Well-Known Member
Well, dark matter is something that was 'made up' they just made it because gravity isn't enough to hold a galaxy together. When the scientists made models of the universe in computers, the galaxies spun and threw out the outlying stars. The only way that their models could make sense was when they programmed in dark matter. The thing is.. They teach this stuff like its fact and its theory. They should stop making people rely on these inferences, and try to prove it wrong. Its like science is turning into a religion.
Multiple lines of independent research converge to suggest dark matter. It's not simply something we invented because we needed to make our models right, it something we suspect because the evidence suggests it. Many, many studies are underway to try to detect or disprove dark matter.
Dark matter plays a central role in state-of-the-art modeling of structure formation and galaxy evolution, and has measurable effects on the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background. All these lines of evidence suggest that galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and the universe as a whole contain far more matter than that which interacts with electromagnetic radiation.
Gravitational lensing observations of galaxy clusters allow direct estimates of the gravitational mass based on its effect on light from background galaxies, since large collections of matter (dark or otherwise) will gravitationally deflect light. In clusters such as Abell 1689, lensing observations confirm the presence of considerably more mass than is indicated by the clusters' light alone. In the Bullet Cluster, lensing observations show that much of the lensing mass is separated from the X-ray-emitting baryonic mass. In July 2012, lensing observations were used to identify a "filament" of dark matter between two clusters of galaxies, as cosmological simulations have predicted.
My dad said something to me the other day about this book he's reading that basically says everything we think now about science is wrong, and he's gonna let me burrow it when he's done. I haven't a clue what it is like, but I'm interested to read it. He said something about electro-magnetism being whats holding it together as opposed to this alleged dark matter theory.
Science is a method, not a knowledge base. So everything we know about science can't be wrong, because all we know is the process. We happen to live in a world where nature makes you go through this process to get accurate answers.