How to pass a drug test.


Active Member
I have a drug test coming up and I will fail if I pee for myself. I have a medical card but unfortanantly I don't live in cali any more and texas dors not suport the whole medical marijauna thing. What are some ways you guys personally used to pass a urine dt.


Active Member
for me the best thing I have found is synthetic urine, smoke shops sell it or you can order on line :) good luck


Active Member
fake pee is the 100%...flushing ur sys works about half the time...or if u have a clean friend that will piss in a condom for ya...jus gotta have the nuts to sneak it in...are u pissing for a job?...or the courts?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, didn't think of that... if it is for probation you're fucked on substitutes (as they watch) and better start cleansing.


Active Member
3 tomorrow?!!?..shit...if u dont have a hed shop close by ur only option is a clean friend or relation like i said..well i new a guy who followed his dog arround...wouldnt work fo me thou the pooch is a stoner too...


Well-Known Member
just get somebody thats clean to pee in a cup for you lol this oldhead i know sells clean piss for like 5 dollars a tube lol


Active Member
Alright. I got my brother to agree to come with me. He's gonna pee in a tube and I'm gonna tape it to the inside of my thigh. Hope this works. This job will be a huge step up for me. Ill let u guys kno the results


Active Member
This thread fortifies the premis of many members in your No Sex for a Week thread....I'm jus sayin

Staying on topic....don't forget tge warmth. They aren't stupid


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you're gonna have someone else piss in a tube for you beore you go in, you gotta keep it warm. Wedge it up tight in your crotch next to your balls and hope for the best, but if you want to improve your odds, get one of those "glove warmer" packs, they hold temps right above body temp. Wrap it in an activated pack RIGHT after he provides it, before it can cool... it's gotta be temp-accurate or they'll fail ya.


Active Member
I've already filled out paper work so hopefully I can get him to pee right before I go in. And they'll have me pee relitivly fast...