• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Well-Known Member
Um, look in a dictionary, politics and policy hold rather different meanings.

The law and supply and demand does sweet fuck all to regulate prices, they've done nothing but go up. i less than 2 years i've seen the price of an ounce go up by over £50. Prices most certainly are not effected by suply and demand, it's effected by what the rest of the market is selling at, a price fixing consortium if you will. A supermarket cannot team up with the other superkarket in town and sell everything with an additional $100 ontop of each item, there are laws and regulations, cannabis is illegal, there are none, it'll sell for whatever they wish to sell, and people will uy it as ther's no other alternative. Dealers who actively push at lower prices quite often recieve "visists" to encourage them notto unless they manage to stay low key and off everyones radar in which case you're probably not selling much.
From my understanding, that exactly is what he is trying to say. Because weed is involved in the black market, it has inflated prices. He is saying that the problem is the very fact that it is illegal and if that changed then supply and demand would be a more deciding factor on the price.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
From my understanding, that exactly is what he is trying to say. Because weed is involved in the black market, it has inflated prices. He is saying that the problem is the very fact that it is illegal and if that changed then supply and demand would be a more deciding factor on the price.
Well that's where i have decided that growers are simply greedy cunts. You have dispensaries authorised and "protected" by state law to sell their cannabis. So pray tell why are they charging more than illegal black amrkets are charging. The cali dispensaries are charging almost double what a dealer would charge me. This turn of events just simply doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever, i cannot fathom the prices. Once legal why in hell wouldn't someone just open a dispensary and sell for half of what anyone else is selling at, or is this business not baed around bringing customers in? I just can't understand how with a legal market the prices are increasing over those of the illegal market.

I am now warning threads that i am getting rather baked and losing track of everything that's going on, people gotta stop posting so fast haha. Maybe i'll crack open some beers in a bit and really lose the plot haha


Well-Known Member
the dispensaries charge more because they can and people will pay...and uncle sam is taking a piece of the pie.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My point was that why do people not undercut the lot of them and dominate the market. Dell and acer dominated the pc markets because they sold cheaper than anyone else was willing to or capable of. For some reason there seems to be zero business ense. I can understand it in an illegal market, but not a legal one.


Well-Known Member
My point was that why do people not undercut the lot of them and dominate the market. Dell and acer dominated the pc markets because they sold cheaper than anyone else was willing to or capable of. For some reason there seems to be zero business ense. I can understand it in an illegal market, but not a legal one.
it all makes sense if you could see all the information, likely that is not the case
the probable answer is there are high barriers to opening a dispensary, even if they are not evident
barriers to entry are what investors love, a not so free market place


Well-Known Member
Um, look in a dictionary, politics and policy hold rather different meanings.

The law and supply and demand does sweet fuck all to regulate prices, they've done nothing but go up. i less than 2 years i've seen the price of an ounce go up by over £50. Prices most certainly are not effected by suply and demand, it's effected by what the rest of the market is selling at, a price fixing consortium if you will. A supermarket cannot team up with the other superkarket in town and sell everything with an additional $100 ontop of each item, there are laws and regulations, cannabis is illegal, there are none, it'll sell for whatever they wish to sell, and people will uy it as ther's no other alternative. Dealers who actively push at lower prices quite often recieve "visists" to encourage them notto unless they manage to stay low key and off everyones radar in which case you're probably not selling much.
This is what I was trying to say. Supply and demand are subverted by the policy of prohibition, which fosters greed. I strongly relate to your distaste for greed. I had a dealer that every other month would want an extra $5 per eighth because it was 'extra good shit'. Yet when he had brown frown he never felt the need to drop the prices. I simply disagreed with your reasoning for protesting the OP giving sensible advice.


Politics consists of "social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulation of public affairs within a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.

Policy (1) The basic principles by which a government is guided.
(2) The declared objectives that a government or party seeks to achieve and preserve in the interest of national community.

Considering the context in which those words were used here, I think those definition are prudent.


