Human Essence


Well-Known Member
I post this for a jumble of reasons. For some reason over the weekend I have come to a lot of weird thoughts that are now more comprehensive. It all started with the death of a friend(Ken), in my whole life nobody close to me has ever died. He used to be a co-worker of me and one of my roomates, he was always the nicest person, he worked til his hands bled. Though he was just a dishwasher at Golden Corral, it didn't matter. He always worked hard, and was always nice as could be. Whoever you were. Unfortunately he had heart problems and didn't know. They found him on his bed with a crack pipe. I never even knew he smoked crack. For the past few years I hadnt even spoken to him, I didnt know him allll to well. But the thing is now it feels like there is part of me that can't let go of him. Why?

This weekend me and my roomate went on a DXM binge just because we both somehow managed to get off all weekend saying we were going out of town. During this one of the nights I explained to my friend to bear with me as I had a theory that I was quite proud of thinking. First I explained String Theory and how the most basic thought of it is that inside of atoms, inside of atomic particles, inside of quarks, there are tiny vibrant strings. They vibrate randomly and somehow intertwine. Now imagine that the universe(our universe) recycles constantly. Starting from a singularity and then after its time is up, goes back to singularity. This is where the hole in my logic may be as some people believe the universe is constantly growing. However, nobody really knows. This would look like a string, in a sense, constantly, and randomly, zipping around in nothing. Now imagine there are infinitely more universes. It would be impossible to reach them since outside of the universe there is no space OR time. All of them constantly wriggling around in this void doing the same thing. NOW think, since outside of this universe there is no space nor time couldn't it theoretically make sense that the infinite universes zipping around are actually the strings that make up our tiny little quarks? DNA is shaped as a double helix, perhaps this is how the universe looks right now it looking like this < then later like this <> and if constantly recycling with a tracer to its past lives like this <><><><><> looks kinda like DNA which is coding for life. Now what if strings were to blame for coding DNA? Itd make sense that if a string were a universe recycling that itd be able to code for DNA sense everything in the universe would already be inside of the string, as it were, the string would also look like this <><><><>

This got me thinking about a lot of things. How everything intertwines. Humans die and their matter is recycled. Since energy/matter cannot be created nor destroyed, where does the energy go? I thought about how Ken was still inside of my thoughts, he will probably never leave. Religious people say that that is their living on, inside of us. The memories.. Experiences.. I believe that is touching onto something. If one like Ken dies we all have positive experiences and memories of him. He didn't die in vein. His essence is more positive. It led me to believe that if one dies in vein, and the energy is negative. It will end up being a bad thing somehow, possibly.

Before birth space and time do not exist. Same with after death. Since your 'energy' would be passed along to people you knew, perhaps your essence is living in a higher realm. Literally incomprehensible to things that are inside of this matrix of space and time. When one is born, they know nothing, they rapidly grow and through communication become non-ignorant with the rest of us. When one dies, they also degrade into one that is unable to communicate, ignorant. Maybe the whole human race is one organism. Similar to how your body cells grow, die, recycle.. Maybe we are just like these body cells working towards an immortal being. Immortal in the sense of no space, no time. When someone dies, and space and time are irrelevant, they are lifted and evolved into something outside of this. All these peoples essences perhaps collect into something larger, outside of all of this.

The brain is a quantum computer. We make computers, but they work on a binary system. 1's and 0's. A computer has no afterlife. But perhaps us, as quantum computers do. We do not work on a 1 and 0 basis, and maybe thats the difference. We work on a much more complex basis. 1 and 0 combined into one.

These computers may also have glitches though, just as binary computers do. The proof of that being things like multiple personality disorder, homosexuality.. A lot of diseases. Since we all are part of one, evolving being, it would make sense that when glitched, one cell(person) might think they are a girl and like other boys(Though I think a lot of homosexuality is for the attention, humans like attention, its in their nature), one cell might be glitched and actually think or be two of them at once. We call them crazy, but its just how they were born, a mutation. Humanity will constantly evolve until it is one. Slowly learning telepathy, but telepathy would be the beginning. One day the race will not take up space at all, and once this happens, all humanity is one being. Maybe this is extinction? Maybe one day we will all be collected into one essence, separating from space and time, separating from consciousness entirely.

This jumps around a lot, but it makes ya think. I hope one day I can become more conclusive on all of this.
Another thought. A sperm cell and an egg cell connect as one and then divide/grow into a human. Perhaps evolution as a race and evolution as an individual are similar. Before birth, as a cell or bundle of cells there is no consciousness. Then the cell has grown into a human, able to understand consciousness. In evolution, we were not able to have a conscious until we evolved accordingly.

