Well-Known Member
I would like to show some tips on taking pictures up close and personal to better help people that need to share close up shots to help with sexing and other problems.
Using Macro settings will take close up pictures. For most cameras the Macro icon looks like this
Zooming in with the cameras zoom feature will blur the picture. You want to get the lens as close to the subject as you can, almost touching the subject.
For the photo above the lens was about 1/2 inch away from the lighter.
Provide as much light as you can without using the flash, the flash will be too close to the subject and somtimes not make it down to the subject.
Use the auto feature on the camera with the flash turned off and the Macro turned on. The auto feature will tell the lens to stay open longer to let more light in. The downside of this is blur so you might want to secure the camera to stop the motion blur. A tripod will do fine or just provide the light.
Picture with flash
Notice the dark area where the detail is lost.
Notice in the picture below that one side of the wheel is more detailed than the other side. using Marco will limit the focus area but will give great detail where needed.
I would practice on many different subjects using the Macro setting. Practice on high and low light pictures and realy get to know your camera.
Using Macro settings will take close up pictures. For most cameras the Macro icon looks like this

Zooming in with the cameras zoom feature will blur the picture. You want to get the lens as close to the subject as you can, almost touching the subject.

For the photo above the lens was about 1/2 inch away from the lighter.
Provide as much light as you can without using the flash, the flash will be too close to the subject and somtimes not make it down to the subject.
Use the auto feature on the camera with the flash turned off and the Macro turned on. The auto feature will tell the lens to stay open longer to let more light in. The downside of this is blur so you might want to secure the camera to stop the motion blur. A tripod will do fine or just provide the light.
Picture with flash

Notice the dark area where the detail is lost.
Notice in the picture below that one side of the wheel is more detailed than the other side. using Marco will limit the focus area but will give great detail where needed.

I would practice on many different subjects using the Macro setting. Practice on high and low light pictures and realy get to know your camera.