what is Barrett's Esophagus?THC is an acid and does not help. sucks. i have Hep C and Barrett's Esophagus and cannabis is the only thing to help my appetite.
It sucks... sometimes it makes me throw up. I carry a Ziploc bag of tums in my coat pocket and refill it about once a weekdude, todays my 6th day STRAIGHT with heartburn.
i have and it gave me some weird anxiety attacks while taking it.You try prilosec?They gave that to someone I know for heartburn,induced by radiation for the treatment of cancer.
you drink 5 l a day of milk? I wish I could afford that much milk! really white turds? like really really?i just drink milk (5l a dayand smoke cannabis.
personally i think my stomach problems are because i really dont like living in society
emotional in nature. (my stomach problems are worse the more i have to deal with society and quite alot of folks)
funny thing about milk, once ate nothing, just drank milk for a week, you feel just fine and even keep on shitting, just shit white turdskinda funny.