Well-Known Member
well thats on you for buying brown..and thats on you for getting raped by some greedy prick slanging 60 dollar eighths. but what is the guy is paying 5 k a pound? you expect him to risk his freedom and spend his time dealing with people for nothing? he should do that free of charge? hell even lose money?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sorry, i'm all bleary eyed and smiley, not a good time for me to be trying to focus on the forms haha.

Policy is not directly related to politics. It is my policy to have a joint in the morning if i've a hangover, governemnt doesn't enter into the policy. The definition of policy given would be the definition for government policy, not jsut policy on it.s own. Not sure what the correct saying would be but kinda along the lines of all blackbirds are black but not all black birds are blackbirds. Indirect relationship or something maybe.

And if he is buying at 5K a pound, then that would be where my line of "growers are also greedy cunts" comes into play :) Dealers certainly have a markup requirement, such as if they don't stick 40% ontop then they don't get dinner, whereas growers have no excuse other than the usual "it's hard work" "it takes a lot of time" "the risk!" all of which are bs justifications for turning a plant that might have cost $10 per ounce to grow, if that, and sell it for $300+ an ounce. But dealers are still greedy cunts on the whole. I know for a fact that one of the dealers i know has been sold weed for the same price since he met the growers many years back, yet every handful of months the deals get smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and smaller. A year ago i could have gotten 2.8g for £20, now it's more like 2g for £20, with no justificaiton for it. Only thing i can think of would be the argument of well life is more expensive now, but then you'd have to ask why the grower has no need to raise his prices


Dealers that don't grow are free to purchase seeds and some lights, nutrients, soil, venting or whatever equipment they need to grow their own shit so that they don't have to stick 40% on top.


Active Member
DUDE how can u compare weed with meth and cocaine ur a damn jackass noone kills over weed.....U act like u never bought a bag...U need to be in jail for being a complete morone

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
DUDE how can u compare weed with meth and cocaine ur a damn jackass noone kills over weed.....U act like u never bought a bag...U need to be in jail for being a complete morone
They are both victimless so far as the other guy was concerned and both will pay off bills, which is the point of this thread. The effect that the drug has on the buyer is completely irrelevant for the argument at hand.

And noone kills over weed? dream on. Or do you really believe it's this is a crime free industry? :lol: people kill over a mobile phone or a wallet, why do you think they don't kill over 10 pounds of weed or even a few ounces? Fuck, maybe it's a meth head killing someone for his weed so he can sell it and buy more meth. A dealer i know had his front door kicked in, hi mum was then tied up, he was then beaten up to such a state he had to goto hospital all over a bit of money due to a tick. But yes, i'm sure it's a fluffy sherbet fountain industry..


Morone is a genus of temperate basses (family Moronidae), consisting of four species.
I didn't think they jailed fish.


Well-Known Member
If you got a medical cannabis card and the person your "selling" to has there card then its a legal transaction just so ya'll know


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i'm all bleary eyed and smiley, not a good time for me to be trying to focus on the forms haha.

Policy is not directly related to politics. It is my policy to have a joint in the morning if i've a hangover, governemnt doesn't enter into the policy. The definition of policy given would be the definition for government policy, not jsut policy on it.s own. Not sure what the correct saying would be but kinda along the lines of all blackbirds are black but not all black birds are blackbirds. Indirect relationship or something maybe.

And if he is buying at 5K a pound, then that would be where my line of "growers are also greedy cunts" comes into play :) Dealers certainly have a markup requirement, such as if they don't stick 40% ontop then they don't get dinner, whereas growers have no excuse other than the usual "it's hard work" "it takes a lot of time" "the risk!" all of which are bs justifications for turning a plant that might have cost $10 per ounce to grow, if that, and sell it for $300+ an ounce. But dealers are still greedy cunts on the whole. I know for a fact that one of the dealers i know has been sold weed for the same price since he met the growers many years back, yet every handful of months the deals get smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and smaller. A year ago i could have gotten 2.8g for £20, now it's more like 2g for £20, with no justificaiton for it. Only thing i can think of would be the argument of well life is more expensive now, but then you'd have to ask why the grower has no need to raise his prices
i dont think the GROWERS are charging the high prices its who they sell it to..then that person sells it to make some money and the next person will do the same thing so the price keeps going up and up

