if you think $16/hr is a hella good job, you gotta raise your standards my man. get a decent vocational cert (journeyman lineman, CDL, Oilfield) pays way more.......anyway i know your in TX and that is prob as good as you will find down there. my minimum wage is $25/hr, when we work state jobs it's more like $40-65/hr. look into gettin a Urinator. and if you lived in the Austin area i'd check out Planet K gifts. they sell synthetic urine, just dont tell them it's for a job or a drug test cuz they wont sell it to you then. just go to any head shop and they usually sell face pee. i always have my Urinator and a bottle of Dr Green's Agent X on my person at all times while im at work. so was it a dip test or did they send it to a lab?