• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Well-Known Member
How to deal and not get caught. Dont deal. Blackmarket drugs clog the system. Distracting from the real benefits of this great plant. "Dealers belong in jail. Growers belong in thier gardens"..............
Don't be ignorant. There is no marijuana in the United States that isn't black market. All of it is illegal and punishable by imprisonment at the federal level. You are a cultivator so that makes you more justified in smoking and enjoying the wonders of this plant over someone who buys it from a "drug dealer"? Get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
Way to miss the point on black markets. Yes it's most likely more harmless than water. Does this mean th No. Weed get's sold by dealers for $400+ an ounce or whatever, that means if i stab and steal a dealers pot i can then make lots of money. dealers are the ones making it such a seemingly dangerous drug because of their blind greed. Growers are just as bad selling ounces on for ludicrous amounts under the bullshit story that it requires all the attention and energy you can possbily muster. It's a plant, water and light and it kinda grows. From current events though, it appears that even making it legal does not remove this greed factor, just look at the dispensairies, they thoguht hey, business plan, let's sell for more than the illegal dealers. That plain does not make sense. Once we get prices down however, there will not be a need for pistols and gangs and all that lot, the violent side of it that the public are aware of when it comes to "drugs"

The thread has nothing to do with the nature of the item, just about paying off bills, those are the OP;s words, payting off bills, not making a profit. So if that's the reason for the thread then it doesn't matter what the method, so long as it doesn't put anyone at risk as has also been said is the purpose of the thread. The thread is about paying bills wihtout much risk, so yes, the logic follows itself. weed pays bills, stereo's pays bills.
So you polluted a thread with your political views based on a point the OP didn't make? And your logic only consists of comparisons? 'Weed pays bills; stereo pays bills' are statements, not logical conclusions. Stealing from others to pay bills is unfair to the victim and therefore wrong <-- premise, logical operator and conclusion.

Fact is everyone who sells in the states is a criminal on some level, all dealers are technically illegitimate.


Well-Known Member
I can see how a suburbianite might find this easily Googled "information" useful but since the original poster has no actual experience in selling I would take this thread with a grain of salt.

Things like, "tell no one" is common sense, but "don't tell anyone even your wife" is simply idiotic. Nobody "deals" alone, nobody. Suggesting otherwise is simply inexperienced story telling and day dreaming by people who have too much time on their hands.


Active Member
Really its not the dealers that are the bad guys at all i dont think, its the government fault the black markets there in the first place, with their "war on drugs" its never going to go away until cannabis is fully legalised either. Even drugs on script have a black market, its the way of the world and it isnt going to change. Not saying the prices the dealers change arnt silly, because they are! £10 a gram is just rediculous! Just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Selling cannabis for stupid prices creates violence to people and communities and creates gangs. Or is selling cocain and heroin and crack a victimless crime as well? certainly in the sense that both parties consent, but those drugs are still gonna fuck up the lives of others. Hell, a dealer i know had his door kicked in and his mother ended up being tied to a kitchen chair while her sone was beat to shit infront of her, it's all fine and dandy though.
That can happen in any situation. You just don't get it.

Green Inferno

Active Member
I don't have a problem with selling or buying weed on the black market, but it kind of a "don't ask, don't tell" type of thing, especially in the internet.
I tend to shy away from Mexican schwag weed, because buying that supports the drug cartels. I rather support my local fellow American. Even if the
price is a little more. But the quality is a little better too, that makes up for it a little.


Well-Known Member
Don't be ignorant. There is no marijuana in the United States that isn't black market. All of it is illegal and punishable by imprisonment at the federal level. You are a cultivator so that makes you more justified in smoking and enjoying the wonders of this plant over someone who buys it from a "drug dealer"? Get over yourself.
Lock the Oldmerch up first............lol Sorry dude, its all about me..........:lol:


Well-Known Member
Forgot to add...

There is only one true way to never get caught selling your product.

Yes, you guessed it...don't sell!


