hydrogen peroxide used throughout a grow .

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Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
compost microorganisms not only convert organic material to humus. but also degrades toxic chemicals into simpler ,benign
organic molecules. chemicals include gasoline diesel, jet fuel,oil,greese wood perservatives ,pcbs coal gasification, waste rifinery waste, insecticides herbicides , tnt and other explosives ,freon,pcps and some will even covert uranium. compost is also used for biofiltration systems. biofilters so im thinking why not hydrogen peroxide .even sodium stannate its nothing compaired to all these .but ok
Reaching a bit, aren't we?

You can put all the sodium stannate you like on your plants- no skin off my nose. Everyone else is forewarned.


Active Member
i really have been thinking about this its not that big a deal either way. they dont need it. but it did help with mites or other panthogens
and has kept them happy through tuff love or something there growing good . week old most are 2inches and have true leafs so . its not hurting nothing ill post some pics when they are bigger just still plain seedlings bag seed sorry i forgot to say this so does it really matter . no burning no stringy die off, where the stems shrivel, vary full stems and no falling over too weak to hold their own so why does it work if sodium stannate kills plants


Active Member
no just adding a squirt in my water bottle a cap or two to half gal and i water lightly in the mornings before lights come on .


Active Member
Reaching a bit, aren't we?

You can put all the sodium stannate you like on your plants- no skin off my nose. Everyone else is forewarned.
i went reaching looked up sodium stannate its not on any list of toxic chemicals and no reports of any health issues it is however found in things like hair coloring but also in teeth whiteing, lip gloss ,facial cleansers oral pain relievers , so it can be used in your mouth, on your face and even your hair . i had to know if it was toxic its not .

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
i really have been thinking about this its not that big a deal either way. they dont need it. but it did help with mites or other panthogens
and has kept them happy through tuff love or something there growing good . week old most are 2inches and have true leafs so . its not hurting nothing ill post some pics when they are bigger just still plain seedlings bag seed sorry i forgot to say this so does it really matter . no burning no stringy die off, where the stems shrivel, vary full stems and no falling over too weak to hold their own so why does it work if sodium stannate kills plants
Mites are not pathogens. H2O2 is not an insecticide and will not kill mites.

So you use it every 3-4 days on regular basis?

Isn't that a little too much?
No. H2O2 breaks down into 2H2O + O on contact with pathogens and is thus neutralised. Spores of pathogens like pythium & fusarium are ubiquitous and will recolonise the nutrient solution, requiring reapplication regularly to keep them in check.

no just adding a squirt in my water bottle a cap or two to half gal and i water lightly in the mornings before lights come on .
Bad idea, especially if you are using 3%, which contains sodium stannate. No need for it in a foliar spray in the first instance.

i went reaching looked up sodium stannate its not on any list of toxic chemicals and no reports of any health issues it is however found in things like hair coloring but also in teeth whiteing, lip gloss ,facial cleansers oral pain relievers , so it can be used in your mouth, on your face and even your hair . i had to know if it was toxic its not .
Sodium stannate is a compound of sodium and tin and breaks down into those elemental components. Sodium is toxic to plants once sodium stannate has broken down, but the sodium stannate compound itself is toxic.

From the MSDS:

Organometallic compounds of tin are very toxic and tin salts are also considered to be toxic.
I'm not here to discuss hair dyes, tooth whitening etc. but suffice it to say that these exposures are in trivial amounts (and in humans, not plants) compared to use of sodium stannate in nutient solutions.

So, short & sweet- you're wrong. If you want to dose your plants with sodium stannate, fine- they're your plants. Others are forewarned.


Well-Known Member
Mites are not pathogens. H2O2 is not an insecticide and will not kill mites.


No. H2O2 breaks down into 2H2O + O on contact with pathogens and is thus neutralised. Spores of pathogens like pythium & fusarium are ubiquitous and will recolonise the nutrient solution, requiring reapplication regularly to keep them in check.

Bad idea, especially if you are using 3%, which contains sodium stannate. No need for it in a foliar spray in the first instance.

Sodium stannate is a compound of sodium and tin and breaks down into those elemental components. Sodium is toxic to plants once sodium stannate has broken down, but the sodium stannate compound itself is toxic.

From the MSDS:

I'm not here to discuss hair dyes, tooth whitening etc. but suffice it to say that these exposures are in trivial amounts (and in humans, not plants) compared to use of sodium stannate in nutient solutions.

So, short & sweet- you're wrong. If you want to dose your plants with sodium stannate, fine- they're your plants. Others are forewarned.
Al for the win! as usual. lol, keep schooling these Na-sayiers Al.

LMAO have to quote a star wars scene here. (return of the jedi) Emperor to Luke Skywalker "Your feeble skills are no match for me..boyyyyy" except Al is a good guy. Hes the Yoda of RIU.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Al for the win! as usual. lol, keep schooling these Na-sayers Al.

LMAO have to quote a star wars scene here. (return of the jedi) Emperor to Luke Skywalker "Your feeble skills are no match for me..boyyyyy" except Al is a good guy. Hes the Yoda of RIU.
Na-sayer? As in Na=sodium? Very punny. ;)

Thanks for the supportive message, but I'm not here for one-upmanship. I have no emotional connection to being right or having 'mad skillz'- and you will find me taking the piss out of anyone with that mindset in a satirical bit I once wrote called 'How Not To Grow Dope,' which is somewhere on this board and has been republished all over teh intarnetz. I'm here to inject facts & science into growing cannabis.

Should always you use scientific knowledge best to grow dope! -Yoda



Use it with every res change. I use 125ml of 29% per 70-80L (1.5ml/l). It's truly remarkable, it's saved some of my grows and since I've begun using it regularly, I've rarely had issues.

