Hydro guy seeks organic advice

The key to good organic growing that many overlook is the imortance of having a diverse colomy of beneficial bacteria and microbes in your soils. Without innoculating your medium consistenrtly u arent gonna get the full benefits and true organic experience. The most important and overlooked aspect of all organic growing. I highly recommend GH Ancient Forest Humus as an amendment and also using the GH Subculture M&B. Or other products such as roots organics organism-xl or great white products alike.

Also using omri certified Organa-Ad is an incredible product its very concentrated and performs miracles on my plants. For me this product is an absolute must in any organic grow period.
my Windex is omri listed too. Pay them enough money. They will make anything omri listed. Pure spray green is a good example. Supposedly natural organic. And omri listed. A few years later they were banned from several states after being caught lying. Pure spray green turned out ro be made from petroleum just like butane. GH bottles are far from being organic as well.
my Windex is omri listed too. Pay them enough money. They will make anything omri listed. Pure spray green is a good example. Supposedly natural organic. And omri listed. A few years later they were banned from several states after being caught lying. Pure spray green turned out ro be made from petroleum just like butane. GH bottles are far from being organic as well.

Thats what happens when u lie. They obviously got caught. OMRI listed products go through reviews and testing and are part of USDA. SO im pretty sure and safe when i am using omri products that they are what they say, theres always gonna be a bad apple in a group its life. U cant hold everyone accountable and company accountable for some shit 1 company did that fucks things up for everyone else.

Also i NEVER said GH General Organics products were OMRI listed as there are products used that dont meet its requirements in its process. However I did say OMRI PRODUCTS i do use and back are NATURES NECTAR PRODUCTS NPK are OMRI listed as is the Organa-Ad i recommend using and technaflora soluable seaweed.

Best bagged soil your gonna find.

Get some liters of biothrive grow and bloom from general organics in case u need to add fertilizers.

I know alot of people who use that vermifire, i hate pre loaded mediums but know many ppl who cut that with sunshine or promix and swear by it. Supposed to be pretty good product just not for me.
Hyroot I was just about to say the same thing. I used to look for omri but I've since learned that means nothing except they just paid for that label.
it very similar to "organic" vegetables these days. I know for a fact many companies take the same exact apple say it's organic and up charge 30%.

ff big bloom is their only nutrient that won't mess with your organic soil. I VERY hardly use it unless something goes out of wacky in bloom and I need instant nutes.

a very good seed to flower nutrient is organicare PURE their 5-5-5. I love that stuff and it's very cheap.

pick up a bag of soil and the PURE and you can go organic and see if you want to dive further into the never ending world of organic growing/living and especially ROLS.
Thats what happens when u lie. They obviously got caught. OMRI listed products go through reviews and testing and are part of USDA. SO im pretty sure and safe when i am using omri products that they are what they say, theres always gonna be a bad apple in a group its life. U cant hold everyone accountable and company accountable for some shit 1 company did that fucks things up for everyone else.

Also i NEVER said GH General Organics products were OMRI listed as there are products used that dont meet its requirements in its process. However I did say OMRI PRODUCTS i do use and back are NATURES NECTAR PRODUCTS NPK are OMRI listed as is the Organa-Ad i recommend using and technaflora soluable seaweed.

uhh no they don't. The ones that don't meet requirements, those requirements are price $. If they can't afford it they don't get the omri label. Its that simple. Omri doesn't test anything. Its one of the biggest scams ever. Omri is complete bullshit. All of Humboldt county's own, a few botanicare bottles. Etc.... If you really want to know whats truly organic check with the state dept of agriculture. 99.9% of bottles nutes are no where near organic. Just a lie. The worst are the Monsanto companies, miracle grow, Peter, Scotts, etc.. Supposed organic. Yet made with toxic sludge. Build your own soil
uhh no they don't. The ones that don't meet requirements, those requirements are price $. If they can't afford it they don't get the omri label. Its that simple. Omri doesn't test anything. Its one of the biggest scams ever. Omri is complete bullshit. All of Humboldt county's own, a few botanicare bottles. Etc.... If you really want to know whats truly organic check with the state dept of agriculture. 99.9% of bottles nutes are no where near organic. Just a lie. The worst are the Monsanto companies, miracle grow, Peter, Scotts, etc.. Supposed organic. Yet made with toxic sludge. Build your own soil

Im not gonna get into another RIU argument.