Well-Known Member
Selling cannabis for stupid prices creates violence to people and communities and creates gangs. Or is selling cocain and heroin and crack a victimless crime as well? certainly in the sense that both parties consent, but those drugs are still gonna fuck up the lives of others. Hell, a dealer i know had his door kicked in and his mother ended up being tied to a kitchen chair while her sone was beat to shit infront of her, it's all fine and dandy though.
If we look to places where drugs are tolerated we see far less violence. Remove the prohibition and the situation improves; so it seems it is the policy and not the drugs which encourage violence. Hard drugs will almost certainly ruin a persons life, but that choice is theirs to make, not yours.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So you polluted a thread with your political views based on a point the OP didn't make? And your logic only consists of comparisons? 'Weed pays bills; stereo pays bills' are statements, not logical conclusions. Stealing from others to pay bills is unfair to the victim and therefore wrong <-- premise, logical operator and conclusion.

Fact is everyone who sells in the states in a criminal on some level, all dealers are technically illegitimate.
Ok, so we'll remove stero's from the equation, let's replace it with crack and meth. Let's advice everyone how to go around making and slinging that. Weed creates violence because of it's price which is driven by pure greed. That has nothing todo with a political viewpoint, that is just a fact. This price and profit point make the business very very lucrative. The price point is also a reason that drugs remain illegal, the high price coupled with the users desire quite often leads to crime to pay for it. Or am i just making this all up? :lol: If it was simply the prohibition on it's own, why would there be all this kafuffle in mexico right now? That would be because the prohibition allows them to sell it for whatever price they feel like, noone can complain to an authority that they got ripped off, the profit on the price they can get away charging will cause a greedy man to then kill a competitor as there is so much to be gained from it.


Well-Known Member
I love growing weed. But what I love more is mid June while spraying corn. Killing the pot plants that have trespassed on my property. I wont have to worry about anymore of my corn being knocked to make room for thier grow. I also wont have to clean up a bunch of plastic bottles, trash, stakes, string ect...before harvest in the fall. The punks not only trespass but they also disrepect the land. Keep puttin em and I will keep burning them down.......or if they look worthy I may dig a few up to grow out myself.....


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we'll remove stero's from the equation, let's replace it with crack and meth. Let's advice everyone how to go around making and slinging that. Weed creates violence because of it's price which is driven by pure greed. That has nothing todo with a political viewpoint, that is just a fact. This price and profit point make the business very very lucrative. The price point is also a reason that drugs remain illegal, the high price coupled with the users desire qwuite often leads to crime to pay for it. Or am i just akking this all up? :lol:
Let's switch it to Crack and Meth.

The Bush Sr. Administration did show the American people how to make it and how much to sell it for.

Notice the birth of privately owned prisons came in around the same time?

Either way, I disagree with this thread not only for the fact the original poster is inexperienced, but in the reality some of you live in, "teaching" people on how to "deal Marijuana" and "not get caught by the po-po" is ignorant at best.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we'll remove stero's from the equation, let's replace it with crack and meth. Let's advice everyone how to go around making and slinging that. Weed creates violence because of it's price which is driven by pure greed. That has nothing todo with a political viewpoint, that is just a fact.
Politics = policy It is policy that inflates black market prices. Otherwise, prices are determined by supply and demand. Greed is indeed a major factor, but the law supply and demand works to keep it in check. When we have screwed up policy such as with the drug war, greed is allowed to play a much bigger part. Also, part of the high prices are due to the risk involved with growing, which is a direct result of policy.


Active Member
I hear ya on that one OP about not being greedy. I was thinking of growing around 50 plants on my second grow thinking i'd be getting much more money at the end but i figured trying to conceal it would be shit loads harder than 20 plants. If your selling large quantities to a personal friend then i think it would be fine to meet them up at their house or something rather than a secret place.

