Ok, evil buddies, I have respect for your idea and what its about, but I partially disagree. The reason we are the amazing dominant race we are is because of our ability to adapt. Sure plants and animals adapt, but not nearly at the scale that we have over our long history. We can live off the earth without being amish. We can still use cars, and have air condition and all that good stuff, but in different ways. If every single person that had room had a windmill in their back yard, and we used purely re-newable resources like wind and water energy, this world would be so much greener. And forget about Styrofoam and plastic packaging, use paper and recycled paper so that it can actually break down and give back to the earth. The biggest problem with the human race is GREED. Once people get that money and power, they don't give a shit about anyone else. If we can eliminate greed, we would all be soo much better off.