Hurricane Florence

Stop commenting and the whole forum will be fine without your depressing view
please and thank you
He's going to try to run everyone off, then say buck did it. He's not very bright. I think it's time to ignore his posts but post about him all day, watch I will start.

Too bad about Michiganmedfront, I wonder how long he cried when Rollie finally brought down the ban hammer. Oh well, It will give him more time to hustle elderly people.
He's going to try to run everyone off, then say buck did it. He's not very bright. I think it's time to ignore his posts but post about him all day, watch I will start.

Too bad about Michiganmedfront, I wonder how long he cried when Rollie finally brought down the ban hammer. Oh well, It will give him more time to hustle elderly people.

Got you too. ;-)
He's going to try to run everyone off, then say buck did it. He's not very bright. I think it's time to ignore his posts but post about him all day, watch I will start.

Too bad about Michiganmedfront, I wonder how long he cried when Rollie finally brought down the ban hammer. Oh well, It will give him more time to hustle elderly people.
I totally agree
I personally am on less due to his " everyone should pity and worship me" attitude
But he needs a solid nickname so we don't "call him " anymore
Love it ...who it is

No. You are daft.

Only takes a minute to get you all to waste your time on me. You all can’t get enough. You live for the negativity in here. It’s pathetic.
As I read your multiple posts, really it’s hard not to as you show up everywhere, I’m thinking you are the one that can’t get enough lol. Also you do seem to care about everything you proclaim not to, a lot actually. When I read caregiver I thought oh ya ok he helps people in their home (that’s what a caregiver is here, well what I relate to) then I read you sell your home grow to sickly people for a profit (enough to make a good living), that’s your ideal of a care giver? Nope it’s a business, a kind of pathetic one if you think about it, kind of like paycheque loans. You say shit then when called out you try to fluff out of it with “that’s not what I said” when it’s exactly what you said. It’s you that started the “i have more friends than you” thing, also kind of pathetic, but still makes me laugh so thanks for that! Anywho keep up the fight, if nothing else it is somewhat entertaining but getting old :(.
Cmon’ you know you are a little smarter than a duck. You’re a pigeon.

ducks are smart..feed them once and they live under your car. where i live its frowned upon to feed them, so we have a secret way..i get in my car with prepurchased bread and they are waiting on passenger side. i open passenger door a crack and hand them bread slices through the crack.

i got reported once for feeding them..nazi's are watching everywhere..wait until it humans again.
ducks are smart..feed them once and they live under your car. where i live its frowned upon to feed them, so we have a secret way..i get in my car with prepurchased bread and they are waiting on passenger side. i open passenger door a crack and hand them bread slices through the crack.

i got reported once for feeding them..nazi's are watching everywhere..wait until it humans again.

I have had cats hide under my car preventing me from driving away but never ducks. And I live on a lake.

But I have had big frogs stand up and scream at me for approaching them. Seriously.

The bullshit I am doing started at me almost 18 months ago. I chose not to take it. And I chose to give it to the idiots until more people with more opinions chose to post. That has happened.

Just because I keep answering their comments doesn’t mean I am emotionally involved. I had a career talking to people and as an internet manager in addition to my other duties at work to make a living. Only takes a minute to respond. I used to answer emails all day long while multi tasking multiple deals at the store.

You can’t take one thread either as a meter. Buck goes into grow threads and toke n talk just to slander me whether I was presently posting or not.

Sometimes I feel like starting it. But that’s not usually how this goes.

If I ignore them they call me anyway.

When I do it even a little to them. Look what the idiots do. They are hysterical kids pretending to be mean.

And you don’t understand that Michigan caregiver is a kind of license to grow. And neither do they. I never implied I do this for free. I grow for a living. Only 1 of my “patients” another licensing term here, has cancer and now his wife does too. They receive free oil as they need. Oil is medicine. Not smoke.

You might as well read fiction rather than listen to buckylox and the 3 little bears. Even politically they are sticking to a party pitch.

No credibility. They just keep repeating stuff whether it’s right or wrong and cite propoganda and fake news just like the conservatives.

Unfortunately with people an agenda is an agenda.

And even the gram bullshit isn’t true. It is one proud couple at this time. And they are relatively new. When I said I make more with my gram business than buck makes posting I meant I didn’t sell grams often. He was saying I’m a broke welfare abuser as usual.

But when he used a quote from another thread from the past to troll. I answered honestly. I always do. Then they go in circles posting 3 or 4 against me until I slip up. Then jump in like a pack of dogs to slobber over the one piece of meat.

I only run them in circles because they do it to everyone else.

And they have been attacking you too. They haven’t corrected your info about polititions. They simply divert to their version.

Bucky and the 3 bears deserve whatever makes them upset for posting here the way they do.

And management deserves the extra work censoring. They had no reason to punish me except I made buck too upset and I was banned for comparing them to conservatives. Not bad language. Although they are allowed to use it as much as they want.

This site is sponsored by media matters. Look them up.

There you go. All that took 4 minutes. I have no schedule but what the plants demand.
Holy fucking meltdown