Thanks for the tips though :)


Well-Known Member
a thread is going to stir up the hornets, no help for that
nothing wrong with the idea(in my opinion), but the concept is flawed, you deal and the risk of being arrested is there, you may minimize it, but not eliminate
the simplest case, someone you've sold to flips on you, swears out a statement(usually to save their own ass for some legal problem)
that's all LEO needs, the sworn statement, then the shit begins to happen
best case, you have a 'warrant proof' residence and person, they find nothing on searching
not likely, also will probably get multiple statements against you, they aren't dumb, they know how to make a case stick


Ok, so we'll remove stero's from the equation, let's replace it with crack and meth. Let's advice everyone how to go around making and slinging that. Weed creates violence because of it's price which is driven by pure greed. That has nothing todo with a political viewpoint, that is just a fact. This price and profit point make the business very very lucrative. The price point is also a reason that drugs remain illegal, the high price coupled with the users desire quite often leads to crime to pay for it. Or am i just making this all up? :lol: If it was simply the prohibition on it's own, why would there be all this kafuffle in mexico right now? That would be because the prohibition allows them to sell it for whatever price they feel like, noone can complain to an authority that they got ripped off, the profit on the price they can get away charging will cause a greedy man to then kill a competitor as there is so much to be gained from it.

You're assuming that all people that sell cannabis do so at ridiculously inflated prices. It that is the case then it is because it would seem that everybody else is selling worse shit for ridiculously inflated prices. One could be generous and sell an ounce of their highest quality herb for $250... now that other person can turn around and sell .8 - not full grams, but .8 - effectively making around thirty-five $20 sales and thus $450 off of your generosity. Even if you sold it for 350, they would be making more money than you when you grew the shit.

And I have known plenty of heroin addicts that didn't rob strangers for their fix. Some did, but most didn't.


Well-Known Member
Let's switch it to Crack and Meth.

The Bush Sr. Administration did show the American people how to make it and how much to sell it for.

Notice the birth of privately owned prisons came in around the same time?

Either way, I disagree with this thread not only for the fact the original poster is inexperienced, but in the reality some of you live in, "teaching" people on how to "deal Marijuana" and "not get caught by the po-po" is ignorant at best.
'Not get caught' is a bit of a misstatement. Avoid getting caught is accurate, but should we argue about phrasing? There are things you can do to lessen your chances. There is nothing wrong with giving advice on how to do something sensibly, but perhaps it should be stressed that no matter what your attitude or how you practice, the risk is always significant. This certainly applies to licensed medical providers as well.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Politics = policy It is policy that inflates black market prices. Otherwise, prices are determined by supply and demand. Greed is indeed a major factor, but the law supply and demand works to keep it in check. When we have screwed up policy such as with the drug war, greed is allowed to play a much bigger part. Also, part of the high prices are due to the risk involved with growing, which is a direct result of policy.
Um, look in a dictionary, politics and policy hold rather different meanings.

The law and supply and demand does sweet fuck all to regulate prices, they've done nothing but go up. i less than 2 years i've seen the price of an ounce go up by over £50. Prices most certainly are not effected by suply and demand, it's effected by what the rest of the market is selling at, a price fixing consortium if you will. A supermarket cannot team up with the other superkarket in town and sell everything with an additional $100 ontop of each item, there are laws and regulations, cannabis is illegal, there are none, it'll sell for whatever they wish to sell, and people will uy it as ther's no other alternative. Dealers who actively push at lower prices quite often recieve "visists" to encourage them notto unless they manage to stay low key and off everyones radar in which case you're probably not selling much.


Active Member
Tip we get that you are against it and that fine and dandy I do beleive what the OP was trying to convey is that for most growers we are not going to be moving large amounts of weight. If you are selling a few ounces here and there is what he was talking about. Damn dude I RESPECT the fact that you dont sell and that is AWESOME for you but to help offset the cost of MY hobby i will move a little here and there and I appreciate what the OP was trying to do now its time to dismount off your horse and chill the heck out!!!! I have learned A LOT from your post in the past but here lately you have been putting people on blast! whats up with you?


Well-Known Member
'Not get caught' is a bit of a misstatement. Avoid getting caught is accurate, but should we argue about phrasing?
I was avoiding many misused phrases in this thread but you seem to be one of the few here that want to argue about it. ;)

My statement was on topic to this thread that is titled, "How to sell and not get caught".

My original stance stays.
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