Active Member
i would love to hear why? my life is what they call perfectdamn that sucks for you
i would love to hear why? my life is what they call perfectdamn that sucks for you
I honestly feel the same way. If that would make you happy to live a natural life, I say go for it. And unlike a lot of other people, I will not judge you for that. I just think that it would be more like running from the problem, even though fixing it would be nearly impossible.Like I said kev dog not everyone will be suited to this way of living but all that want to i feel should have the oppurtunity to do so.
it might surprise you to know that most everyone on the face of the earth has at least a glimmer of that same desire within them. it might surprise you, but it really shouldn't. look past the scare tactic headlines and the agenda driven attacks and you will find a world filled with people who embrace charity whenever they can and harbor no ill will where it is not warranted. of course there is evil, all men do evil do one degree or another. that evil is a part of our nature, but it is not the productive part and it is easily pushed aside if we are given the chance.Life to me is about love to all, for all of us to share love and respect each other. Life to me is about love peace equality we can all live happily peacefully if we share and look after each other. The way we are headed is for destruction, we need to change in order for us to survive.
it might surprise you to know that most everyone on the face of the earth has at least a glimmer of that same desire within them. it might surprise you, but it really shouldn't. look past the scare tactic headlines and the agenda driven attacks and you will find a world filled with people who embrace charity whenever they can and harbor no ill will where it is not warranted. of course there is evil, all men do evil do one degree or another. that evil is a part of our nature, but it is not the productive part and it is easily pushed aside if we are given the chance.
those tired cliches of big oil being an uncaring monster and evil corporations crushing the working man for a few dollars more are little more than a sad attempt to lay the blame for humanity's failures at the feet of faceless entities. no matter how big any business may be, it is still under the control of ordinary people and those people have the same capacities for kindness and cruelty as the rest of us. their errors may have more impact than smaller entities or than individuals, but there is no inherent evil in success. you may think you are willing to forego profit for the good of mankind, but you are just as prone to seek success as anyone. the quest for profit is a quest to better your own lot in life and that of those around you. no one really wants to watch as their life circles the drain slowly fades into obscurity and that is the inevitable result of avoiding success.
that other old saw, the equality of all men, is equally false. there is a moment in life, just at the instant of birth, when we are all equal. after that moment we are at the mercy of our own efforts, the efforts of our forebearers and the vagaries of our existence on this earth. we may treat our fellows as equals, but each of our destinies are determined by forces both within and beyond our control. we may be born into wealth or a loving family. in this case our task is to live up to our heritage or to waste those advantages. we may be born into poverty or despair. this gives us the opportunity to rise above our circumstances or to allow our disadvantages to overwhelm us. whether our heritage is to our advantage or disadvantage is dependent on the efforts of those who came before us. it is only right that they be allowed to pass on the fruits of their labors and only just that their failures earn their descendants no claim to the effort of others. as we live our life, we may find that fortune smiles upon us and that every endeavor we turn our hand to blossoms and bears fruit. this gives us the mere moral obligation to aid those less fortunate and the opportunity to engage in charity. we may find nothing but ill luck and see our every effort turned against us. this gives us no right to the successes of those more fortunate and may demand that we accept the gifts of others, but we should do so without rancor or envy of their better luck. of course, our own effort is the greatest determiner of our destiny. that we are willing to persevere, no matter the outcome, is a success in itself and failure is only found when we finally give up and cease the struggle.
mankind is naturally born into poverty. all our advances and comforts have been paid for with the sweat and blood of others. somewhere, deep inside, we all know this and are more than willing to share that fortune. there is love and peace all around you, you just have to look beyond the ranting of malcontents and the screaming headlines of the agenda driven media. you merely have to reach out with kindness and you will find a great deal of it returned. our doom is spelled out in our own unwillingness to recognize that kindness. the only change that is really needed is to understand that the peace we desire is all around us and to reach out and hold on to it. evil will be done, but we cannot dwell on it nor return it in kind. errors will be made, but we should never read more into them than what they are. what we require is less outside control and penalization for our transgressions, more self-control and incentive to expand on the kindness we all desire to both give and receive. those things are no more readily found amid nature than in the hectic world of life today.
business is bad and i seem to be one of the few who refuses government handouts. your donations will be happily accepted.
People should have to pay money to read shit like this.
is it not "natural" for humans to use our brains? sure we have made the planet polluted and stuff but have also created and learned so much. eventually we will either have to find a way to progress without harming the environment or die but that is a long way off
I hear what your saying but it is life and we can change it. If people didnt fight for their rights then we would still have apartheid and slavery. Black people would still be classed as 2nd class citizens. Same with equal rights for women when they wasnt allowed to vote and would get paid less for doing the same job as a man. If these people that fought for their rights thought fukk it i will just live it, we wouldnt be were we are today. So I say we can change and make a difference all of us if we unite and stick together. People just bury their heads in the sand and hope things will be ok. They think we cant do nothing about it and carry on with their lives excepting the government rules. We owe it to our children to fight for a better world for them and eventually their children to live in.Radiation as been on this planet since the begining. it can create and destroy life its still here giving light to our planet and our plants and blowing shit the fuck up with a bombs protecting soldiers with depleated uranium armor and kiling others with uranium shells. Its life dude, all that you can do is live it.
True but if you look at it Black people are still considered as 2nd class citizens in the eyes of many espcially that ivy league douche that got his job because of daddys connections but thinks hes the hardest working person in the world, women do get paid less than men for the same job this isnt as seldom as history has shown us but none the less still going on, right to vote for women: Three words "Hilary Rodham Clinton". They did just live it, they lived it through fighting for rights n such, and i thank them for that and for places to set up a new culture id suggest Greenland new land has been uncovered due to ice caps melting land that hasnt been set foot on for 50+ years but as for any land u gotta look a the close by government and cut deals and such cause i mean they have armys, and just waking up in the morning seeing that some strangers just set up camp in your backyard is kina suspect of invasion, an infraction that can lead to war depending on your amount of force but most likely deportation. But hell if your going for it im down for the causeI hear what your saying but it is life and we can change it. If people didnt fight for their rights then we would still have apartheid and slavery. Black people would still be classed as 2nd class citizens. Same with equal rights for women when they wasnt allowed to vote and would get paid less for doing the same job as a man. If these people that fought for their rights thought fukk it i will just live it, we wouldnt be were we are today. So I say we can change and make a difference all of us if we unite and stick together. People just bury their heads in the sand and hope things will be ok. They think we cant do nothing about it and carry on with their lives excepting the government rules. We owe it to our children to fight for a better world for them and eventually their children to live in.