How to last longer?

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Active Member
ikno what you mean when you have a good lookin woman to grab onto its different iget 10times more harder just build stamina dude keep pullin out soon enough you wont need to pull turn off the lights make sure your not seeing anything and dont think about it

5-10 mins for 2 months those are quickies for you she must really like you ihad a girl like that once:wall: she would do anything to keep me satisfied just take your time and pull whenever you need to build stamina


my girl bought this vibrating thing it supposed to work for both of us it wraps around your shaft and a band goes around your balls. during sex it vibrates for both's pleasure but if i have it on i just get extremely hard and it does'nt let me cum you might want to look at things available they work!!!! almost too good

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Stoney quotes herself!
When you are ready to come, your balls draw up.Cease stimulation immediately, and gently pull the balls down away from the body.You can also pull out when you get close, and just work on her for a while.Continue this, get close and back off, over and over again, and trust me, your orgasm will be explosive when you finally let go.This is something I know from experience.


Well-Known Member
When you are ready to come, your balls draw up.Cease stimulation immediately, and gently pull the balls down away from the body.You can also pull out when you get close, and just work on her for a while.Continue this, get close and back off, over and over again, and trust me, your orgasm will be explosive when you finally let go.This is something I know from experience.
a friend of mine found out about this when the girl he was kicking it with reached down and gave his nutsack a firm tug right before he finished. it worked like a charm.

chemically speaking, taking some SSRI anti-depressants should do the job to slow down orgasm. so does alcohol and small children.


Well-Known Member
Lemme know how it works.
Ty Stoney. You're a sexual genius:-P I went for 6 or 7 songs last nite. That's at least 20 minutes. I pulled out 3 times and did what u said and then kept goin. But, on the 4th try I was ready to come soon as I started again. But, we were both completely sober. So, I have hope for the future. Especially when we're both fucked up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awesome.I'm happy for you.Keep practicing, and soon she'll be throwing rocks at you to stop, lol.
Ty Stoney. You're a sexual genius:-P I went for 6 or 7 songs last nite. That's at least 20 minutes. I pulled out 3 times and did what u said and then kept goin. But, on the 4th try I was ready to come soon as I started again. But, we were both completely sober. So, I have hope for the future. Especially when we're both fucked up.


New Member
learn to pace.. when you feel it coming slow down and think about your job or something unrelated to your penis penetrating a soft supple vagina :D:D:):)

i think about drywalling if i have a hard time controlling myself. dry-walling is nice and boring :)

either that or just keep beating your dick until you have no feeling left in it,, lol


Well-Known Member
When you are ready to come, your balls draw up.Cease stimulation immediately, and gently pull the balls down away from the body.You can also pull out when you get close, and just work on her for a while.Continue this, get close and back off, over and over again, and trust me, your orgasm will be explosive when you finally let go.This is something I know from experience.
look stoney...i like you an all, but you're going to have to keep your balls outta the forum. kay?

jk...seamaiden's tits, stoney's balls...hell, i'm grabbing a bottle of baby oil and swan diving up into the pile!


Well-Known Member
and maybe dood, you may just be young. i've never been unable to last for at least ten minutes... well, there was this one chick, but that's another story... but I think as you get older you just take more time, do things right because you've killed enough clits on accident to know how to not be treating it like a lotto scratch off... and then, once you get ready to throw some bone at her, she's already ready to blow and you don't have to worry about lasting, you can just pound away cause she'll already be ready for the deep dick.

2c 4u

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I retain possession of all balls presented to me until I am done with them.:mrgreen:
look stoney...i like you an all, but you're going to have to keep your balls outta the forum. kay?

jk...seamaiden's tits, stoney's balls...hell, i'm grabbing a bottle of baby oil and swan diving up into the pile!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think it's because I don't like getting fucked around.If you wanna leave, leave, but mess around on me, and play Russian roulette with my box, and I'm gonna hurt ya.:cuss:
i think having a good man does that to women.

or...i'm just overconfident in my 'goodness'

or...i'm just dating psychos.


Well-Known Member
I think it's because I don't like getting fucked around.If you wanna leave, leave, but mess around on me, and play Russian roulette with my box, and I'm gonna hurt ya.:cuss:
aaaaaah i see. you're just psycho. :mrgreen:

it's all good. you have stated your boundaries in no uncertain terms to me and I have no doubt you've done the same with your mr. good for you. we should all be so lucky to find a woman who can speak so plainly, and with such conviction.

after flirting with katie and seeing your sick, sexi self all stern and domaneering...i think i may need to go surf some porn to find my center again...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awww...I told ya I was just playing!Man,don't be so sensitive or I'll give ya a noogie.Anyway, Yeah, I put it on the table in the beginning, like everyone should.Everyone should make it clear what they expect from the relationship, that way there are no illusions.
aaaaaah i see. you're just psycho. :mrgreen:

it's all good. you have stated your boundaries in no uncertain terms to me and I have no doubt you've done the same with your mr. good for you. we should all be so lucky to find a woman who can speak so plainly, and with such conviction.

after flirting with katie and seeing your sick, sexi self all stern and domaneering...i think i may need to go surf some porn to find my center again...


Well-Known Member
Last longer............ Practice .. Practice ,Practice.. The problem is that its "new " pussy .And your still in shock that your even getting laid nevertheless with a hot girl... Thats why you come so quick.. once you get used to that pussy you'll be able to control your dick...
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