I absolutely cannot smoke anymore, help me with your honest opinions please!!!

Okay so I used to smoke about 2 grams a day for several years, which may seem like a lot to some, but not much to others. I have smoked for about 8 years. I decided to slow down on it, I used to take 1 hit every now and then. And now I've lost interest in it completely. I absolutely hate the feeling I get from Marijuana. It makes me feel slow, forgetful, dumb, antsy, paranoid, depressed, I feel like everyones judging me. I go from being very social and communicating sober with my close friends to just sitting there looking out of my element like I did some hard drug like a pill or herowin. They also notice the effects it has on me and they have no problem telling me I am not being myself. I have to tell you all that I have never done any other drugs in my life, and I am not depressed, I am not insecure. I am extremely happy sober, but once I smoke the stuff it turns me into a miserable person. I am a happy guy with a great career already developed.

Why did this happen to me? I would way rather live sober than drunk or stoned. Did I grow up, or what. Because in my days of being 18-23 I was all about getting ridiculously stoned and drunk. Now I like being sober. I am honestly looking for opinions on people who have experianced this first hand, and the ones who still smoke, I am not trying to bash anyone, that was not my intent I promise. Sorry for the long post.

Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention, is what usually I think of when I am on it. I began to think of how everything we where taught about history in school is a lie, how corrupt our world leaders are, our corrupt government, nearly every food is horrible for consumption, no god we are a coincidence, how religions used to kill others if they questioned anything, how people are unintelligent and closed minded, how small we are in a crazy universe that none of us truly understand, how humans are the scum of the earth and just consume everything possible and spit out more children, nobody cares about other life forms, humans are the worst bacteria on our planet. If aliens seen our planet and looked at Los Angeles and seen all the pollution they would think our planet has cancer, and humans are the cancer of our planet and 99% do not realize it.

Those are a few things I ponder about when I get stoned. Maybe I just answered my own post. It opens me to the truth. A truth that I have no control over, a truth I have no ability to change on my own. That is why I shut down become quiet and kind of lay there with a blank expression, I have a million insane true facts that I cannot change. It is not as overwhelming when I am sober.

You need to try a high CBD strain. Find Harlequin.. there's your answer, problem solved =)
You need to try a high CBD strain. Find Harlequin.. there's your answer, problem solved =)

Good idea. Cannatonic / Resin Seeds is a good CBD strain too and the last time I looked they had inventory. I ordered some but they're late... ugh! I've heard some good results with CBD oil where you just don't give a fuck about notta.

Back to the dudes problem: To me it doesn't sound like a problem. If the weed makes you think of this shitty place then lay off of it for a bit. It sounds like you're happy when you don't smoke so fuck it, don't smoke. Like the one dude said keep growing if you like doing that and check out the CBD strains.
Welcome to 'The Enlightenment'!

What you're experiencing is the inhibition of your psyche. Thoughts that you can more easily compartmentalize when you're sober become difficult to manage when you're high. It's an indication of the concerns you have about the reality of life.

What I suggest is to not fear the thoughts, as they are just that, thoughts. Let the thoughts play out to their final conclusion. I belive that once you get there, you will have come full circle, and conclude that it wasnt a big deal after all.

Life is good and bad and everything inbetween.
I'll agree with the thread starter to some degree. Most pot does make me feel shitty to some degree. That's why I've bred my own. I use to love smoking, that old Columbian gold, and mucho treats from all over... But in my opinion, pot turned to shit for the most part around 1986 IMO...
sounds like you have some anxiety issues, take a break i had to quit for 2 years
Pot makes some people Paranoid, that would be why you are having fits of Paranoia when you Smoke.

Stop smoking and go find a teacher, Yoga, Meditation something that helps you get centered.

If Pot gives you that Buzz and you are still smoking well than you might be a bit imbalanced....

Best of Luck!
Your frame of mind before you get high has a lot to do with how you will feel when you get high. Make any sense? If your worrying about something or something is on your mind when you get high a lot of people end up dwelling on it. Myself, I'm the opposite, I get high to forget about things temporarily. It's a stress reliever for me, I get lost in my high and my issues diminish. I understand what you are talking about though, I've stopped and started getting high many times. Sometimes you have to ease back into it, and also different strains have a whole lot to do with what type of high you'll feel. Some strains will make anxiety worse. I've noticed that a lot of times when I first smoke my heart beat will increase and I start feeling a little anxious but soon afterwards it wears off and that nice calm, relaxing feeling starts flowing through my body and head. Or maybe getting high just isn't your thing anymore- people age and change. Things you once enjoyed, you don't anymore. I completely stopped drinking over 10years ago I don't like the feel of alcohol intoxication anymore. Who knows maybe ill feel like drinking again but as for now I don't like the feeling. Don't try to force yourself to like getting high or anything else for that matter. Do what makes you happy- PERIOD.
you act like marijuana is a dissociative or some other powerful mind altering substance. you are in control of your thoughts and you choose not to steer away from negativity while you indulge in cannabis...no one can help you in this situation but yourself, obviously.
I've been a stoner for about 28 yrs now. Once I got past the stage of getting giggles, I felt how you did. Socializing with non heads was difficult. I have actually found the opposite of you. I no longer have any of that effect.