Maybe we are unable to experience consciousness, then we are able to, and then through evolution we go into something higher. But since the universe is a paradox, incomprehensible to us, once we die and shed our skin it is only visible.

It is said when you die, you are granted to see all past lives/future lives. Since space and time would now be underneath you, it would just be... Well I don't know do I?
Come on be serious.. It took me like 8 minutes to write all of that

...I know, I read it - 'nice' was my first thought. I'm not done replying :)

Here's why. You mention that the state of the person could affect their 'afterlife'. I'm trying to find some literature on what is known as 'the horrible necessity'. I guess you could say it is like the earth's recycling program. Composting, even.

The center of the earth is that churning fire that was 'all the rage' in the early days of churches. (I type-o'd "earthy days")

At any rate, what the fck do I know? Uh, Zoom Zip.


Zoom zip and uh wake up, uh zoom zip

My eye like a noisegate the number 8 frustrate and I roll to the floor fruit
to the fruit to the core of a spheroid embedded in my skull the round the
zero the symbol of null and void and well I toyed with the concept of
vitamin B-12 the synapse the synapse it feeds itself on a nutrient
contained in sunlight the blink the lid the fight to snap open

Moving up to the double M 2000 I eat up a decade like a flan your turn of
the century turn it up turn it up clock seconds to the hour go and cash the
millenium Um Um and it hums like a migraine to the brain in the time yet
remaining but uh ah melancholy nonsense and I crack nouns brotherfuck
the verb tense

Recombination, then Viacom, Safeway
Lol eye.. I might just be drunk, but I'm very confused, you should re-phrase :)

...hehe, that last part there was a fun tangent :)

...I think that we get many chances in life. But, if we refuse to learn, or we commit atrocities, then maybe the energy does stay in tact but the body is recycled for another try. The idea of being 'born fallen' could apply to your idea.
...hehe, that last part there was a fun tangent :)

...I think that we get many chances in life. But, if we refuse to learn, or we commit atrocities, then maybe the energy does stay in tact but the body is recycled for another try. The idea of being 'born fallen' could apply to your idea.

Those whose mothers practice standing labor are born fallin'. cn
My idea on the whole expanding universe theory to help out with your "hole". Supposedly black holes are at the center of most all spiral galaxies and exist elsewhere. If that is the case, at some point wouldn't all of the black holes eventually consume all matter in the universe, and then only be attracted to each other to once again form a singularity? Just my two cents.
Cool Post
My idea on the whole expanding universe theory to help out with your "hole". Supposedly black holes are at the center of most all spiral galaxies and exist elsewhere. If that is the case, at some point wouldn't all of the black holes eventually consume all matter in the universe, and then only be attracted to each other to once again form a singularity? Just my two cents.
Cool Post
Thats part of what I was saying. It seems like singularity will happen again not only because of black holes though. Galaxies even form clusters, so there is something pulling them together. It wouldnt be gravity because its not strong enough..

But with this whole black energy theory.. Its saying that everything is pulling apart and will leave galaxies as loners.

Of course we are seeing the past when we look at galaxies because of light travel. So they couldve just been clusters in the past and are gradually shifting away from each other.. Who knows..
Not sure if I buy into the whole dark matter idea... It seems like we're just making stuff up at this point in an effort to rationalize concepts that may well be beyond us.
Keep exploring your idea/s....what if thought is the maker of said universe, nothing exists unless we think it does.
Well, dark matter is something that was 'made up' they just made it because gravity isn't enough to hold a galaxy together. When the scientists made models of the universe in computers, the galaxies spun and threw out the outlying stars. The only way that their models could make sense was when they programmed in dark matter. The thing is.. They teach this stuff like its fact and its theory. They should stop making people rely on these inferences, and try to prove it wrong. Its like science is turning into a religion.

My dad said something to me the other day about this book he's reading that basically says everything we think now about science is wrong, and he's gonna let me burrow it when he's done. I haven't a clue what it is like, but I'm interested to read it. He said something about electro-magnetism being whats holding it together as opposed to this alleged dark matter theory.

Keep exploring your idea/s....what if thought is the maker of said universe, nothing exists unless we think it does.
This picture of a brain cell next to a representation of the universe always made me think that was somewhat true.. What if all of this is pointless and solipsism is correct after all :p
The thing is that that representation was made by a computer assuming dark matter exists. It wont let me upload the picture for some reason..


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