how/when can i transfer

2 of my jane's are averaging 4 inches now and 2 others have just popped out of the dirt. they are sharing a rectangular planter since i am novice, but now have individual planters for these to go in. When can i transfer? How can i transfer? doing the least amount of stress or damage. thank you


Well-Known Member
The longer you wait, the more the roots are gonna grow and tangle in each other. The ripping apart of said roots will be a lot more stressful on your plants than a properly done transplant!

Let the soil get slightly dry, scoop around the plant, pick it out of the dirt gently, and plant in the new pot!

Good luck with your grow!

Handle the girls gently, and next time, spend some money and buy a few plastic cups so you can germ and grow seedlings individually.



Well-Known Member
Yup, dixie cups do wonders!

Buy one pack of red, and one pack of clear... plant your seedling in a clear dixie/solo cup then put it into a red cup.... then you can pull out the clear cup whenever you want to check out root growth!


Active Member
Midnighttoker is right, roots hate sunlight. When you do your transfer try to minimize the time the roots are exposed to light and air-- more stressful on the plant. Also, you might see your plant look a little droopy after the transfer. It'll recover from the shock usually within the day, sometimes a day or two.
I managed to make 3 transfers into bigger and individual pots. I was able to scoop up the dirt around and under the plants one with less success than the other 2, but none the less the objective is cleared. I also recycled the soil they came from into there new pots so they wouldn't have to go through much extra stress getting used to all fresh dirt and such