Sorry, i'm all bleary eyed and smiley, not a good time for me to be trying to focus on the forms haha.
Policy is not directly related to politics. It is my policy to have a joint in the morning if i've a hangover, governemnt doesn't enter into the policy. The definition of policy given would be the definition for government policy, not jsut policy on it.s own. Not sure what the correct saying would be but kinda along the lines of all blackbirds are black but not all black birds are blackbirds. Indirect relationship or something maybe.
And if he is buying at 5K a pound, then that would be where my line of "growers are also greedy cunts" comes into play

Dealers certainly have a markup requirement, such as if they don't stick 40% ontop then they don't get dinner, whereas growers have no excuse other than the usual "it's hard work" "it takes a lot of time" "the risk!" all of which are bs justifications for turning a plant that might have cost $10 per ounce to grow, if that, and sell it for $300+ an ounce. But dealers are still greedy cunts on the whole. I know for a fact that one of the dealers i know has been sold weed for the same price since he met the growers many years back, yet every handful of months the deals get smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and smaller. A year ago i could have gotten 2.8g for £20, now it's more like 2g for £20, with no justificaiton for it. Only thing i can think of would be the argument of well life is more expensive now, but then you'd have to ask why the grower has no need to raise his prices