In times where root browning has occurred (res water left too long) I've added 250ml (3ml/l) for more aggressive treatment. I wouldn't push more than that...


Active Member
I like how this disagreement stayed casual.. most of the time on RIU people get all defensive and butthurt. Im sure a small amount of H202 wouldn't hurt leaves, but it is so unnecessary. I was interested to hear why it was used. It does kill all kinds of pathogens but defiantly not killing mites. You tried to help, And now you have learned..probably others have learned as well. Hooray for that. Al B Fuct, way to not get on your high horse.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Use it with every res change. I use 125ml of 29% per 70-80L (1.5ml/l). It's truly remarkable, it's saved some of my grows and since I've begun using it regularly, I've rarely had issues.

In times where root browning has occurred (res water left too long) I've added 250ml (3ml/l) for more aggressive treatment. I wouldn't push more than that...
Your experience is typical of users of high-strength H2O2. You can go to 10ml/L with 50% or 17ml/L with 29-30% for a once-off shock treatment in a particularly heavily pathogen-loaded system, returning to 1ml/L of 50% or 1.7ml/L of 29-30% going forward.

I like how this disagreement stayed casual.. most of the time on RIU people get all defensive and butthurt. Im sure a small amount of H202 wouldn't hurt leaves, but it is so unnecessary. I was interested to hear why it was used. It does kill all kinds of pathogens but defiantly not killing mites. You tried to help, And now you have learned..probably others have learned as well. Hooray for that. Al B Fuct, way to not get on your high horse.
Thanks. I try not to be overbearing when I have to give contradictory information. What matters most is getting the right information out there, not me lording the fact that I'm right over people. That's not helpful.

I wonder how those stabilizers smoke?

Bet you they get you messed up!
I'm not entirely sure of what happens to sodium stannate after it has been taken up by the plant. I suspect it remains in the form of sodium stannate instead of breaking down into tin & sodium (given sodium is highly reactive, it'll certainly not remain in the form of pure sodium) but in either case, it doesn't need to be in the plant in the first instance.


Your experience is typical of users of high-strength H2O2. You can go to 10ml/L with 50% or 17ml/L with 29-30% for a once-off shock treatment in a particularly heavily pathogen-loaded system, returning to 1ml/L of 50% or 1.7ml/L of 29-30% going forward.
Good to know I have additional buffer if the need presents itself. Sadly H2O2 is regulated to 29% for civilians here as my countrymen undoubtedly use the stuff for acne treatment. Just strong enough to teach you a lesson.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Good to know I have additional buffer if the need presents itself. Sadly H2O2 is regulated to 29% for civilians here as my countrymen undoubtedly use the stuff for acne treatment. Just strong enough to teach you a lesson.
Yes, I'm aware that H2O2 is restricted in strength in some localities, purportedly to prevent use in making the crude & unstable explosive TATP. In my not so humble opinion, anyone stupid enough to try to make TATP deserves to have it blow up in their face.

Fortunately, 29% is still useful in hydroponics, if barely so. 29% is normally supplied without stabilisers, but will have a tendency to break down into H2O & O with long term storage. It probably will not have an expiry or use-by date on the label, so look for dust on the container when you buy it.


Active Member
i went reaching looked up sodium stannate its not on any list of toxic chemicals and no reports of any health issues it is however found in things like hair coloring but also in teeth whiteing, lip gloss ,facial cleansers oral pain relievers , so it can be used in your mouth, on your face and even your hair . i had to know if it was toxic its not .
i think this was taking the wrong way but ok


Active Member
im going to be using lots of compost .when they get to they're final buckets . as i said not worried about sodium stannate or any other toxic chemicals . if compost organisms can break down toxic chems like fuel ,oil ,tnt explosives im sure they can break down sodium stannate. as for it tasteing or getting to my final product. well al b fuct done said it. i was warned right well i actully have gave this thought though .and he's right i really dont need to use it anymore it helped get them going and drove off mites so im happy either way it didnt hurt them and it wont if i dont use anymore i got to say thanks to al b fucted for being nice about his experience with this matter and giving us this info thanks al b fucted


Well-Known Member
Na-sayer? As in Na=sodium? Very punny. ;)

Thanks for the supportive message, but I'm not here for one-upmanship. I have no emotional connection to being right or having 'mad skillz'- and you will find me taking the piss out of anyone with that mindset in a satirical bit I once wrote called 'How Not To Grow Dope,' which is somewhere on this board and has been republished all over teh intarnetz. I'm here to inject facts & science into growing cannabis.

Should always you use scientific knowledge best to grow dope! -Yoda

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lmao... some how I knew you would decipher my code. I have read, how not to grow that shit is( Au )

Love the Yoda pic. If your a star wars fan, I have heard rumors of an episode seven in the works.

I know your not out to be right,it just ends up that you are most of the time. I love to run my grow as clean and sterile as possible. I wish I had your will power.I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when I see someone making things harder then they have to be for no apparent gain.
Never had any need for it.

Unless the situation requires intervention by a product such as Hydro-perox, i would never dream of adding it to my grow. If it isn't broke don't fix it. However, each grow is different.. it could be a miracle product for some peoples grow op.:joint:


Active Member
if anyone here had any real experience . with seedlings they could tell you seedlings cant take hot soil mixes or fertilizers in the first week or 2 let alone 3 even diluted without killing them am i wrong ok . tell me this why are my plant's still alive and thriving then if i was so wrong about this . i dont need to use it doest mean it dont work . seedlings tell you if its bad they die or burn lol
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