How to move water through pipes on flat ground?

average grow

Active Member
I picked out my spot for next year and it is conviently located abut 200ft from a creek. My qeustion is how do i get water to move through pipes to my plants? I know how to build a drip irrigation system i just dont know how to get water to move through my pipes from the creek if they pipes arent going downhill.


Active Member
bury a wicking system. dont even bother with pipes. get some porous material and bury it. put it near your plot.


Active Member
just a billage pump at wal-mart they are made for boats..i like the wicking idea though thats a new one to me.

Brick Top

New Member
If the water in the creek flows fast enough you could manufacture a cone-like collector where a lot of water would be forced into a smaller pipe and as long as you don't make a sharp bend, if you collect up-creek a ways and have more or less a straight line run to your plants, there might be enough pressure to make it go where you need it.

average grow

Active Member
the creek is very slow moving so i doubt there would be enough force but thank you...and im not lazy im just terrible at finding things online so if somebody could gie me a link to a pump that is somewhat discreet and can pump on a timer or something so that i would only have to go to my grow every 2 weeks or so


Active Member
Google "solar powered water pump" or "12volt water pumps" they have all different kinds.



Well-Known Member
Every 2 weeks. Well take a reg large enogh to hold 2+ days water. use a deep cell battery marine if you can. Go to a RV place get a 12V pump and a solar 12V charger and timer. Make sure timer is 12V. Set system up run alot of hose and canect to pump. With it running hold other end at hight of res. If water isn't flowing take a section off till you get good flow. And that is where res needs to be. Trying to keep res a few inch min. above plants. Set your system up as pump fills res. Time how long it takes. Check all fittings and go set your timer to run about half the time it took to fill res. I might also be a good idea to get a few pump bags to put around it and change every visit. Also place pump in a 5 gallon bucket weighted down with rocks. Just so your not sucking the mud off the bottom. Might have to check on it a few days a week not changing anything till your happy it will work for as long as you need it to. Happy growing


Ursus marijanus
You are probably best off rigging a tank/cistern just uphill of your grow, then manually lugging water to it every two weeks. A pump with power source will either be too heavy, too much hassle or not strong enough. Put yer back into it. ;) cn