Botanicare, Fox Farm, Humboldt etcc are all partially organic they dont come with OMRI CERTIFICATION on any of their bottles.. Only a couple of humboldts products are registered whichs re the ones that they submitted to OMRI for testing and ti be approved. Ive never seen a botanicare bottle with an OMRI LOGO and I been running Botanicare for years.

JR PETERS, MIRACLE GRO ETC.. They arent organic and never claimed to be they are all damn near 100% lab made salts and are pure synthetics. Im never seen them make a claim otherwise.

All u have to do is read the basic ingredients in a bottle for derived sources of nutrients and u can get an idea of whether they are organic, synthetic or partially organic which almost every nurient company falls under the partially organic cateogry.

GH GENERAL ORGANICS is 100% organic, veganic no synthetics are used as I know of in their bottles. Im not talking about the flora series that the synthetic line. Also, BIO-CANNA is 100% organic and so is NATURES NECTAR, I guarantee it. Just because a few bad seeds lied and got caught trying to pass as OMRI certified, they always test and review products that need to be submitted anytime they change an ingredient and they are part of the USDA (U.S. DEPT OF ARGICULTURE) so im pretty sure that they take this serious and ppl arent just paying or purchasing a label because anyone can test it or send it out and find out if its BS and become subject to a lawsuit.

Considering that we live in a society that is so focused on eating healthy, clean, organic/veganic Im confident in saying today anything with and OMRI CERT is the real deal. BOL HAPPY HARVESTING!!
Im not a fan of super soil or ROLS or TLO. I like using simple peat/coco blends with humus and lime and using organic nutrients that i feed my roots with and use mirboial teas and root innoculants to provide bacteria colonies and microbes.

I find using a super soil sometimes u get left with excess nutrients in bloom such as nitrogen, or problems with some deficiencies during bloom mid flower stages and supplementing and trying to fix a problem that is in a medium preloaded w ferts is next to impossible to fix.

I also find alot of time super soils rols and tlo are too hot and many ppl experience burning when not familiar with running them. So i always find it better to have total control of my garden and feed accordingly. I think super soils are great for outdoor growers who dont wanna lug nutrients up or down mountains, or just want some maitenance free growing outdoors. But inside getting the most out of your crop running super soils and rols, tlo is not the way to go about it.

Thats the great thing about growing indoors. Total control and being able to fix problems almost immediately as they arise. This leads to overall better plant health, quality and much better yields.
You can not burn your plants with a amended soil unless you don't let it cook. Again if you do it properly you will not have any deficiencies. And you have to get used to how make N to use so you are just running out prior to harvest.

everything your complaining about with a soil mix is easily fixed and if done right you wouldn't have any of those problems anyway.
Im not gonna get into another RIU argument.

Botanicare, Fox Farm, Humboldt etcc are all partially organic they dont come with OMRI CERTIFICATION on any of their bottles.. Only a couple of humboldts products are registered whichs re the ones that they submitted to OMRI for testing and ti be approved. Ive never seen a botanicare bottle with an OMRI LOGO and I been running Botanicare for years.

JR PETERS, MIRACLE GRO ETC.. They arent organic and never claimed to be they are all damn near 100% lab made salts and are pure synthetics. Im never seen them make a claim otherwise.

All u have to do is read the basic ingredients in a bottle for derived sources of nutrients and u can get an idea of whether they are organic, synthetic or partially organic which almost every nurient company falls under the partially organic cateogry.

GH GENERAL ORGANICS is 100% organic, veganic no synthetics are used as I know of in their bottles. Im not talking about the flora series that the synthetic line. Also, BIO-CANNA is 100% organic and so is NATURES NECTAR, I guarantee it. Just because a few bad seeds lied and got caught trying to pass as OMRI certified, they always test and review products that need to be submitted anytime they change an ingredient and they are part of the USDA (U.S. DEPT OF ARGICULTURE) so im pretty sure that they take this serious and ppl arent just paying or purchasing a label because anyone can test it or send it out and find out if its BS and become subject to a lawsuit.