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I can only personally speak for my part of england, but i know that all of the growers sell to dealers at a minimum of £160 an ounce, it's absolutely ridiculous. From reading the forums i know a lot of folk here sell for equally daft prices in the US, although i don't really know to what extent. My bathroom book at present is mr nice, it is depressing reading it and then coming back to reality.
Well now, didn't this thread get out of hand fast! Jeeze Guys, calm down! If you're searching on a marijuana forum and somebody mentions a way to pay your bills and not get thrown in prison for a victim-less crime you'd think you'd be grateful! For those of you defending my position, I thank you. For those of you freaking out at me, calm down! Go smoke a bowl then read what I wrote again. Haha. I know most of my advice is common sense, but I know many a grower/dealer who landed in prison or with charges on account of his or her lack of common sense. Haven't you ever heard the quote "Common sense doesn't seem to be that common anymore."? There's a reason for that quote!

Anyway, If you're against selling weed then don't do it. If you need/choose to sell weed to pay your bills that's just fine with me too! I'm in business at college right now, and so I understand how tempting it is to try to get rich off weed. However, I stated in my very first post that dealers/growers should NOT BE GREEDY. I really don't know how else to state my opinion and give information in a way that wont kick up some sand. Honestly, you'd think a forum dedicated the the growth and use of marijuana would be more tolerant and understanding... I guess conservatives exist in the world of marijuana too!
Also, let me just ad that this thread was never about pot dealers being greedy! If you think they're so greedy then shut up and grow your own ganga! It's not a picnic to grow this stuff! It requires a lot of time and attention! Jeeze some of you are so damn immature. Tell me, what do you think Walmart's margins are? I'm willing to bet they're far higher than most pot dealers margins so can it!


Well-Known Member
If you got a medical cannabis card and the person your "selling" to has there card then its a legal transaction just so ya'll know
Marijuana remains illegal under federal law as a Schedule I substance.

I can only personally speak for my part of england, but i know that all of the growers sell to dealers at a minimum of £160 an ounce, it's absolutely ridiculous. From reading the forums i know a lot of folk here sell for equally daft prices in the US, although i don't really know to what extent. My bathroom book at present is mr nice, it is depressing reading it and then coming back to reality.
Isn't a 50% or more markup typical in retail? This seems like a typical formula.

A simple formula when pricing for wholesale is to add up your costs (this includes labor, overhead, and supplies) and multiply by 2.

2 x (supplies + labor + overhead) = total cost to you

For retail, do the same, but multiply by 2.5 to 3 (often referred to as keystone pricing).

Below is an example of how this formula works, and of course, this can vary depending on the cost of your supplies, your hourly wage, and your overhead cost, but it will give you an example of how to apply the formula:

You make a pair of earrings and the cost of the supplies is $2; they took you 10 minutes to make and your hourly wage is $18, so that would be a labor cost of $3; overhead costs you’ve estimated to be $1:

Wholesale earring price: 2 x ($2 + $3 + $1) = $12

Retail earring price: 2.5 x $12 = $30
So, 2.5 x $160 = $400, which is a typical price for an OZ. As I said, I've felt your frustration before, but without logic and consistency, your just being a hater.


Active Member
You know I've been thinking about this, with the value of the dollar in steep decline from years past, prices relatively neutral(with small seasonal variations), common sense and the law of supply and demand say that the price of weed(corrected for inflation and currency exchange rates) has actually gone down in recent years. I know in Michigan the quality of weed has dramatically gone up, yet the prices have stayed relatively level. And most of the weed now is higher quality. It would be damn hard to find Mexican Brick right now. Prohibition keeps prices artificially inflated and promotes potentially dangerous exchanges between two people; greed and prohibition go hand in hand.
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