I always have heartburn! this sucks!

THC is an acid and does not help. sucks. i have Hep C and Barrett's Esophagus and cannabis is the only thing to help my appetite.
yeah i have flare ups of my acid reflex from time to time now, those prevacid pills work wonders, but tums are my quick fixer. wish i could help ya brah lol
I get it from time to time, it sure as hell sucks!
For immediate relief try Maalox, works wonders for me.
milk is bad for reflux i thought. u shoud take 40mg of prilosec in the AM b4 eating and see if it helps. u have to do it for a few months to see results. avoid acidic foods and dairy
Think you have excess stomach acid problems? For starters I am going to shock you by telling you that it is very unlikely that you have excess stomach acid. For every decade of life adults lose about 13% of their stomach acid which results in maldigestion and promotes the symptoms of gas, bloating, acid reflux and heartburn. More than 95% of people who think they are suffering from "acid reflux", excess gas and poor digestion are actually suffering from a triple threat I call S.A.D. or "The Standard American Diet." Here is what is most likely happening to you. First of all, you are probably improperly chewing and improperly combining foods. One of the best books on this subject is "Proper Food Combining Works" by Lee DuBelle. If you want permanent relief Get this book and follow it.

What is really going on in your stomach is not too much acid; it is the fermentation of undigested foods. Fermentation produces large amounts of gas that push stomach acid and food back up the esophagus. This is not "acid reflux"; it's a gaseous eruption. Habitual use of antacids or acid blockers like Tagamet, Pepcid AC, or Zantac may lead to even more complex long term health risks including poor nutrient absorption, an increased risk of intestinal infections and tumors of the stomach.
w/e the problem is I have been having it since 10th grade and I'm 25 now... It is a daily thing
That's exactly why I wrote a whole long spiel and included a book. Every time it happens you damage your body. Was just trying to help you cure it, not treat it. Peace
sounds like you have had the same problems? I'm going to see if I can find a digital copy of the book online or find it in the library next time i go.
dude, todays my 6th day STRAIGHT with heartburn. (off and on) milk doesnt work for me and i eat tums like candy. its cuz i been smoking a pipe a lot lately, neglecting my vape. have friends up and ones all about the pipe. so if it comes around to me hell yeah ill smoke it. :)
You try prilosec?They gave that to someone I know for heartburn,induced by radiation for the treatment of cancer.
Shit maybe it was xantac,or zantac,sorry I cant remember it was a while ago. A time in my life Id rather forget.Hope you find a way to ease what ails you.
i just drink milk (5l a day :) and smoke cannabis.

personally i think my stomach problems are because i really dont like living in society :)

emotional in nature. (my stomach problems are worse the more i have to deal with society and quite alot of folks)

funny thing about milk, once ate nothing, just drank milk for a week, you feel just fine and even keep on shitting, just shit white turds :) kinda funny.
i had a tube down my nose, that went into my stomach, last nite to measure my ph. i wonder what my PPM's are.....lol. the wife took it out for me at 0500. when i went to the hospital to get it out, they didn't seem too pleased when i handed it to them in a plastic bag. the doc said, "why did you take it out?" i said, "let me shove it you, and you won't ask that question."
i just drink milk (5l a day :) and smoke cannabis.

personally i think my stomach problems are because i really dont like living in society :)

emotional in nature. (my stomach problems are worse the more i have to deal with society and quite alot of folks)

funny thing about milk, once ate nothing, just drank milk for a week, you feel just fine and even keep on shitting, just shit white turds :) kinda funny.
you drink 5 l a day of milk? I wish I could afford that much milk! really white turds? like really really?