How would you feel about a Sanders/Trump ticket?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck is on a little hiatus as of now

I bet hes tryingt to find/get info on me to fuck with me
Not to worry. He put on his sherlock holmes hat and sniffed around the internet for my personal info and found the wrong guy. Using publicly available info and stuff he posted on RIU I was able to find all of his though.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
just resting my back for a few days.

maybe while i have a few rare days off, you can finally tell us all why you joined "the white nationalists and white separatists group" in what you described as an act of "courtesy"?
Working on that "disability" claim, and voting Democrat. What a surprise!


Well-Known Member
You've got it backwards.


Trump has so much more real world experience that he would have to be the main name on ticket. Plus trump isn't going to be anyone's number 2.

Sanders on the other hand, might be willing to be the vp to trump if he were given certian promises that he could work on some pet projets of his and get some things added on trumps agenda.
Or enough to pay off his credit cards


Well-Known Member
Not to worry. He put on his sherlock holmes hat and sniffed around the internet for my personal info and found the wrong guy. Using publicly available info and stuff he posted on RIU I was able to find all of his though.

so it was some other guy named 'desert dude' selling ammo on then?

that's some long odds there, george.

tell you fat wife i said hi.


Well-Known Member
Real world experience my dick! He's another guy who was born on 3rd base n thinks he hit a homerun.. He won the gene lottery pool, its like these rich turds who take a picture atop MT. Everest n tell everyone the climbed the mountain.. They hired villagers to hump all the gear n food and they setup their tents and hold their hand the whole way. These clowns wouldn't last a month in the real world if they ever had to.
Sanders lived off welfare and writing sleazy misogynistic porn by the page until he went into government. You know, the kind of creepy neighbor you tell your kids to stay away from.


Well-Known Member
He's setting up an account in your name on some nut wing hate group right now.
you share the same beliefs as the people at stormfront, red.

they moderate all comments before allowing them.

i took the things you said here and copied and pasted them verbatim to stormfront, and the mods found them appropriate.

how funny is that?