Hurricane Florence

bucky likes to twist everything to fit his agenda. And my desire to keep some cultures separate he twists that into some bs racial issue, when again its how people think not their friggin skin color that I want to keep at two ends. And the nazi thing is the typical Hitlers last stand argument. I disagree with him so I'm a nazi supporter. He justifies this with more bs.

bucky is fake news, old fake news.
That avatar makes you look a bit Hitleresque too
bucky likes to twist everything to fit his agenda. And my desire to keep some cultures separate he twists that into some bs racial issue, when again its how people think not their friggin skin color that I want to keep at two ends. And the nazi thing is the typical Hitlers last stand argument. I disagree with him so I'm a nazi supporter. He justifies this with more bs.

bucky is fake news, old fake news.

what do you mean by keeping cultures separate?
bucky likes to twist everything to fit his agenda. And my desire to keep some cultures separate he twists that into some bs racial issue, when again its how people think not their friggin skin color that I want to keep at two ends. And the nazi thing is the typical Hitlers last stand argument. I disagree with him so I'm a nazi supporter. He justifies this with more bs.

bucky is fake news, old fake news.
You said you keep two ledgers

We’re you lying then or lying now?
Not really going out on a limb but I predict that everyone in the path of this hurricane is fucked, between the incompetence and everyone that tRUmp puts in charge is just a criminal looking to get rich and nothing else. The FEMA response will be a national disgrace, probably worse than FEMA director Brown from the Bush administration.

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My bad. I thought this was a thread about the storm.
It was a comment regarding the Hurricane. The people of North and South Carolina voted for the Science Denier in Chief and I see justice in this storm which is made much worse for human caused climate change taking everything they own away from them. I hope the time they spent in camps ends with them getting zika too.
It was a comment regarding the Hurricane. The people of North and South Carolina voted for the Science Denier in Chief and I see justice in this storm which is made much worse for human caused climate change taking everything they own away from them. I hope the time they spent in camps ends with them getting zika too.
I have a friend who lives in Washington NC. I have no idea how he votes, and I'm pretty sure storm surge doesn't either.