Considering that we live in a society that is so focused on eating healthy, clean, organic/veganic Im confident in saying today anything with and OMRI CERT is the real deal. BOL HAPPY HARVESTING!!

there's no such thing as partialy organic. Its either 100% organic pr its not organic. If it has 3% chemicals like Vega matrix for example. Then its not organic. Its a fact that omri is pure bullshit. Its a fact that every nutrient company lies. They don't have to disclose anything to the public. They have to disclose everything to the dept of agriculture to register their product. They have to register their product to legally sell in each state. I strongly urge you to contact the DOA. A few state doa's actually list it publically on their site. Oregon, Colorado, new York, and a few others.

there's even omri listed products at home depot that are made with toxic sludge. Now how is that omri.listed. If they do such vigorous testing. How did pure spray green have an omri label for years before being banned. How did the botanicare omri labeled bottles get banned... Hmmm. They paid omri for the label. Then oda caught them.

you even named yourself after a marketing scheme. Pk boosters. Pure bullshit. Don't do anything beneficial. Only causes phos abuse to the plant. The grow industry is filled with marketing schemes. Mh during veg and hps during flower. Yet the sun never changes spectrum. A scheme to.male you buy 2 lights when you only need one. Induction has been arou d longer than hps. Jp Morgan paid.to.ban flourescents production from the u.s. Later the e.p.a. Banned it. Jp Morgan commissioned to have lights made utilizing mercury. Then came hps. To make money off his mines. Banned induction because it lasts 10 times longer.
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Most of the recipes and shit u find online dont give ppl the correct sources of nitrogen to use, or they tell u to use mycorizzhae in ur mix when ur adding it to the bottom of ur buckets when ur plants grows in the top 1/3 for week(s) until it even reaches the shit u supposedly need. Or telling u too add all this dolomite when that just throws off ur calcium to mag ratio.

Idk like i said, it aint for me. Theres an ass for every seat. Im not the one gonna stand up n argue about it bcuz i dont care enough to do so

And the omri argument im not going there, everything is a conspiracy if u dig hard enough u can argue we never went to the moon and make it seem like a good idea. Or that ufo's are visiting us every day and are government is covering it up. Lol. Im not a conspiracy theorists I believe people inately are here to do good and be honest with the exception of a small percentage that sometimes are in high places. However, not every company omri listed is bs u have to know what ur looking for like i said, a little hw and research goes along way. Im a firm believer these high reputed industry leading companies that spend millions of dollars developing products such as GH which had been around a long time and say they product is organic and veganic is telling the truth. And so be it if they have 1 item that isnt synthetic.

OMRI allows up to 15% of the base ingredients to be non organic for processing and binding purposes. Theres a small variance in all products and i dont believe any of them are truly 100% organic. Kyle Kushman veganics "vega matrix" is 90-95% he never claims its 100% he uses small amount of synthetics in his products and he owns that and says he has to for the formula to give plants what it needs to get the harvest and yield while still being veganic because it falls within the OMRI GUIDELINES which allows a 15% margin.
Yah 90% veganic and organic and one small additive thats whatever, is partially synthetic what do u mean it cant be partially synthetic or partially organic? Thats like saying my mother asians and my dad black but i cant be part black i have to be all asian lol. Come on
Im not a fan of super soil or ROLS or TLO. I like using simple peat/coco blends with humus and lime and using organic nutrients that i feed my roots with and use mirboial teas and root innoculants to provide bacteria colonies and microbes.

I find using a super soil sometimes u get left with excess nutrients in bloom such as nitrogen, or problems with some deficiencies during bloom mid flower stages and supplementing and trying to fix a problem that is in a medium preloaded w ferts is next to impossible to fix.

I also find alot of time super soils rols and tlo are too hot and many ppl experience burning when not familiar with running them. So i always find it better to have total control of my garden and feed accordingly. I think super soils are great for outdoor growers who dont wanna lug nutrients up or down mountains, or just want some maitenance free growing outdoors. But inside getting the most out of your crop running super soils and rols, tlo is not the way to go about it.

