More like 87,000.
I picked up on that part, but what makes this entertaining is seeing you put forth valid and understandable points, making baby stewie argue himself in's an example of someone trying to reiterate glenn beck's BS on paper...
Yeah dude, the 800,000 was from jan 20, 2009- Obama's inaguration. IF you have read further, or can read for that matter, he estimated the crowd to be around 80,000Here is the official count from the guy hired by the satellite company to count the people at the rally. The same guy President Obama used . I used Goggle!
He estimated 800,000 people! Before you attack this article I would read it!!!!
I was wrong! sorry people! I shorted it by 300,000.
i would say that some people are just poor consumers of information.Yeah dude, the 800,000 was from jan 20, 2009- Obama's inaguration. IF you have read further, or can read for that matter, he estimated the crowd to be around 80,000
"My estimate is that about 80,000 people were at the rally. "
Now, what do you have to say to that?
OK 7 pages of fact and one mistake. My bad! Shall we count the flat out lies to the one mistake! See what happens when you have a real belief system you can say I made a mistake.Yeah dude, the 800,000 was from jan 20, 2009- Obama's inaguration. IF you have read further, or can read for that matter, he estimated the crowd to be around 80,000
"My estimate is that about 80,000 people were at the rally. "
Now, what do you have to say to that?
With an end result ofi would say that some people are just poor consumers of information.
i can usually pick them out from a mile away when they have a link on their profile to, a website with glenn beck featured prominently in their ads. it becomes easier to spot them when they try to argue one of glenn beck's favorite talking points...
OK 7 pages of fact and one mistake. My bad! Shall we count the flat out lies to the one mistake! See what happens when you have a real belief system you can say I made a mistake.
i believe in judeo-christian values. is that a real belief system'?when you have a real belief system you can say I made a mistake.
[FONT="]i would say that some people are just poor consumers of information.
i can usually pick them out from a mile away when they have a link on their profile to, a website with glenn beck featured prominently in their ads. it becomes easier to spot them when they try to argue one of glenn beck's favorite talking points...
The military is for the defense of the nation. It is not a social justice program. Please explain how defending the country is a social justice program. Do you think that just because poverty stricken people lived in America at the time they did it for them? I don’t, a nation needs a way to defend itself from enemies wither or not all the citizen can let's focus on SOLELY the military...who will defend ALL citizens, no matter whether they contribute to the national defense or not...
Franklin didn’t patent it as an individual choice. He would have been against the government forcing him. There is a big difference between making a personal decision to do or give something for the benefit of others and the government forcing you to do or give. Here’s what Franklin thought about social still have franklin, never patented the lightning rod, citing its social benefits.
I for one watch Glen Beck from time to time and enjoy his program, but he is not posting in this thread unless I’m mistaken. So why keep taking shots at him?do i hear glenn beck sobbing in the distance?
So here is what I had said:Please post a fact where you can back up the claim that bigot's vote republican?
Do you somehow think that a bogot today is going to vote for the party that is trying to help gay people have the same rights, immigration rights, understanding and speak out that muslims have just as much right to live here in america as christians, and not least at all vote for a black president?I would think that the whole kkk thing and civil rights was more a placation of the southern baptists and votes than anything. It's kind of funny when you think about it, now we liberals are deemed the godless party and if your a biggot today, chances are your voting republican.
As goes god goes the racists?
You had me at the first line. Sign me up.I can post proof liberalism is based off atheism.
This was written in 1700 by Baron D'Holbach he was a atheist french philosopher ( That should be equal to a god in the liberal world ). Give it a read and you will see the links between atheism, liberalism and environmentalism he says for atheists to be careful. This book explains all of the bullshit liberals puke up and why. After reading this you will understand the powers at play and how liberals use racism, the environment and people against each other. Written in 1700, this is one of if not the starting point of the liberal belief system and the draw backs from the atheist point of view.
I look forward to see the excitement in your posts when you learn how bad the liberal system would really mean to your life.
No, civil rights and kkk has nothing to do with baptists but it has everything to do known Liberals and democrats. Republicans were founded by black men. They party of Abe, the guy who fought a war to free all of man! So I'm not sure why you say they are bigot's. The leaders of the confederacy were Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens both democrats. So why are Republicans the racist bigot's? Able Lincoln was a Republican. Google Woodrow Wilson and the KKK. Liberal democrat Woodrow Wilson was a huge supporter of the KKK.
The liberal view point is a flawed point of view!
copying my style now, i see. imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, i will take this as a compliment. i'm glad you got over your dungeon and dragons phase, hopefully this parroting glenn beck phase will blow over soon as well.[FONT="]In post# 40 you wrote [/FONT]
as further proof of this, i clicked on the link in your big surprise....the first ad was for his dumbass rally and the second ad was 'as seen on Glenn beck'.[/FONT]
[FONT="]In post#65 you wrote[/FONT]
[FONT="] i can usually pick them out from a mile away when they have a link on their profile to [/FONT]
LOL in 25 posts you went from finding out about the website to a The Liberal internet police stopping us a mile away! Wow Im happy you found a meaning in life. I must confess I like reading true books not playing dungeon and dragons. [/FONT]
too bad i never said that there should be nothing but social justice...just pointed out how our founding fathers made some allowance for it. you've been thoroughly whooped on this point already[FONT="]Should we review?[/FONT]
[FONT="]Social Justice has no place in OUR country! A Fire department is not the same as paying for someone here illegally, people that want to have bunches of kids that can't afford it. Shall I go on![/FONT]
i never said it implied a conspiracy, i said it informed me of who i was talking to: a glenn beck disciple. this is simply more evidence that you have extremely poor reading comprehension.[FONT="]You claim[/FONT] [FONT="] a site that sells History books and Historical information is somehow a conspiracy theory.[/FONT]
so sorry, but it does not change the meaning. inalienable and unalienable mean the same thing.[FONT="]You say[/FONT] [FONT="] inalienable rights when its unalienable rights . If you had read the Declaration of Independence one time you would have know. [/FONT]
no twisting of words here, we are both right. ALL catholics are christians, but not all christians are catholics.[FONT="]You twist words to say [/FONT][FONT="]catholics are christians, genius when if fact it is -Christians are not all Catholics ![/FONT]
because it is irrelevant to my assertion that the founding fathers made some allowances for social justice. it is simply your attempt to try to demonize liberals and shift the issue away from your complete fail...did you learn that tactic from glenn beck?[FONT="]Once again if your knowledge is so great the why will you not discuss liberal President Woodrow Wilson. Why not discuss how racist he was his love of the KKK and the liberal democrat voting record on civil rights issues![/FONT]
[FONT="][FONT="]Once again Your Flawed Liberal Philosophy Fails You.Your only claim is telling lies and twisting words and belittling.[/FONT]
because the point in contention is 'did the founding fathers allow for some degree of social justice'?I for one watch Glen Beck from time to time and enjoy his program, but he is not posting in this thread unless I’m mistaken. So why keep taking shots at him?
The Obligation of TzedakahI'm not sure if you listened to what he said. How is him talking about pushing social justice " out of context" ? Seems to me you are just trying to down play social justice. play " your " video again. I will say that was a nice play but your video has the same words. so your point is?????
As everyone forgot the principles country was founded on ? In case you have it is Judaeo-Christian.