i am so fucked


New Member
I am a land lord with a couple rentals. I had to learn the law out of necessity.

1) The landlord can and will have the right to inspect the entire premises with sufficient notice as put forth by your rental contract. Just about every rental agreement has this clause.
2) The appraiser has to measure all the rooms in the house - they cant simply just go by a floor plan, or they would have already done that since each home is described in great detail at the County Recorders office.
3) The laws regarding the cultivation of MJ in a rental property is still in hot debate. Essentially, the landlord can state that growing MJ inside your home is not acceptable use of the premises and places it, and its inhabitants, in unsafe living conditions (fires, etc.). He can demand that you correct the unsafe conditions, and if you dont, he will evict you. If you comply with the demand notice and/or move out, you wont have an eviction on your record.

At the very least, he can call the police and complain and they will come and confiscate everything as evidence and you can play hell trying to get it back when you prove you are legit - of course when you get it back, it will be dead and unusable. You are better off not fighting that losing battle in my opinion.

Soo... what you do it this. Get a storage shed or use somebody's home that you can store it for the day, and move it covertly. Move it back when you are done. I know its not ideal, but hey, you took a risk and the alternative is that you toss it all out.
This is true. Basically, it's at the home owner's discretion. If that person does not want MJ grown on the property, it is what it is. Aficionado has the best idea. Make sure you have a day and time set and get those bitches out 24 hours prior. The last thing you want is doing things last minute and looking sketchy. A storage place for such a short period is cheap, look into it. If you've got a close personal friend, ask them for help. Either way you do it, make sure there is NO sign of anything horticultural in that spare room when you are done.


Well-Known Member
Definitely just blow it off..don't bring it up....once, or if he asks just say "oh that just my roomates room, and he's at work", then casually mention to him thats it's no big deal cuz i have the layout and measurements, guaranteed you"ll have no probs....let us know how it turns out...there, not gonna break in doors or anything, more than likely they come across your situation everyday anyway if your in cali!

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
if your a legal grower why does it matter? your not doing anything wrong

oh unless even though your legal to grow the terms say you cant in there rental house i guess thats the problem my bad


Active Member
Here is a thought, go to Costco or something and ask for as many big boxes as they can spare. Box all of your shit up, your plants, lights everything. Call your landlord and tell him to come on over. When he is done with his stuff, unbox everything.


Well-Known Member
lol geez that seems so simple. why didnt i think of that? great great great idea IMO

i would put the boxes outside near the back door or something for the stinkage and think of something clever to say in case they ask. or put in the back yard in boxes and cover with a tarp.

time out of mind

Active Member
One of my friends had a back up plan in the event a bldg manager needed to see his place. It was to rent a truck and load everything into the truck and lock it and leave it in the truck until the site inspection was done.


Active Member
so i live in california and am a legal grower but theres a problem, next week my landlord is having an appraiser come by as he is refinancing, my question is if the door to my spare bedroom is shut the house looks normal so im wondering if i can just lock the door and say its my roomates room and i cant get in or its just storage and i lost the key... can they still do the appraisal if they cant see one room... i have a floor plan for the place so they can have all the measurements and stuff but im wondering if that will work... im in week 4 of flowering so its either destroy the whole crop pretty much or try and bluff my way through... has anyone had to deal with this beofre
I grew a crop last year in a rental house. It was owned by an older man. He was a shitty landlord. I lost my job and we had to move. The shitbag landlord came by and insisted on going through the whole house. He saw my whole setup minus the plants. I had just harvested. He knew exactly what was going on when he saw it. My first instinct was to knock him out and bail. That would have been stupid. He wasn't happy, but he never turned me in, he never told a soul. I was amazed. Be careful, even if your landlord seems nice, when it comes down to business and his property nothing is going to stop him from checking rooms. I just hope that landlord would be as cool as my old one was.


Active Member
when the inspector came to my house i just use stealth boxes an he didnt notice anything

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
one time a friend of mine had to get his house appraised before his parents sold the house. He didn't think they would look underneath it in the crawl space but of course they did because they needed to check the structural foundation and told his parent's their son had a marijuana farm underneath their home. If they are aprraisng it I would assum that they need to see the whole house. Is there somewhere you can stick them for a while...like a cabinent or something? I mean really they will justy want to see the room and the sq footage and the condition I'm sure they aren't going to get super detailed searching everything.


Well-Known Member
This is a perfect example of someone who needs to be growing in a wardrobe or storage closet.. Then you could just put a lock on it and no worries.. Good luck friend!

fat sam

Well-Known Member
so i had very good luck with this whole deal.... the appraiser didnt call till the other day... i pulled them down yesterday not a minute to soon and now i have a week to tear down the grow show and let them dry a bit.... she called and asked when she could come so i told her next week.... i got real lucky on this one... my ladies got to finish and im not doing an emergency tear down.... besides the room needed a good clean anyway

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah totally went well.... the appraiser didnt call till the other day... i pulled them all yesterday and am going to clean it all out for a week