How to smoke when you still live with parents?

As a parent and someone who partakes, if you live in a prohibition state all I can say is this.

1. You sound like too much of a good kid to be doing this, which means your going to get caught.
2. You are about to be going to college, dont you think you aught to focus on school?
3. When its your home its your rules. My oldest knows what I do and I am an open book for him but he also understands that its my house, my rules. Dont disrespect your parents. If you are going to smoke pot find somewhere you can smoke it where you arnt putting your family at risk.
4. I want you to spend a moment thinking about what you are asking for. You are on an internet site asking strangers how to do something you think cops are UNABLE to sign up for this forum?
Alright...who woke this thread up?

The OP has not been back since the day he started the thread....perhaps he tried buying weed from a cop? or maybe his parents caught him and sent him to live with a group of right winged cultists? Maybe he took one of the suggestions and over-dosed on meth? Maybe Harry Anslinger was right and he took an axe to his family? or maybe...this happened...

Alright...who woke this thread up?

The OP has not been back since the day he started the thread....perhaps he tried buying weed from a cop? or maybe his parents caught him and sent him to live with a group of right winged cultists? Maybe he took one of the suggestions and over-dosed on meth? Maybe Harry Anslinger was right and he took an axe to his family? or maybe...this happened...

LOL that is awesome!
I like the post where someone suggests that the cops are gonna sign up for RIU so they can bust this jackass who doesn't even really smoke weed hahah you think if they were gonna bust someone it be the people growing. I better stop before I get busted too
When your parents catch you just offer to share and everything should work out. Or smoke meth instead It will help you study:eyesmoke::shock:

I was going to say that. Just tell your olds your were thinking of smoking smoke smack or meth, but decided to stick with the green and then they will be happy haha

It cracks me up about how yanks bang on about college. Must be the only country where anyone gives a fuck.
First post. So I just graduated from high school and am going to college but because it's only 20 minutes away from home my parents didn't pay for residence. I'm a newbie to smoking having only tried it once (but didn't get high.) within the past year but want to try again. My question is where do I find a new dealer and how do I smoke/buy without my parents catching on?
A. Why should your parents pay for residency? Time to grow the fk up. Get a fkn part time job for fks sake.

B. Didnt get high? My arse you didnt, spose u didnt inhale either.

C. Dealers are everywhere..come on u cannot of been that sheltered u soft cock.

D. How do u buy without ur mum and dad knowing?..Dont fkn tell them you idiot. How do you smoke and them not know? Good fkn luck unless they have been brought up like you- u soft , muddle cuddled soft cock. Fk me....

And i Hope u saw this notification on your email and read my post..u soft cock.
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Alright...who woke this thread up?

The OP has not been back since the day he started the thread....perhaps he tried buying weed from a cop? or maybe his parents caught him and sent him to live with a group of right winged cultists? Maybe he took one of the suggestions and over-dosed on meth? Maybe Harry Anslinger was right and he took an axe to his family? or maybe...this happened...

A. Why should your parents pay for residency? Time to grow the fk up. Get a fkn part time job for fks sake.

B. Didnt get high? My arse you didnt, spose u didnt inhale either.

C. Dealers are everywhere..come on u cannot of been that sheltered u soft cock.

D. How do u buy without ur mum and dad knowing?..Dont fkn tell them you idiot. How do you smoke and them not know? Good fkn luck unless they have been brought up like you- u soft , muddle cuddled soft cock. Fk me....

And i Hope u saw this notification on your email and read my post..u soft cock.
Fuck that had me in stiches. Very true but. He's meant to be 20, by that age I was partying hard at a full moon parties in Thailand.