how to start a cfl grow !!??? help + rep for anyone !!


Well-Known Member
YOu could do it either way, or both! Those t-5's are exactly what I was talking about, I think my buddie has the 2x36 watters but he vegges and clones quite a few plants at a time.. How many do you plan on vegging at a time?

It gets kind of tricky with cfl's and lumens though, the smaller ones are actually better for the lumen to watt ratio but it makes it a little more of a pain because your dealing with more bulbs.. If we knew the amount of plants you want to go with it would help more with your certain situation.


New Member
about 10 plants for this grow, will put them in box with reflective stuff, plants in small pots or containers,only need them in there for 1-2 weeks !!!?? before outdoors, but do i have to take them outside in day and in at night ?? lol cause it kinda hard to with my situation !!!

so 4 30w bulbs should be sweet, keep im in ther the hole 2 weeks then outdoors ?? how do i stop shock ??


Well-Known Member
about 10 plants for this grow, will put them in box with reflective stuff, plants in small pots or containers,only need them in there for 1-2 weeks !!!?? before outdoors, but do i have to take them outside in day and in at night ?? lol cause it kinda hard to with my situation !!!

so 4 30w bulbs should be sweet, keep im in ther the hole 2 weeks then outdoors ?? how do i stop shock ??
Just make sure the box is ventilated if its enclosed and heat can build up..

I would just leave them under the cfl's on a 24hrs light schedule and after 3 weeks you should have some healthy little bushes to move outside.

At that point I've heard introducing them to some shaded light for a few hourst is the way to go, then bring them back. Then do a couple hours of direct and then bring them back and maybe do like 6 hours the next day and thats how you avoid as much shock as possible from what I've read.. Hope that made sense lol..

those lights should be enough to get your going, you might want to add a few more as you go, are you thinking the 30watt single cfl bulbs or the 2x30 t-5's?


New Member
na just 3 of those lamps and another light so 110w alltogether !! that sweet for seedlings lol !!???

him i could do them indoors at night outdoors at day, but seedlings dont need full sunlight aye !?????


Well-Known Member
na just 3 of those lamps and another light so 110w alltogether !! that sweet for seedlings lol !!???

him i could do them indoors at night outdoors at day, but seedlings dont need full sunlight aye !?????

You are correct about the seedlings, once they grow there true leaves you could do the indoor outdoor thing and you could probably do without adding more cfls.. Just make sure to introduce them to the sun gradually from what I've read, to avoid stress and shock..


New Member
sweet man will do !!!! and am going to do a auto grow indoors as i havnt done indoors yet and will put an auto outdoors too lol .

just need some seeds hahah

were you live smeLLyTreeZ


Well-Known Member
That will work! If you could get your hand on one, the bathroom vanity light sets are cheap too.. 3 sockets 100 watts each and you can mount it so the bulbs sit horizontal.. I know they sell them at home depot and lowes for like 10 bucks! But they have to be wired up which is easy..

I actually just harvested my first Supposed auto today "shortrider" but it wasn't really a true autoflower, I had to switch the lights like a regular strain..


New Member
sweet dude, i live in NZ and dont have "home depot" or "lowes" so i will just buy 4 lamps. fkin NZ doesnt have shit !!! i cant even find a y adaptor !! wtf



Well-Known Member
sweet dude, i live in NZ and dont have "home depot" or "lowes" so i will just buy 4 lamps. fkin NZ doesnt have shit !!! i cant even find a y adaptor !! wtf

thats right, my bad lol.. that sucks but hey get what you can! Yea I'm in the states so that shit is everywhere.

Let us know how there doing when you get them going!


New Member
will do mate !!!! i gota get soil and shit for subs super soil !! i need $300 hahaha

it cost heaps man, Nz is $40 for a 50L bag of coco.

and $22 for a 50L bag of soiless mix

expensive aye
aww, you should really try to find splitters, make your own soil with good outdoor soil you need to screen the chunks out and add perlite, and a lot of fertilizer or organic amends


Well-Known Member
cant get splitters and whats rong with the mix i got ^^^^^^

I'm sure the soil you got will work great, I think he was just suggesting that because it would be cheaper..?? Anyway keep us posted, throw up some pics when you get em going!