutes twice so far
- light schedule is 24/0

Anything else you guys need to know let me know.. I hope the plants aren't THAT bad. I know they definately could be better. I attached a bunch of pictures, ranging from the first day I got them, the second week I got them and literally 2 minutes ago when I just took pictures for this message to you guys. The 6th picture in is a picture of one of the leaves that got badly burnt after I put the plants back under the lights subsequently to the insecticidal soap spraying.
why would you want to get rid of the bushiness thats what you want dont streach your plants they will do that plenty themselves when flowering and is that tin foil if it is it can cause burns on the leaves so not advisable