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just doing some reading and came across this article
The influence of the nutritional supplements on mineral levels also varied throughout the plant (Figure 5). Not surprisingly, P treatment increased P levels in the fan and inflorescent leaves. More surprising was the increase in Ca levels in flowers and inflorescence leaves. P supplementation increased Ca levels in the flowers from 13.2 to 29.4 mg g−1 (Figure 5D). In addition, P supplementation increased zinc levels in all of the studied organs.

Frontiers | Impact of N, P, K, and Humic Acid Supplementation on the Chemical Profile of Medical Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L)
Mineral nutrition is a major factor affecting plant growth and function. Increasing evidence supports the involvement of macro and micronutrients in secondar...

The influence of the nutritional supplements on mineral levels also varied throughout the plant (Figure 5). Not surprisingly, P treatment increased P levels in the fan and inflorescent leaves. More surprising was the increase in Ca levels in flowers and inflorescence leaves. P supplementation increased Ca levels in the flowers from 13.2 to 29.4 mg g−1 (Figure 5D). In addition, P supplementation increased zinc levels in all of the studied organs.