Hydroponic Poll


Well-Known Member
I love my dwc set-up. Great for seedling, great for cloning. The hardest thing w/dwc is water changes when plants are big. I have 2 identical containers for water changes, also built a small pcv bench to rest top on so made it very easy for myself.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm about to purchase a *true* aeroponics system. It will also have an ebb and flow system. I'm totally stoked about this grow; got my beans germing right now.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'll be using the Nutramist fogger, not "sprayers". True aeroponics must have a droplet size of 5 microns or less; that's what I was told anyway.


Well-Known Member
I read Al B Fuct's post and now I'm gettin kinda worried. I use an ebb and flow system and my plants are in rock wool. I have the timer set to water them three times a day (you know breakfast, lunch, and dinner lol) for 15 minutes. I have been growing them for almost 6 weeks now and they look fine but will all the excess of water cause anything bad to happen to the end product? Like worse bud or something?


Well-Known Member
Hey techgrower, get ur self, a small water pump with an inlet and outlet and some hose. u can pump the water out without ever having to bother ur plants or touch the lids.


Active Member
well after quite a few successful soil grows over the years i thought id try nft, so i bought a complete system around £70 ( $140 ? ), nothing fancy, holds about 8 plants. Anyway harvested 3 weeks ago and i can honesty say after smoking weed for around 18 years it is the best bud ive EVER smoked. The yield is maybe a third + to what i was getting in soil. The ease of use is unbelievable, no hassles, no bugs, no dirt, just lush clean bud, the only thing is i wish i went nft years ago.
I cant vouch for other methods as i havnt tried em, but for me nft is the absolute bollox.


Active Member
I am having success with the MultiFlow. Water schedule = 30 minutes every 12 hours for 36 pots. Nute Soup = House & Garden. Very reliable, user friendly and H&G provides simple to follow charts for mixing their products through the entire cycle.