Thats the great thing about growing indoors. Total control and being able to fix problems almost immediately as they arise. This leads to overall better plant health, quality and much better yields.

So what you're saying is that you know better than the plant. Nonsense.

One of the main benefits of creating an organically amended soil that is well inoculated is that you are putting the plant and the microbes in charge. They have perfected this mutually beneficial relationship over millions of years. The plant gets *exactly* what it needs, when it needs it by attracting specific microbes to the rhizosphere via exudes. You are pretending to know what the plant needs, how much of it it needs, and when it needs it with all of your bottled products. You're throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks.

I don't inherently have an issue with using bottles, but please don't pretend that it's a superior method of growing organically. It's not. It's a waste of money.

Not a shock that you think this way though considering that you work at a hydro store.
So what you're saying is that you know better than the plant. Nonsense.

One of the main benefits of creating an organically amended soil that is well inoculated is that you are putting the plant and the microbes in charge. They have perfected this mutually beneficial relationship over millions of years. The plant gets *exactly* what it needs, when it needs it by attracting specific microbes to the rhizosphere via exudes. You are pretending to know what the plant needs, how much of it it needs, and when it needs it with all of your bottled products. You're throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks.

I don't inherently have an issue with using bottles, but please don't pretend that it's a superior method of growing organically. It's not. It's a waste of money.

Not a shock that you think this way though considering that you work at a hydro store.

Another comment and argument from the peanut gallery I see.

Like i said EVERYTHING I SAY AND RECOMMEND IS MY OPINION.. everyone has their own way of doing shit I dont care wtf u think

U guys come on here just to pick fights and argue i dont have time for this non sense. U can give ur opinions and i will give mine, theres a million different ways to get good results. Leave me out of ur way of doing things, i do me and u can do you. Thank you
There isnt any difference to me between making a super soil and making a base medium w some amendments and feeding the rest organically through waterings using teas and bottled nutrients, u are still giving the plants what they need. Except if ur having issues w the super soils because u fucked up the mix or dont have enough of some micro or macro nutrient then fixing the problem is alot more difficult than u being able to fix when ur adding it to the soil through waterings.

Like i said and i Always say this is MY OPINION.


I make my own mediums using some small amendments and i like to hand water and feed everytime i grow, i make adjustments and add things as I SEE FIT AND THE PLANT SHOWS ME IT NEEDS MORE OR LESS OF "X"..

Many organic growers use bottled nutrients that why they make them. Lmao. Ur gonna tell me using super soil and amended soils is the only way to grow organics and i cant use bottle organic nutrients? Because thats retarded
How the f does anyone figure something is partially organic? Its either synthetic or its organic. There is no in between! Its not the same as being mixed race. Thats the absolute dumbest fkn comparison I have ever heard!

Opinions are like elbows and assholes. Everyone has one, but it doesnt make it right
Well kyle kushman is probably one of the biggest activist for growing organic and veganic throughout grow community he is probably the most well known. And he uses bottled organic nutrients so go onto his website to his forums and tell him he is a moron and a liar because he doesnt grow organically because his vega matrix has 3% synthetic in it and see what he says to you. Lol

He also doesnt use super soils and uses either bio-canna and a mix of nature nectar products and humboldt natural or he uses his new veganic line the vega matrix and tell him he isnt growing organically bcuz he isnt using super soils and amendments, and call him a liar and tell him he doesnt know what organic growing is because he is using organic bottled nutrients.

And u let me know what his response is to u. Ok? Sounds good ill be waiting this will be epic
How the f does anyone figure something is partially organic? Its either synthetic or its organic. There is no in between! Its not the same as being mixed race. Thats the absolute dumbest fkn comparison I have ever heard!

Opinions are like elbows and assholes. Everyone has one, but it doesnt make it right

So ur tellin me that if the sun was made up of 97% helium and 3% oxygen that it cant be partially oxygen, it can only be helium or oxygen?

So my shirt im wearing is 95% cotton and 5% polyester but it cant be partially polyester it can only be cotton?

Do u even read what ur writing , because its retarded.

Nutrients are partially organic or partially synthetic.. It is what it is.. If it aint 100% then its partially look it up lol