HPS heat vs led heat

@kinggrow1 To prove HPS is as cool as LED you need to prove it to us. Photographic proof.

We need a picture of you holding a turned on warmed up HPS bulb in your hands. Just a little 250W is fine.
Then a pic of you holding a switched on 250w LED in your hands.

Hot tip: You may want to hold the LED one first.
You guys are forgeting thermal dynamics imo.

LED will be king sooner or later. I have no doubt.
We are comparing apples to oranges regarding heat, and light.

A. A specific kelvin temperature needs to be reached to produce each light spectrum. 2700k, 3500k, 4500k, 7000k, 10000k whatever.

B. Heat travels to where its cooler. Meaning smaller objects like diodes release heat faster, than a bulb containing an arc tube.
But the same kelvin temperature still needs to be produced to create the same light.

Think about how electricity is made. Or the energy / current within chipsets and motherboards in a computer.

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@kinggrow1 To prove HPS is as cool as LED you need to prove it to us. Photographic proof.

We need a picture of you holding a turned on warmed up HPS bulb in your hands. Just a little 250W is fine.
Then a pic of you holding a switched on 250w LED in your hands.

Hot tip: You may want to hold the LED one first.
Bad comparison , hold a chip without a heat sink attached and tell me what you think. Both will burn the crap out of you.
Got people for that now. What are you doing? Same shit you've been doing for 20 years?
Yea, same! Remember that time you grabbed my ass at that cocktail party when they cut the power off? Good times bro!!! What ever happened to that dude you were seeing? That Asain that has that crazy laugh.