How would you describe the interactions you've had with law enforcement/police?

I think this is a great question to ask members of this board since we have many international members outside of the US who frequently post. I'm very interested in comparing and contrasting the difference between interactions Americans have had with LE and those outside of America.

What is your general opinion of police?

What do you think when you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror?

Do you believe the color of your skin plays a part in said interaction?

Very important: What region of the world do you reside? Given the nature of this forum, not looking for anything specific, don't list your city

Do you believe there is a difference in behavior between armed and not armed officers? The way they choose to conduct themselves during a criminal confrontation?

I used to trust US police over any foreign country. Now, the trust is gone but since I'm white I get away with shit that others don't get a pass on. Example; Driving to an early flight hung over and didn't see the patrol car on my rear right. I changed lanes and ran him out of his lane and he turned on the lights. I just thought oh shit, now I could be late. But he just yelled at me for not stopping soon enough and changing lanes without a signal. I just apologized and he let me go. If I would have been a smart ass or a minority he would have kicked my ass. I'm old and bald and look like a retired cop so that helps every time I get pulled over. I live in the west and don't see any bad acting cops in my area (just east of cali).
I think this is a great question to ask members of this board since we have many international members outside of the US who frequently post. I'm very interested in comparing and contrasting the difference between interactions Americans have had with LE and those outside of America.

What is your general opinion of police?

What do you think when you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror?

Do you believe the color of your skin plays a part in said interaction?

Very important: What region of the world do you reside? Given the nature of this forum, not looking for anything specific, don't list your city

Do you believe there is a difference in behavior between armed and not armed officers? The way they choose to conduct themselves during a criminal confrontation?

Pigs are pigs wherever they snout and root
Early in my marriage my husband came home clearly shaken; teary..he started the day off on a call where the boyfriend was home babysitting an infant boy while his girlfriend was working as a waitress breakfast shift.

It seems the boyfriend had raped the infant to the point of disembowelment was nearly dead by the time my husband got there.

At the hospital they told my husband the boy will never be right..

That still haunts me to this day..I can more than just imagine what it did to my husband.
Early in my marriage my husband came home clearly shaken; teary..he started the day off on a call where the boyfriend was home babysitting an infant boy while his girlfriend was working as a waitress breakfast shift.

It seems the boyfriend had raped the infant to the point of disembowelment was nearly dead by the time my husband got there.

At the hospital they told my husband the boy will never be right..

That still haunts me to this day..I can more than just imagine what it did to my husband.
That's horrible. Hopefully that guy went away for a long time
Early in my marriage my husband came home clearly shaken; teary..he started the day off on a call where the boyfriend was home babysitting an infant boy while his girlfriend was working as a waitress breakfast shift.

It seems the boyfriend had raped the infant to the point of disembowelment was nearly dead by the time my husband got there.

At the hospital they told my husband the boy will never be right..

That still haunts me to this day..I can more than just imagine what it did to my husband.
you mean ex husband. He left you remember
I think this is a great question to ask members of this board since we have many international members outside of the US who frequently post. I'm very interested in comparing and contrasting the difference between interactions Americans have had with LE and those outside of America.

What is your general opinion of police?

What do you think when you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror?

Do you believe the color of your skin plays a part in said interaction?

Very important: What region of the world do you reside? Given the nature of this forum, not looking for anything specific, don't list your city

Do you believe there is a difference in behavior between armed and not armed officers? The way they choose to conduct themselves during a criminal confrontation?

Other than lying and violating my Constitutional rights?

Oh, just peachy!
As much as I detest some of the things cops do messing with us I got to give them credit for putting up with all the crap they do and being right on top of shit when shit gets bad.

I've been messing with cops since I was a 6 yo rock chucking, fire bug. Busting me on my Yamaha 80 at 14 to dragging my sorry ass out of the front of a store where I crashed my dad's car at 17.

Always start every encounter with respect and subservience to get the best outcome. Now is not the time to be a smart-ass which is my default attitude.

Coming home from BC to Alberta 13 years ago I got pulled over for speeding just short of the AB border. 127km in a 100 zone. Had a sawed off 12 gauge pump with special SS shot loads in a bag in the trunk and a 10-22 Ruger semi auto under stuff in the back seat of my '85 Olds Royal Brougham.

Took my papers and sat in the cop car for while then came back to make idle chit-chat. Where ya from. Nature of visit. etc.

Asked if he could take a look through my car and I told him he had no right to search me or my vehicle without a warrant. He just nodded and handed me back my papers with a warning for the excess speeding. (25km over the posted limit gets you an excessive speed ticket with 5 points instead of 3 and a $500 fine at the time).

I gave him a huge Thank you SIR! for the warning and we shook hands. Could have been a lot worse and I waited for him to turn around and leave before changing my shorts and moving on. ;)

Talk about shitting bricks! Like with women I'm totally relaxed dealing with cops tho. I got stuck taking a lie detector test when I was 19 and passed every part of it. Same kind of shit happens when serious shit goes down too like industrial/ vehicle accidents, fights etc. I just shift into observer mode and it's like I'm watching it happen to someone else and seeing all the paths each move will lead to. Done me a lot of good thru my life.

