HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

I want to start of saying I don't grow or smoke weed. I however am in the field of maintaining tropical office plants. It would be nice if a moderator could clean up this thread. Once the bullshit is filtered through alot of good info. I have tried all organic and retail chemical to kill mele bug, scale and spider mite. Nothing to date and I mean nothing works as fast and effective on all pest as this did. I also add to the mix diatomaceous earth (food grade). No harm to the plant only to the mites. I do recommend a dust mask on face and eye protection because let's face it it's pepper spray. Thanks for the help Calibuzz our success may be on different plants but the pests are the same.
So I had some pretty bad spider mites, which I'm used to just battling like usual, came across roll it up and seen some spider mite posts. Trust me guys as a commercial grower I am trying to spread the word about the chemicals used in most of these miticides. What most people don't realize is by using all this bad stuff your basically turning your buds into cigarettes.

I will attests that onyx spider mite spray is the best stuff to use, I am from the Los Angeles area and have been around watching this stuff blow up in all the hydro stores. I left a link on another post to it before it started to become a bit more popular, warning people about nasty stuff in most other products. I'd like to think I found this stuff before it's gotten all popular in this new fad, knowing some local hydro buddies. Anyhow I know you can get it on Amazon and a lot of hydro stores here on the west coast. It's a newer product and whether there paying for advertising by reviews or posts Idc, what really matters to me is that it saved my crop and is an all natural safe product that didn't affect my buds at all.

Mite Free Cheery OG (:


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And that's your right to disagree but have you ever looked at wconfirct spider mites IF you hit them with mighty wash?
They appear they've exploded and coverage is what's important.
Disagree all you want, Mighty Wash works.
Mighty wash is banned in Oregon, mighty wash contain pyrethrins which is dangerous to humans,
There are a few people on this site paid to promote products. You can tell who they are because they only promote one product, they tend to have less than 20 posts total and they ALL promote the same product. A real grower would at least have an opinion here and there on something else.



and FINALLY your list of ingrediants,, showing a positive test of mighty wash for pyrithrins,, very dangerous to use late in flower!!!
It really makes no sense to add it to mighty wash, I've seen mighty wash kills as opposed to pyrethrins and the aftermath just doesn't look the same, but pyrethrins are low risk to mammals unless in high concentration. Much higher than the amount found in the mighty wash.(16 ppm, really?)
Pyrethrins break down in 12 days or so from what I understand. They're approved to use around food such as in restaurants and processing plants.
I've used pyganic three weeks before harvest, if I feel I need to use anything else I've always resorted to mighty wash or flying skull nuke em.
There are people 0ut there applying toxic systemics late in flower due to......
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And to think people were drinking mighty wash.
Just the sheer fact they lies. To thier customer base for years and now legal weed is forcing them to change thier labels and pyrethrins are not approved for late flower
At least in Oregon
And to think people were drinking mighty wash.
Just the sheer fact they lies. To thier customer base for years and now legal weed is forcing them to change thier labels and pyrethrins are not approved for late flower
At least in Oregon
Keep in mind that in California, basically anything is know to cause cancer, including wood. Rarely does reason trump fear-mongering.
Wood dust is a chemical? And it causes cancer!?

Pyrethrins are incredibly safe and I've used them for years without issue. I do two weeks out from harvest at the closest, and give them a nice shower three days to harvest to wash any extra, plus to rinse dust and bug parts etc. Outdoors of course. And then a month of curing should ensure no live residue is left by the time it's smoked.

Why you would need something like that indoors is beyond me. Neem is all you should need. Neem and better cultural practices. I've had a few fungus gnats inside, but they came in the bag of soil. Never seen anything else inside.

EDIT: Not that it's right to not label that shit.
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Keep in mind that in California, basically anything is know to cause cancer, including wood. Rarely does reason trump fear-mongering.

Pyrethrins are incredibly safe and I've used them for years without issue. I do two weeks out from harvest at the closest, and give them a nice shower three days to harvest to wash any extra, plus to rinse dust and bug parts etc. Outdoors of course.

Why you would need something like that indoors is beyond me. Neem is all you should need. Neem and better cultural practices. I've had a few fungus gnats inside, but they came in the bag of soil. Never seen anything else inside.
I've heard of long time neem thumpers stating they "would never use that shit again" due to some thing or another. Never used it myself and consider the active ingredient much more affective.
Well I'd actually rather use pyrethrins in flower than Neem. Neem seems to destroy stigmas, and smells like shit, and lasts so damned long. Great in Veg though, and like I said, with good cultural practices, if you can get to flower without mites, there's no reason, indoors, you should be getting mites by that point. Remove shoes, change clothes, wash hands. Clean room style. Cultural practices.

Actice ingredient? You mean the soap part? Yeah, maybe, but I had the best luck with RoseRx or something like that, with Neem. You know how that shit goes, personal experience etc.

Whatever works! These days, I use mostly nothing.
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Why not just go with something that is all natural, I've been growing for many years on a commercial level and I'm here to help, I've always made my own insecticidle soap with oils that kill bugs and mites, using all natural products makes your buds better and won't affect in late flower. I believe some time this year onyx organics came out with a spider mite/ bug/ pm spray which I've tested out, and it works wonders. Unfortuneately it's like the same shit I've been making myself for years, not exactly but almost the same. Lol I shoulda bottled my idea a long time ago, at least now I don't have to put my own shit together.


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And to think people were drinking mighty wash.
Just the sheer fact they lies. To thier customer base for years and now legal weed is forcing them to change thier labels and pyrethrins are not approved for late flower
At least in Oregon
Damn! Thanks Fox. Mighty Wash is OFF my list.
I'm just going to continue my rotation of neem, pepper s pray and an herbal mixture of rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint and thyme oils. Interesting that these herbs contain many of the same terpenes as cannabis. Who has studied that connection?

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And while pyrethrum is part of the discussion. Yes. it's organic and yes it's toxic. Like hemlock. So, use your noggin' and be safe.
It's also very easy to grow. A member of the mum family. If a situation is dire, for grow spaces (not plants) , I use a tbsp of dried, pulverized flowers to I quart of hot distilled water, not boiling but steaming hot. Let it steep and cool to just above room temp. Mask up and spray the hell out of the room.
If I have seriously infested plants in veg I'll use 1/3 that strength (1 tsp) and the same method of steeping. Then I spray. 24 hours later I spray again with coconut water and aloe to give the girls a wash and a treat.
An update for anyone interested, have used 2x applications of the pepper spray. It definitely kills mites looked at the underside of leaves with a 40x lighted scope. Looks like it blew them apart saw tons of dead mites, though I did find a single live one. Picked up a fogmaster Jr fogger for the rest of the applications for better coverage. Only 1 week into flower, so I will be spraying every other day for at least another 2 weeks or as long as needed. Also looking into predator mites to be safe after the spraying is completed.
Im lucky I love peppers and eat very hot food often did not seem to bother me for more than 5 min after application, though my ungloved hands did heat up for hours. :P