I believe it brings out however you feel about it in your heart. When I still felt some stigma, then people noticing was bad, so having them notice was bad, so I was paranoid about, so I was antisocial or out of place. Once I said fuck it, I am a fully functioning person who smokes weed and if anyone cares, to hell with them, it was gone.

Now I am not saying I walked around my offices in corporate America screaming that I was high. But most of my friends that I hang out with do not partake. They all know I do and they can't tell or try or care to tell if I am high. Unless I was acting like a total stoner, in which case I would be harassed the same as I would if I was the guy who had one too many beers.
Good answer man I am gonin thru the same thing and u just put a different perspective on it. Time to change that mind setting. Thanks bruh for comin thru.
I'm the kind of guy that smokes a bowl on the way to court and job interviews but I quit for a few years once: it started giving me high levels of anxiety, and once triggered a panic attack. Eventually I got high with some girl in the comfort of my own place and took it real slow, and now I'm back to my old self. I don't mind being sober and could live a happy life never getting stoned again... it's all just a state of mind. If it doesn't make you feel good anymore, stop doing it. Maybe some day you will start again; when I quit I would dream about it and miss it sometimes, but I knew smoking it would make me feel like shit.

As for other people... being constantly stoned helps, that way they think you're just normal that way. Having confidence no one notices you're high goes a long way to reduce stuttering and forgetting where you are in a conversation. All you have to worry about is smell, and red eye if that effects you.
Maybe it isnt marijuana related? but it has nothing to do with growing up, maybe its just the kind you are smoking?
but what you said about the food is bad for consumption and corrupt governments thats true ...
I can totally relate to you. I had to quit smoking years ago because it would give me terrible anxiety and paranoia. It didn't help that I was taking klonopin and xanax for 10 years straight but the weed would definitely amplify the symptoms. The only thing I can recommend is to try some different strains and maybe some lower volumes of smoke and see if that helps.

For some odd reason certain people just build up a weird tolerance to the plant after awhile...

very strange.
Fella you simply have come to the end of the line. I smoked daily for decades and I dont anymore. Oddly, I then got interested in growing it and I found that I love turning a little seedling into a frosty straight fire dank better than anything I ever bought in my 30 years of smoking.
Something happened to me as well where the nice buzz I always enjoyed turned into panic attacks and hyper-ventilating. After smoking I felt like I couldnt take a deep breath and it was making me crazy.
Soooo, I just quit smoking it.
Things run in cycles sometimes bro, give it a break for now and dont be hard on yourself. You can try it again sometime in the future.
BTW, none of your dwelling on the state of the world is going to do anything at all to change its course. Be satisfied in your own awareness of it, and let it alone.

lol... Happened to me as well. It's not the end of the line at all, it's the beginning of your training. You must learn the way of the force. Full on Jedi mind tricks.

I smoked for decades, then something happened. Buzz turned into panic attacks and felt like I couldn't take a deep breath. Sounds just like what you experienced.

Then I realized it wasn't my body, it was my mind that was causing it.

You must force into your consciousness: You are not dying. Control your breathing. Change your thought process.

Practice works. Recognizing the immediacy of the moment, but not being swept away by it works.
Agree with most on here. Stop smoking for a little and find a hobby. You are complacent right now. Only puff when there is an activity that lends itself well to the situation. Doing something outdoors for example is great if you smoke a sativa variety for motivation. If you need to sleep/ relax, try an indica.
The problem is your smoking it to smoke it with no added benefit to you or reason.
Try finding something to do that benefits you like a walk in a park or Mountain bike and try an early sativa like durban. Then continue your adventure, You might find yourself happy and high without the problems you are describing.
Hope that helps,
I don't feel bad for you. I cant smoke any thing at all. weed or tobacco. I cant drink .beer or liquor. not even a dark pop. cant eat out . cant eat the food I love. have to eat healthy. cant take ANY PAIN KILLERS. including novacane at the dentist. yeah. they work on teeth cant numb or use gas. total pain ! my point is stop your bitching. because I don't bitch. and you have it good.