How well does a 400W HPS perform?


Active Member
A 600 watt light run 12 hours a day uses much more electricity than a mini fridge or full size fridge as for as that goes....
No it doesn't, i used a watt meter on a 3ft tall mini fridge and it was 600w, times that by 24. Now imagine a bigger fridge that has a freezer too.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
No it doesn't, i used a watt meter on a 3ft tall mini fridge and it was 600w, times that by 24. Now imagine a bigger fridge that has a freezer too.
They do not run continuous, they cycle on and off. The total amount of time a fridge runs during a 24 hr period is probably 2 hrs at most. Not the 12 continuous hours a grow light runs during flower.


New Member
No you show us the law that says 2 plants wont cause can happen pal....
you again. stop trolling me dude. no one has ever lost their house and car because they had 1 or 2 plants growing. if they did it was because of something else. everytime you open your mounth you just sound dumber. stop following me into threads to just troll me. go back to facebook. you aren't a grower. at least go over to toke n' talk. real growers here.


Well-Known Member
please show me acase where someone lost their home or had their bank accounts or cars repo'd for having a plant or two in their house. get real.
I don't think you understand.

To say no one is getting into trouble for 1 or 2 plants is ignorant.
Regardless of whether they have assets forfeited or not.



New Member
I don't think you understand.

To say no one is getting into trouble for 1 or 2 plants is ignorant.
Regardless of whether they have assets forfeited or not.

i agree and at NO point did i say there was no risk. there's always risk in growing. just like there is risk in having it on you. i'll drive around all day long with a joint in my car or a few grams because i know if i get caught i'm not going to lose my car or my house. if the law stated that i automatically lost my car because i had it I wouldn't drive around with it. there is a risk that we all take. losing your house is not a risk when you are growing 1 plant. at least i have never heard of it.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah actually, depending on HOW they charge you, forfeiture is a very definite possibility in most states and on a federal level. Here, there is no such thing as a "persona use" grow. If they get you you'll be charged with intent to distribute, and that my friend is very dangerous water to be treading in, as that is where the forfeiture laws start.
Nows the probability of them actually losing the house is very slim, they can always plead ignorance. A landlord will not lose his house if you grow in it, but the hoops they jump thru in the meantime suck. Dudes parents would most certainly be charged with negligence and child endangerment here, if dude is a minor, as they SHOULD have known or been aware of what ever goes on in thier home


New Member
i guess everyone has the right to be worried. i just don't see it happening. courts charging you with distribution for growing a single plant? get real. i'd still like to see a case of someone losing a house or being charged for having 1-2 plants. i've never heard of it. to get busted with a single plant you'd literally have to invite the cops onto your property anyway and have it smell or them see it. i just don't see it happening.


Well-Known Member
I'm not starting a forest in here just something that will give me a nice 1-2 plants for myself and a decent yield.
thats what i said lol... you should be good with a 6 bulb t5 fluorescent i stay away from HID if you plan on growing only 2 plans and learn to scrog

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
First I'd say don't do this unless your parents are OK with it. The smell will find it's way around. That said you could get this:

Using red and blue tubes you can THEORHETICALLY do 2 plants OK. You could also get 6 65 watt CFL (3 splitters) and call it a day. There shouldn't be too much heat or humidity....I hope.
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Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
you again. stop trolling me dude. no one has ever lost their house and car because they had 1 or 2 plants growing. if they did it was because of something else. everytime you open your mounth you just sound dumber. stop following me into threads to just troll me. go back to facebook. you aren't a grower. at least go over to toke n' talk. real growers here.
I have forgotten more about growing than you will ever know.....your the one trolling and being an asshole........