USA. i can get a larger sprayer. dont have silica but i think i can get it at a Natural Grocers near me. Im all ears
how long do predatorymites take approximately?
2 weeks to get predator mites to work. They want a narrow band of humidity and temp too.
Okay this is from the Al Bundy guy whitebb2727 but I have used this too closer to harvest in flower.
1. Spinosad by itself. 2 tblspoons per gallon of water. Made by either Bonide as Dr Jacks Dead Bug BRew or Monterey also sells it. Home Depot sells the spray but I like the concentrate with a 1 gallon sprayer.
(see spraying instructions in #2)
Spinosad can also be added to your water (see bottle instructions) when you water the plant. So you can do both.
2. Fels Naptha soap - sold in any grocery store or Wal Mart under detergent aisle a big bar of soap $1.19. Get a cheese grater at the dollar store and 2 quart plastic jars at dollar store. Grate about 1 inch of the soap into jar. Add hot water. Maybe microwave. Let cool and shake. Take about two tablespoons to 1 gallon sprayer and spray undersides of leaves and they the entire plant.

3. Combine #1 and #2. Al Bundy guy has recommended spraying both alone or mixing the two.
4. I tried this version too. Most growers use Silica. It makes the plants tougher and protects them from mites too. You can water in during veg and flower. You can also spray as a foliar spray up to 3-4 weeks into flower. 10 ml per gallon. IF you only use 1/2 gallon of water use 5 ml of Silica. Sold at grow stores as Silica Blast and other brands.
4a. In Veg use Neem oil, Silica Blast and Liquid Aloe or Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap (liquid). Per gallon of water about 1.5 to 2 tbls spoons of Neem oil, 10 ml or 1.5 tblspoons of Silica and 2 tblspoons of liquid Aloe or 2 tblspoons of bronners soap.
4b. In Flower use 2 tblspoons of Spinosad, probably 5 to 7 ml of Silica and 2 tbls spoons of liquid aloe or 2 tbls of Bronners Peppermint soap..
You can buy Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap in any drug store, grocery store, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC. It has Peppermint oil and Hemp oil which can kill mites. They hate Peppermint too.
I would spray then let it sit for 45 minutes then turn on the fans.
If you are 4 weeks plus into flower, let it sit on the plants for about 4.5 to 5 hours then rinse off with water in sprayer. Turn fans on to dry before lights come back on.