I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong..

I find the easiest way to know that your plants are dry is to wait for the soil to get dry and then wait for the plants leaves to start drooping. That means the plant needs water and I then water them.

I ran into a watering problem with my 1st grow however. I over watered them, and if you over water them the plant begins to droop too. So if the soil is real wet and the plant is still drooping after like 12 hours after watering, you over watered. I killed 5 plants this way in one fell swoop.
Even though it's my first grow, I am absolutely 100% positive I am not overwatering. I water only when the soil is dry 1.5-2 inches deep into the soil. I press my finger into it, and if it's even remotely moist I leave the plants for another day and check again. If it's dry, it's water time.