I came for all the good Biden posts

Just started getting into it during this pandemic. Still trying different brands and even bought a sampler pack. Hadn’t considered making my own but you’ve just inspired me. Any suggestions on where to start my research?
I was going to ask you!
Here's what I make for for breakfast every Friday morning, I call it the "18 wheeler delight"

3 scrambled eggs
3 Eckrich cheddar Smok-y links
2 pieces buttered wheat toast
View attachment 4823835
Sounds awesome!
I was going to ask you!
One of the first sites I go to when researching food projects is seriouseats.com

Heres the link I just found.

Not doing it today but I’ll update when I do.

Thanks again for the inspiration
Here's what I make for for breakfast every Friday morning, I call it the "18 wheeler delight"

3 scrambled eggs
3 Eckrich cheddar Smok-y links
2 pieces buttered wheat toast
View attachment 4823835

Hey, do you like my OG Raskal coffee cup? It's my favorite coffee cup I have. I've had that cup for a long time, I got from Attitude seed bank when I ordered some seeds

Oh damn. That sure looks good compared to the pine cones & thistle with yogurt that I'm about to eat.