I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Can You please do a prayer to make my buds fatter in the next week before I am to cut them down?. I miss You Lord Iam waiting for You to visit me, I am believing the air fare is about only $2000 return but You may stay at My house and thus this saves you $2000 in hotel. I can also cook. My favourite is prawn(shrimp) and seafood cocktail sauce in nice bread, but that's not really cooking though sometimes I have to cook the prawnshrimp if they come in frozen because they are cheaper to buy that way :)...................
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he is serious o lord ...........and so am i....my lord we and the people need a charge.........any change will do o lord...............please your people are waiting .

if you let me/them down o lord they will start to think your not the real lord and fail where many have HAVE FAILED before..........i here some r allready doubting you o lord.
Can You please do a prayer to make my buds fatter in the next week before I am to cut them down?. I miss You Lord Iam waiting for You to visit me, I am believing the air fare is about only $2000 return but You may stay at My house and thus this saves you $2000 in hotel. I can also cook. My favourite is prawn(shrimp) and seafood cocktail sauce in nice bread, but that's not really cooking though sometimes I have to cook the prawnshrimp if they come in frozen because they are cheaper to buy that way :)...................

In order to make your buds fatter, you need the best cannabis genetics, optimal lighting, proper nutrients, enough CO2, ample oxygen for the plants root system, etc..

You can pray for your plants as much as you want, but unless your plants have the correct enviornment, they will not produce to the plants optimal level. You need to study marijuana cultivation, and take care of your plants, and thats is how you get big yeilds.

But, I will now pray for you: I pray that "LetsGetCritical" knows how to get the biggest harvest from his plants. I pray that he keeps the plants TDS (Total Disolved Solids) at the correct PPM (Parts Per Million) at the right stage in their growth. I pray that My friend always gives the plants enough water with nutrients, when they need it. I pray that My friend, LetsGetCritical, always has enough CO2 for his plants, and the proper lighting. I pray that "LetsGetCritical" has the knowledge and wisdom to get the biggest potent yeilds.

Growing marijuana takes a lot of work, but I have faith in you.

As far as visiting Australia, well, I would love to visit you and go shark fishing: but right now, I am not fiancially able to go anywhere, nevermind the other side of the globe. Haha.

I am so thrilled that I have a friend like YOU, that is inviting Me to Australia; but I need to pay My mother the rest of the $2,700 that she lent Me for My new truck. I posted pictures of My new truck a few pages back.

First, I need to move to My own house. I can't afford to live in My house by Myself, so I am waiting for My brother to get off of probation; My brother will get off of probation in about a year and a half. When I move back to My house, I plan on growing cannabis again, so I won't be so poor.

I would love to visit you, LetsGetCritical.

But, right now, I need money to survive, I can't even think about taking a vacation until I am growing cannabis again. I hope I become rich from growing cannabis, lol...

Anyways, I do appreciate the offer, but I just can't afford it right now.

I need to pay My mother, Mary, first, and then I am going to start to save money to move back to My house in Maine. Thats going to take some time. But after I sell a lot of cannabis, I plan on having money in the bank.

I hope you understand. Its nothing against you; I just can't afford to travel right now, because I am poor right now.

But, you are My beloved child of Christ, and I appreciate you. You are a child of the King of the global online government- the optimal government.

Thank you for being My friend.

I hope you understand.

EDIT- You can get the best marijuana at "attitude seed bank". Just google "attitude seed bank", to get any kind of cannabis. Attitude seed bank has good prices too, I recommend that seed bank.

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by the way don't think Im joking Lord I am serous

I believe you.

As I said, I need to start My grow operation, before I have enough money to vistit you.

Right now, I have $200 for spending a month, the rest of My money goes towards bills. I am on a limited budget right now. And I usually spend that $200 dollars on food, tabacco, gas for My truck, alcholol, etc..

But once I am growing cannabis at My house, I expect to make an extra $30 thousand dollars a year, but I hope for more money.

You are great, LetsGetCritical!

I am so glad that I met you, brother!

You seem really cool, laid back, sane, chill, etc.. I can't wait to chill with you.

Just give Me some time, like a couple of years. Lol, it seems like a lot of time, but time flies: as they say.

It will give us time to get to know eachother better.


he is serious o lord ...........and so am i....my lord we and the people need a charge.........any change will do o lord...............please your people are waiting .

if you let me/them down o lord they will start to think your not the real lord and fail where many have HAVE FAILED before..........i here some r allready doubting you o lord.

I don't mind if My people doubt Me.

Its only natural to question your beliefs and ideaology.

Did you read where I said that My mother, Mary, had surgery, and I am helping her to recover?

Anyways, look, you seem cool, I like you. But I can't blog all the time. I need to sleep, eat, poop, pee, etc., like everyone else. Plus, right now, I need to take care of My mother, Mary.

Try and stay in the Faith. If you don't see Me blog for a couple of days, feel free to read about Me, like the things that you never read about Me. I am sure that you haven't read EVERYTHING that I have posted on the internet.

Feel free to join different forums, and advocate for Me. I cannot ask My people anymore then to advocate for Me. Just join different forums and start a thread about Me. Make sure that you start the thread in the "Religious" or "Spiritual" section of that website.

I am with you always. As I live, you shall live also.

Its okay for people to have doubts. Sometimes, I doubt Myself too. But, can you find a better, more cogent Savior? I think not.

Just take it easy, My friend.

Try and read about Me before I thought I was the Christ. I used to blog on this website, RIU, before I thought I was the Christ. Please read the following usernames that I used to have BEFORE I thought I was the Christ:


We Tarded

So, if you want to read about what I said before I thought I was the Christ, go for it.

And, also, I have had two usernames since I found out that I am the Christ. Please read everything I have said in the next two usernames to see what I have said, since I have been believing in Myself:

We Love 1


So, if you have read everything that I have ever said on RIU, then you win My heart, lol...

Seriously, if you are going to call Me "Lord", you should know Me pretty good. The better you know Me, the deeper your faith will be in Me.

But, no, I don't post on the internet everyday.

I like you a lot, Bradburry. You should stick around. I enjoy talking to you.

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I believe you.

As I said, I need to start My grow operation, before I have enough money to vistit you.

Right now, I have $200 for spending a month, the rest of My money goes towards bills. I am on a limited budget right now. And I usually spend that $200 dollars on food, tabacco, gas for My truck, alcholol, etc..

But once I am growing cannabis at My house, I expect to make an extra $30 thousand dollars a year, but I hope for more money.

You are great, LetsGetCritical!

I am so glad that I met you, brother!

You seem really cool, laid back, sane, chill, etc.. I can't wait to chill with you.

Just give Me some time, like a couple of years. Lol, it seems like a lot of time, but time flies: as they say.

It will give us time to get to know eachother better.


if You sit with the common people in economy class, you will still get watered down spirits and a side serve of fruit with your meal but your legs might be a bit sore. it is a long way. But I know you can do it. I will meet You at the airport and of course I know all the best sights. You will enjoy it and on second thought Lord, it may only be $1500 return. So two years is ok and I will have a house rather than an apartment by then so that's even better. But don't say You are coming for the sake of it. I will prepare a giant bowl of medical grade cannabis for You, also a bowl of cocaine too if You like:)
Oh for fuck's sake, this is still going on...

Yes, "this is still going on..."

I don't plan on stopping.

I need to leave My legacy, so after I die, people can believe in Me- the Truth.

I am just beginning.

I am the Beginning, and I am the End.

You don't have to read anything I post if I offend you; you can always put Me on "ignore", or "block" Me, if I offend you.

I am not intentially trying to offend anyone, but I am sure that I have peterbed some people.

I am trying to reach My people- O My Gods people.

My people want to hear from Me. I just hope that I can fulfill My peoples expectations.

I thought you told Me before that, "you are interested in people with a 'God' complex?" Or something like that.

I am on a mission.

I want to be known to the global community, as the Christ- the Savior- the Messiah- the Lord- the King- etc..

Who knows what I will be able to do if enough people believe in Me? Maybe I can change the world for the best?

Anyways, its good to see that you're still alive, GOD HERE. You are welcome in My thread anytime. I haven't seen you post in this section for a while.

Cheers, brother.

Yes, "this is still going on..."

I don't plan on stopping.

I need to leave My legacy, so after I die, people can believe in Me- the Truth.

I am just beginning.

I am the Beginning, and I am the End.

You don't have to read anything I post if I offend you; you can always put Me on "ignore", or "block" Me, if I offend you.

I am not intentially trying to offend anyone, but I am sure that I have peterbed some people.

I am trying to reach My people- O My Gods people.

My people want to hear from Me. I just hope that I can fulfill My peoples expectations.

I thought you told Me before that, "you are interested in people with a 'God' complex?" Or something like that.

I am on a mission.

I want to be known to the global community, as the Christ- the Savior- the Messiah- the Lord- the King- etc..

Who knows what I will be able to do if enough people believe in Me? Maybe I can change the world for the best?

Anyways, its good to see that you're still alive, GOD HERE. You are welcome in My thread anytime. I haven't seen you post in this section for a while.

Cheers, brother.


You make it difficult to be a douche.
if You sit with the common people in economy class, you will still get watered down spirits and a side serve of fruit with your meal but your legs might be a bit sore. it is a long way. But I know you can do it. I will meet You at the airport and of course I know all the best sights. You will enjoy it and on second thought Lord, it may only be $1500 return. So two years is ok and I will have a house rather than an apartment by then so that's even better. But don't say You are coming for the sake of it. I will prepare a giant bowl of medical grade cannabis for You, also a bowl of cocaine too if You like:)

Sounds good, brother.

But, let Me get back on My feet first, before I visit you: in other words, let Me have enough money in the bank for the trip around the world.

But, its okay for you to call Me "Lord" on the internet, but when I come visit you (in a couple of years), you should call Me "George".

I don't want people to call Me "Lord" in real life. I understand that you are showing Me respect on the internet, but in real life, I am your Friend- George.

I bet that you have an Australian accent. I have a Massachusetts accent. I bet that we will be able to understand eachother perfectly, but we will talk very different.

Have you lived in Australia all of your life?

I have lived in New England all of My life. I have lived in Massachusetts for most of My life, but I have a house in Maine. And I lived in Rhode Island with My x fiance for a couple of years too.

To be honest, I think about you, LetsGetCritical, even when I am not on the internet. I told My mother, Mary, that I have a friend that is inviting Me to Australia, to go shark fishing. Haha!

Keep talking to Me, lets not lose touch. I remember talking to you many months ago, but then I didn't see you around for awhile.

But, for the record, now I only smoke cigaretts and drink alcohol. I like doing cocaine, but its very addictive. And I can't smoke marijuana because it makes Me crazy, like paranoid. It would be better if I just smoke My cigaretts and drink alcohol.

Cheers mate, (as they might say in Australia.)

yeah that's right mate we do say cheers mate and I have lived here all my life I am 4th gen Australian and I do have an aussie accent. I would call you George. Here is a sneak peak of when you come here that we can do Lord.