How to use a moisture/ph/light meter?

Hi all.

Please forgive a beginner for a dumb question, but I have one of these.
It has no useful instructions and I had a few basic questions.
I understand the answer may be different if you are testing for PH, Moisture or Light.

1. How deep into the soil should I push the prongs for an accurate reading?
2. Should I push it in at the edge of the pot, parallel to the stem, or inbetween?
3. Does pushing it into the soil damage the roots, should I push it in once and leave it there?
4. What moisture level % should I allow it to reach before watering?
5. How much deviation from PH7 is acceptable before using up/down?
6. Finally have you owned one of these and if so what are your experiences?

Thanks to anyone who takes the time.
As I said, it has general instructions but as with all things I find it better to ask the specialists :wink: