how to tell when they are dry


Active Member
ok i have been drying for 4 days at temps of 74deg and 50 humidity, smaller bud feel really sticky and kinda crispy,not sure when to stick into jars .is there someone experienced in this prosess, and how can i tell with big dence buds when there ready, please help thanx...


Elite Rolling Society
I dry large colas for 6 days, mediums take 5 days, small ones too.
The bud part will still be squeezy and mushy but the stem should snap when broken.

It is better to over dry than under dry.

I save a small piece of stem in the refrigerator, and if a bug gets too dry, I cut a piece of stem and add it to the jar.

No matter what, open those jars every day, for ten seconds and smell it. If you smell mold, emmpty the jar and air it out all day.

Again, every day for 30 days.

In 7 grows I had one jar go bad on the 29th day.