I Am Stoned And Pregnant.....What a A Hole Right?


Active Member
i have six weeks to go in my pregnacy and i took two mini hits of a white wid derivitive variety. i have been depressed because i cant finish my masters thesis this year, so i took a puff and now i feel worse. i am only two months away from nailing it (my masters/science). all i have to do is just finish and submit for review. and boom a degree. i have dedicated 7 years to getting this done and now i feel like a total loser for letting my husband get me preg. and i fell like a bad mom for tokin!


Well-Known Member
is that you in your avatar, i dont blame your hubbie for knockin ya up lol. and i dont think your a bad mom for tokin, many moms have done much worse.


Pickle Queen
i have six weeks to go in my pregnacy and i took two mini hits of a white wid derivitive variety. i have been depressed because i cant finish my masters thesis this year, so i took a puff and now i feel worse. i am only two months away from nailing it (my masters/science). all i have to do is just finish and submit for review. and boom a degree. i have dedicated 7 years to getting this done and now i feel like a total loser for letting my husband get me preg. and i fell like a bad mom for tokin!
Don't worry if it was just a few puffs it's not like you were free basing crack, enjoy all you have accomplished, you made a person and seem to have a plan, i say your doing pretty darn good!!!


Well-Known Member
its human error. its acceptable. besides the air in mexico is probably worse for you. the chemicals in food and water and milk are probably worse.
Error is to do something wrong without knowing its wrong. To blatantly do something that could potentially harm your unborn child is a sign of retardation. "Oh ill just have on drink" "Oh i'll only smoke once or twice" "Oh weed isn't as harmful as milk" ... the fucks a matter with you Darth ... stop trying to suck up to her vagina

Steve French

Well-Known Member
its human error. its acceptable. besides the air in mexico is probably worse for you. the chemicals in food and water and milk are probably worse.
Damn mom, you smoked crack, came away from it fine, and I was born with 6 arms and 3 legs. But I forgive you you're only human after all.


Active Member
its human error. its acceptable. besides the air in mexico is probably worse for you. the chemicals in food and water and milk are probably worse.
up to now i have been so carefull about everything, i even moved to breath more fresh air. i just got done reading all the data i could pull from recent research and i can find no clearly defined cases of harm from canabis intoxication in utero. which, DOES NOT MEAN, it aint possible.


Well-Known Member
whats a white widow derivative variety?Is that fake ganj?Or just a technical term for white widow,the strain?If its fake ganj,thats a big nono,fake ganj,is straight poison.If its real ganj.And you just had a couple tokes,not a problem,but I 'd hold off until you deliver.Just make sure,you baby,is'nt vaccinated to the xtreme,or even at all.http://www.nvic.org/


Well-Known Member
she didn't smoke crack though did she. two puff of pot, i know plenty of girls who smoked here and there during pregnacy and no seven legged babies came out.

to op, just try not to do it again, smoking anything period is bad for the baby. but like i said i know lots of girls, very close freinds who smoked some herb here and there while pregnant, and there kids are great happy healthy kids

you cant undo whats been done. im not telling people to smoke pot while there pregnant. but there are doctors who have said drinking wine while pregnat is fine. there are fucking books written by doctors that say shit like that. I personally think its all stupid.

i wouldn't suggest ingesting anything while pregnant. eating an apple could make your baby turn purple and grow ten eyes


Active Member
whats a white widow derivative variety?Is that fake ganj?Or just a technical term for white widow,the strain?If its fake ganj,thats a big nono,fake ganj,is straight poison.If its real ganj.And you just had a couple tokes,not a problem,but I 'd hold off until you deliver.Just make sure,you baby,is'nt vaccinated to the xtreme,or even at all.http://www.nvic.org/
it is an F4 generation of the original seed stock. after four or more generations the plants change some if they are naturally pollenated. in our gene pool the plants took on more of the brazilian sativa ancestor. proving the existense of a massively dominant gene. still just as potent just a different flavor and high.


Active Member
she didn't smoke crack though did she. two puff of pot, i know plenty of girls who smoked here and there during pregnacy and no seven legged babies came out.

to op, just try not to do it again, smoking anything period is bad for the baby. but like i said i know lots of girls, very close freinds who smoked some herb here and there while pregnant, and there kids are great happy healthy kids

you cant undo whats been done. im not telling people to smoke pot while there pregnant. but there are doctors who have said drinking wine while pregnat is fine. there are fucking books written by doctors that say shit like that. I personally think its all stupid.

i wouldn't suggest ingesting anything while pregnant. eating an apple could make your baby turn purple and grow ten eyes
i have enough guilt to get me through term and nursing. thanks for the replies all. i just needed to talk.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to guilt anyone, I have no room to judge any one.

not a stone castor just like being stoned


Well-Known Member

the hashshasher

Active Member
ive heard the worst thing that could happen from smokin weed when pregnant is your child could have adhd, and its a much better chance if it was early in the pregnancy,and i like people with adhd their always fun people with great personalities


Well-Known Member
my misses works with kids with fetal alcohol syndrome and kids who have learning diffs from what the moms done when they were preggers,
but she has never seen or heard of a kid affected by green, no justifying your tokes, just saying you will all be ok, and finish your degree, you will make a good mom... all the best..


Well-Known Member
my misses works with kids with fetal alcohol syndrome and kids who have learning diffs from what the moms done when they were preggers,
but she has never seen or heard of a kid affected by green, no justifying your tokes, just saying you will all be ok, and finish your degree, you will make a good mom... all the best..
Lol, my wife is a medical assistant in an Obgyn clinic, but i don't need that to know that THC can and does affect the child. The later you are in the term the less likely it will have an effect, but why risk even the slightest deficiency to yer child?