I'm the dude that can tell you when it's the right time to panic and it rarely is. My wife really likes that part as she freaks out over everything.

The older I get the less stuff I find that gets my shit hot. The serenity prayer helps on occasion.

When dealing with cops, no matter how much it grates, kissing a bit of piggy ass can save the bacon. ;)

Being a WASP is likely a bonus. I'm pretty sure my attitudes would be different were I black or brown or yellow or red.

I despise cops that profile or abuse their authority. To serve and protect is too often to beat and abuse. They come by it honestly tho. When was the last time your government served you like you elected them to do? By the people, for the people is a f'n joke. Screw the people, all the people is the rule of the day and that's what we all got to get together on and fight.

We have a common enemy called our governments! The enemy of my enemy is my friend! They mess with our heads using Faux News etc to keep us divided when we should be embracing and building a united front!

If you see colour as an issue then you're on "their" side. I'm an old white man, my two boys are status natives. My legal wife, not the boys mother, is pure Cree and this July will be our 40th wedding anniversary. I'm a happily married man. I haven't seen my wife in almost 40 years! :D

The C/L wife and I have been together since '99 and tho I'm not happy I'm content for the most part with her and her with me. I've been a boozer all my life and she's put up with it but voices her opinion once in a while. I'm a happy drunk but sometimes a drunk that says some stupid shit. I've never once touched her with anything but love so she knows she can get in my face anytime but knows to wait for a couple days after a 2 or 3 day piss-up before doing so. That way I can see beyond my misery far enough to understand what's she's saying.

Took a hard left turn there but you get the drift. View attachment 4131885

"You can fool some of the people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time!" Teddy Roosevelt I think.

P T Barnum, actually.

The answer to Government that isn't responsive to the people is to get involved and make it respond to us.

Just showing up to vote every once in awhile isn't enough, in spite of what the parties might tell us.
Your posts speak volumes about how your opinions are worthless and that you resort to personal attacks when you know you've lost the debate.

It happens with depressing regularity, doesn't it?
I discuss facts. Did her husband not leave her ? Is she not divorce. ? Then that makes him her ex-husband.
Now what else would you like to discuss Mr. Desperate
I discuss facts. Did her husband not leave her ? Is she not divorce. ? Then that makes him her ex-husband.
Now what else would you like to discuss Mr. Desperate
She must have really gotten to you for you to be crying like this.

No respect for you.
The demeanor of an individual cop might be interesting, some are blatant assholes and some appear to be nice guys (on the surface anyway). Doesn't matter though. EVERY cop, is doing it wrong.

She must have really gotten to you for you to be crying like this.

No respect for you.
racism and bigotry should get to all of us. Speaks volumes that is does not to you.
Did she get in your cage ?
And again why do you think I give a fuck whether you like or respect me. You are a fucking broke desperate bum, who enjoys seeing women in cage and complains when they ask for a meal.
What is it you do for a living again ?
The demeanor of an individual cop might be interesting, some are blatant assholes and some appear to be nice guys (on the surface anyway). Doesn't matter though. EVERY cop, is doing it wrong.


Rob..Dr Higgs is entitled to his opinion however he would need to talk to that cop who went on a call for domestic, only to find the howling infant with its guts spilling out..and then say those words.

I also find the post..some are (negative) some appear (positive)..’are’ is; ‘appear’ maybe.

This imho is an unfair compare/contrast.
Rob..Dr Higgs is entitled to his opinion however he would need to talk to that cop who went on a call for domestic, only to find the howling infant with its guts spilling out..and then say those words.

I also find the post..some are (negative) some appear (positive)..’are’ is; ‘appear’ maybe.

This imho is an unfair compare/contrast.

I'm sure some cops feel remorse and are exposed to horrible things, and even sometimes they do decent things, that's not my point though. All cops have agreed to enforce laws, at least some of which are clearly wrong. I don't think that can be disputed. That is my point. If you and I joined an organization where we blindly followed orders, rather than assessing the nature of the order itself, would we be held responsible for our actions? Yes, we would and we should be.

The part that ISN'T an opinion and is a fact is that not all laws are based in consistent morality, some laws are clearly arbitrary and rather than protecting a peaceful individual, they harm a peaceful individual.

That's why it's common to hear cops try to shirk personal responsibility by saying things that try to distance themselves from their harmful actions. "I'm just doing my job", is a cop out.

Just because a cop has compassion for a horribly abused infant, doesn't mean that same cop gets a pass when he enforces a law which abuses people. Otherwise, to believe different means we think wearing a cop costume with a badge creates some kind of magical aura which transforms a bad action into something acceptable, simply because we are a cop. Could you explain how that could possibly happen ?
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